Papers by Journal of Applied Linguistics and Applied Literature Dynamics and Advances

Colonialism has been practiced by many countries in the last centuries or so. The kind of relatio... more Colonialism has been practiced by many countries in the last centuries or so. The kind of relationship between the colonizers and the colonized has had mutual effects on the culture, identity, and many more aspects of the two countries. This paper deals with the concept of colonialism from both inner and outer views regarding Harold Pinters Caretaker and Chinua Achebes No Longer at Ease with some references to Bhabhis ideas, respectively. Basing its method on content and text analysis, it reveals that the kind of colonialism going on regarding human attitudes, identity, and individual independence between Nigeria and England which is indicated by Achebe, on the one hand, as an example of outer colonialism, may be the inspiration for a paragon of inner colonialism in England portrayed in Pinters work, on the other hand. The novelty of the papers illustration of the theme would be promising for further analysis and search.

The present study investigated the effect of extensive and intensive listening on the accuracy of... more The present study investigated the effect of extensive and intensive listening on the accuracy of tense use among EFL learners in Iran. It was based on pre-test, post-test with intact classes. According to the purpose of the study, a sample (n = 60) of homogeneous participants were selected. From among the 6 intact classes, one experimental group (n = 19, 9 male and 10 female participants) was identified to take intensive listening method as treatment, another experimental group (n = 20, 12 male and 8 female participants) was identified to take extensive listening as a treatment, and a control group (n = 21, 9 male and 12 female participants) was identified in order not to take intensive listening or extensive listening activities. All groups of the study were given pre-test of verb tense usage in order to measure their grammatical knowledge in verb tense prior to the treatments of the study. After finishing twenty five sessions of treatments for all groups, a post-test including verb tense was given to the participants. The data gathered from the study were compared through SPSS. It was found that extensive listening and intensive listening had positive effects on the accuracy of tense use among EFL learners in Iran. In addition, it was found that none of intensive listening group and extensive listening group outperformed each other and there was not any significant difference between these two groups performances.

The study of drama is one of the most interesting, thought-provoking, and pleasing experiences in... more The study of drama is one of the most interesting, thought-provoking, and pleasing experiences in the field of English literature, but it seems there are some reasons why it may not look like to be so for some of the students of drama in the context of Iranian universities. It seems, first of all, there are some plays which appear baffling when students read them for the first time; secondly, some of expert university teachers follow their fixed sanctified method of drama teaching when they encounter so dissimilar plays. This paper explores innovative and resourceful teaching methods for teaching of drama in the context of Iranian universities. The purpose of this paper is to provide drama teachers with ideas and suggestions for responding to any classic, modern, and postmodern plays that they might encounter as part of the course at university. The present research paper gains significance as the findings may shed more light on groundbreaking and ingenious teaching methods for teaching of drama in the context of Iranian universities.

In the field of multimedia translation, one of the trickiest challenges relates to translation of... more In the field of multimedia translation, one of the trickiest challenges relates to translation of children's cartoons. Animated cartoons may appear puerile but they can play an essential role in child's mental and emotional development and education. Dubbing and subtitling are the main modes of animated cartoon translations. Each of them interferes into the original version to some extent in order to make it sound natural, educational and entertaining to the target audience. With the use of descriptive method, the present study investigates the translation of twelve animated cartoon titles from English into Persian in 1980s to early 2000s and compares them in terms of factual beliefs and evaluative beliefs which are proposed by van Dijk (1998). While the former refers to the shared knowledge of the society, the latter is concerned with judgments and values, which constitute ideologies. When a factual belief from source society is replaced by an evaluative belief or opinion in target society, it can be considered as a false factual belief. The results demonstrated that in translation of animated cartoons titles, Iranian translators frequently preferred free translation since they changed factual beliefs to false one or replaced them by evaluative ideologies. The effects of such changes on children are inevitable.

The purpose of this study was to elicit lived images about English learning from male and female ... more The purpose of this study was to elicit lived images about English learning from male and female Iranian English language learners. Ninety male and 210 female language learners from Iranian universities and language institutes chose from an inventory of images and provided own images. The 781 valid responses by males and 1903 valid responses by females were listed as images. The researcher examined the images and slightly summarized them under more generic labels. The number and percentages of males and females who offered each image were tabulated. The images by each gender were also arranged in descending order and their rank differences were calculated. The examination of the types of images and the frequencies of participants who chose or provided them offer patterns which reveal their conceptual models and lessons which can be of value to language teaching practitioners. Some of these patterns and insights are briefly discussed but many are left to the judgment, deliberation, and reflection and practical wisdom of the readers.

By the force of our social constructivist gyrations, we have developed glimpses of a social, cult... more By the force of our social constructivist gyrations, we have developed glimpses of a social, cultural, and historical dimension in which the discourse of science operates. These glimpses indicate to us how much the discourse of science is part of complex webs of humans social interaction. Recognizing this social, cultural, and historical nature, the present paper looks at the way informal elements are penetrating into the discourse of science. Working on a corpus of scientific journal articles, scientific magazine articles, and scientific newspaper articles, the present article shows that regardless of their generic qualities, communicative purposes and the target audience, all scientific texts included in the three corpora are vulnerable to the penetration of informal elements. However, the differences in terms of communicative purposes and target audiences affect the way informal elements are distributed in the three corpora. Providing a deeper sociolinguistic explanation on the observed variations, the paper is concluded with some implications of the findings for ESP pedagogy.

Learning the third language is one of the issues that has attracted much attention in recent year... more Learning the third language is one of the issues that has attracted much attention in recent years. In this research, the influence of Persian language as a mother tongue and English as a second language on the correct orthography of French as a third language is studied. This study investigates three hypotheses of transfer, L1 Transfer Hypothesis, L2 Status Factor, and Cumulative Enhancement Model. We examined the role of voice and text in correct orthography of the third language. This study accounts for the acquisition of coda consonant clusters of French by Persian EFL learners. Twenty-two participants of two levels of pre-and upper-intermediate of English proficiency and beginner level French proficiency were selected. In this study, first we measured the level of learners English knowledge by the Oxford Quick Placement Test and then we studied the effectiveness of the first and second languages on the third language learning by the Production test, and the Grammatically Judgment Test. The results of the transfer effect provided a major role for the CEM. The overall results of the two groups performance were not significant, which in turn reflected the fact that L2 proficiency had no effect on the acquisition of French orthography.

The basic assumption in applied linguistics is that the expert disciplinary study of linguistics ... more The basic assumption in applied linguistics is that the expert disciplinary study of linguistics can yield insights which can be applied to an understanding of how language is actually experienced, and so provide a principled basis for intervention by proposing ways of resolving the problems that peoples experience in using and learning language gives rise to. But the validity of this assumption depends on how is expertise in linguistics to be defined, and how far, as it has been conventionally practiced, can it claim to account for the reality of how individuals experience language? What, for example, does it tell us, and not tell us, about how users and learners think and feel about their own and other peoples language, and what effect their attitude has on their using and learning? These are crucial questions about the scope of linguistics and its applied linguistic relevance since they have an immediate and urgent bearing on the problematic issues that applied linguistics would claim to address of how communication is enacted across different lingua-cultural and ideological borders in a globalized world. Since this global communication is predominantly mediated by the expedient use of English as a lingua franca, it raises the applied linguistic question that this talk will be centrally concerned with of what pedagogic implications this has for how English is conventionally taught as a foreign language subject.
Tehran, and then managed a small British Council curriculum unit in Ahwaz. After completing his m... more Tehran, and then managed a small British Council curriculum unit in Ahwaz. After completing his masters degree in Applied Linguistics at Lancaster University, he set up educational projects in Syria and Egypt between 1980 and 1990, which provided the experience of the global politics of English and the ethnographic material that informed his PhD thesis at Lancaster University in 1991. Professor Holliday supervises PhD students in critical qualitative studies in the sociology and cultural politics of English language education and intercultural communication, where he has published widely including

(نویسند ة مسئول)، ، تبریز ، ایران. بازنشسته استاد تبریز دانشگاه azabdaftari@iau... more (نویسند ة مسئول)، ، تبریز ، ایران. بازنشسته استاد تبریز دانشگاه [email protected] چکیده نام زبان، مطالعات تاریخ در لئو چامسکی، نوآم همچون آورانی می چشم به هالیدی مایکل و گاردنر هوارد ویگاتسکی، که خورند واسط به ۀ جامع حوزه، این به نوین مفاهیم معرفی ۀ می آنان مرهون را خود زبانشناسی علمی آثار و افکار میان این در داند. ا بسیاری که است داشته کاربردی زبانشناسی مباحث در عظیمی تاثیر چنان ویدسون هنری پروفسور ز را ایشان صاحبنظران به نموده قلمداد انگلیسی زبان آموزش علم پدر عنوان مقال در اند. ۀ هنری پروفسور سخنرانی و حضور مناسبت به که حاضر اردبیبهشت در ویدسون 7931 می تالش نویسنده است، شده نگاشته آذربایجان مدنی شهید دانشگاه در انعکاس ضمن تا کند افکار از کلی تصویری چهر این ارزنده آثار بر اجمالی مروری ویدسون، دکتر ۀ حول انگلیسی زبان آموزش علم ماندگار نماید: ارائه زیر محورهای 7 حرفه و تربیتی ابعاد . انگلیسی زبان آموزش ای 2 زبانشناسی کاربرد و کاربردی زبانشناسی . 9 ویژه اهداف برای انگلیسی درسی مطالب در اصالت . 4 وضعی تحلیل . مورد وضعیت و موجود ت زبان فراگیران یادگیری نیازهای خصوص در انتظار 5 شهودگرایانه تاویل و زبانشناختی اصول .

It is widely acknowledged that emotion is deeply embedded in literary criticism. Even when we asp... more It is widely acknowledged that emotion is deeply embedded in literary criticism. Even when we aspire to scientific analysis and objectivity, we assume that we share a love of literature. Loving Literature is a deep and fascinating exploration of this important assumption. Literary critics and professors of literature are expected not only to know but also to love their work. In the case of professors, they are also historical origins of such expectations, and discusses their implications for readers, students and professors. Lynch does not assume that love is necessarily a healthy emotion: it can also be painful. Readers and literary critics forget this at their peril. To understand the role of love in literature, Lynch argues that it is necessary to study the eighteenth century and its ongoing discussions of literary history and the canon. The eighteenth century marked the beginning of English as an academic discipline. Lynch examines not only what early critics knew about literature but also how they felt about it. Only when we know this can we understand how literary studies evolved to its present form. From the eighteenth century, books were closely bound up with the identities of their authors. This gave rise to the all-Lynch raises the question of whether it is important to love authors as people. Books, she concludes, and our attachment to them, have exercised considerable influence on our private lives. This influence has an historical context: our perception of books as objects of affection goes back to eighteenth-and nineteenth-century publishing practices, reading habits and even domestic history. Reading, Lynch demonstrates, is very much a private affair. It can also be a possessive one, as in the case of the book collector. Our passion for books is often a long-term commitment, one that may continue even after the initial passion has declined. How is this possible? Lynch addresses this question in six chapters:-Steady:

The aim of this article was to examine three advanced textbooks in Iran Language Institute (ILI) ... more The aim of this article was to examine three advanced textbooks in Iran Language Institute (ILI) in an attempt to establish if they differed in the extent to which they distribution of references of cultural category, and also what themes predominated. The analysis identified just the cultural elements, and culturefree linguistic items were not counted. The statistical analysis suggested that the dominant culture category was the target culture with the least attention given to source culture. It was also found out that although the occurrences dimension in advanced textbooks 2 & 3 were slightly higher than those of big there was a wide gap between two dimensions in advanced textbook 1 which tended highly to lack of consistency in the occurrences of considerable lack of source information and imbalanced representation of cultural themes might not be sufficient to flourish communication competence (ICC) and thus might make intercultural communication difficult for them.

The short-term in-service EFL teacher education programs are assumed to be of crucial importance ... more The short-term in-service EFL teacher education programs are assumed to be of crucial importance in upgrading teachers methodologies and gearing their teaching more closely to the students needs. Therefore, a dynamic in-service program for EFL teachers is needed to keep abreast of the time. The present study aims to investigate the role of experience in EFL teachers satisfaction of the in-service teacher education programs in Zanjan city. 200 EFL teachers from Zanjan province (Districts 1 & 2) participated in this study. The data were collected through the Course-evaluation questionnaire with five-level Likert scale. The results were analyzed through both descriptive and inferential statistics. The findings showed that there is a significant difference between teachers experience and their satisfaction of in-service programs. Thus, novice teachers and experienced teachers have different expectations of the in-service teacher education programs. This production of significant difference about the relationship between the EFL teachers experience and their satisfaction of the in-service teacher education programs can contribute to different perceptions of the teachers on the relationship between the EFL teachers experience and their satisfaction of the in-service teacher education programs.

The field of Applied Literature is concerned with the practical usages of literature, including t... more The field of Applied Literature is concerned with the practical usages of literature, including the potentials of literature to empower and transform individuals. Jungian criticism, with its suggestions of the possibility of individuation and self-actualization in individuals, has been an important source for scholars in the field of Applied Literature for healing. Still, the traditional Jungian approach to literature has been criticized in recent years, especially due to its apparent universalist assumptions and its insensitivity to context-specific issues in texts. For the same reason, New Jungian critics have been recently exploring the possibilities of reconciling Jungian concepts with more context-oriented literary theories. This paper, then, in accordance with this new trend, attempts to do a New Jungian reading of a contemporary postcolonial novel, Sweetness in the Belly, by Camilla Gibb , as a case study, to investigate the potentials within this approach of extension of Jungian ideas and dialogue with other more modern literary theories after poststructuralism. The research benefits from the views of New Jungian critics as well as the theories in relation to the identity issues of migrants. The paper is concluded with the proposition that, as the exploration of this novel testifies, the New Jungian approach as well as the contemporary fiction of identity construction can prove as valid resources for Applied Literature for healing.

The central theme of Ta'ziyeh, as one of the Islamic tragic drama and folk theater, in one of the... more The central theme of Ta'ziyeh, as one of the Islamic tragic drama and folk theater, in one of the major denominations of Islam (the Shia) is a representation of the siege and massacres of Karbala. This study investigated Ta'ziyeh (alternatively Ta'zïye, Tazīa, Ta'zīya) and its discourse, a form of declamation. The data were collected from library resources (e.g. books, electronic resources) and observation. The data were analyzed based on Gee's discourse and society model. The study confirmed that Ta'zieh was the most important tragedy in Shiism. The discourse used in Ta'ziyeh, contrary to the Western variations, appeared to be a more spiritual practice than a dramatic genre. Furthermore, the role of Ta'ziyeh writers and performers was explored as agents who have distributed the accounts of the Karbala battle for generations in Iran. The findings, from a global perspective, might emphasize how diverse a culture's perceptions of religion and its related rituals could be and how a language variety (e.g. declamation) could help frame such perceptions in dramatic genre. The findings could also guide the categories that multi-cultural studies of tragedies may take into account.

The last thirty five years have created a challenging situation for Iran and its people: on the o... more The last thirty five years have created a challenging situation for Iran and its people: on the one hand, the discriminatory British and American policies towards the country have given rise to considerable bitterness; on the other, we continue to teach both British and American English. If Iranian people wish to play a more active role internationally, it is time to review our English language teaching policy, practices, and pedagogy. There are many different approaches such as EIL (English as an International Language), WE (World Englishes) and ELF (English as a Lingua Franca), which have challenged the superiority of such notions as 'the Queen's English', 'Received pronunciation', or 'General American'. By adopting any one of the three approaches, we can align both our teachers and our English language teaching system with the new trends in thinking and teaching. The focus of the present paper is on ELF. It is a relatively new trend, which originated in Finland in 2008 and has spread to many European and Asian countries. Increasingly, the younger generation, irrespective of country, is interested in developing social and cultural relations with other parts of the world. ELF thus deserves a more prominent position in the Iranian educational system. This paper addresses six important principles of ELF. These are based on Kirkpatrik (The Pedagogy of English as an International Language, 2014). The paper discusses their relevance and potential in relation to the present cultural and teaching situation in Iran, focusing on the position of the native speaker and the importance of mutual intelligibility, intercultural competence, the importance of training local multilinguals, the value of lingua franca contexts as learning environments, the difference between spoken and written English, and the adaptation to the Iranian context of assessment procedures. Our paper ends with a brief discussion of the implications for pedagogical practice of the use of the Internet, including the use of blogs, in the ELF classroom.

This paper unearths the contribution of lexical cohesion to the textuality and overall meaning of... more This paper unearths the contribution of lexical cohesion to the textuality and overall meaning of Malcolm X's speech 'The Ballot or the Bullet'. Drawing on Halliday and Hasan's (1976) and Hoey's (1991) theory of cohesion, specifically lexical cohesion, whose main thrust is the role of lexical items in not only contributing to meaning but also serving as cohesive ties, the paper discusses how Malcolm employs words in serving a dual role of contributing to meaning by serving as cohesive ties and their literary use for an aesthetic touch to his 'The Ballot or the Bullet'. Discussions show that Malcolm X employs both simple and complex lexical structures to achieve cohesion in 'The Ballot or the Bullet'. The same lexical structures espouse the literary device of repetition, for emphasis and rhythm. Malcolm, therefore, combines linguistic and literary phenomena by his employment of lexical items in not only conveying meaning or passing information to his audience but also doing that with artistic beauty.
Papers by Journal of Applied Linguistics and Applied Literature Dynamics and Advances