Heroku supports Rack and Rack-based web frameworks like Sinatra, Ramaze, and Camping. To run a Rack-based app, include a Gemfile, as well as a rackup file named config.ru in the app’s root directory. The config.ru file convention has become couire changes to deploy to Heroku. Pure Rack apps First, ite a
> gem install emfile in the root of your app specifying what gems are required to run it: source "https://rubygems.org" gem 'sinatra', '4.0' Add this file to the git repository since it’s part of the app. Also add the .itignore file. After adding the Gemfile, it makes it easy for other developers to get their environment ready to run the app:
イギリスのSiri声優、Siriの声のことは秘密してくれとAppleから頼まれる2011.11.15 11:00 君がSiriだと言う事は秘密にしてくれ! イギリスでナレーションや音声ガイダンスの声優をしているイギリスのとある男性、iPhone 4S発売後にテレビでSiriのデモを見るまで、(イギリス版の)Siriが自分の声だとは知りませんでした。Siriませんでした! 声優の名前はジョン・ブリッグス(Jon Briggs)。Siriが自分の声だと気づいたその後、AppleのPR担当者より電話がかかってきて彼がSiriの声を担当したということは秘密にしてほしいと頼まれました。Siriの声担当も何も、本人は自分の声が使用されているとは全く知りませんでした。過去6年間もの間、数回にわたって録音されSiriに使用されている彼の話すフレーズは5000以上。Appleはエージェンシーからこの音声を買
For five years Exoscale has been building a public cloud offering that has grown to include compute, object storage and other services that help SaaS businesiting next step: the cloudControl team, technojoining Exoscale to build a richer range of cloud services for SaaS operators. Who is cloudControl? I co-founded cloud
We are a leading agency providing premium solutions in the area of design and development of mobile apps, custom websites and custom software. When getting a mobile app developed with us, unlike many other app development companies we provide a comprehensive service. You can expect a team of specialised stratepment project. W
By signing on to this system you are agreeing to follow the stated security policy. This is a Government computer system and is intended for official and other authorized use only. Unauthorized access or use of the system may subject violators to administrative action, civil, and/or criminal pitle 18 USC 1030). All info on this computer system may be monitored,
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