Papers by Laila Lagermann
Aarhus University Press eBooks, Mar 15, 2021
Paideia, Nov 1, 2018
Denne artikel handler om skolen som mulighedsrum for elever med etnisk minoritetsbaggrund set fra... more Denne artikel handler om skolen som mulighedsrum for elever med etnisk minoritetsbaggrund set fra et perspektiv af levet (elev)liv: Hvad er elevernes muligheder og begraensninger for at deltage i det, der foregår i skolen? Artiklen bidrager til forståelser af disse elevers (med)laering og tilblivelsesmuligheder samt med forståelser af laerer-elev-relationens betydning for udvidelser/ begraensninger af elevernes handlerum i skolen. Denne artikel tager afsaet i min ph.d.-afhandling (Lagermann, 2014) og min bog Det ved vi om børn, unge og etnicitet i skolen (Lagermann, 2017), som også er udkommet på norsk (Lagermann, 2018). Siden offentliggørelsen af de første PISA-resultater i 2000 har Danmark haft et øget fokus på det, der betegnes som elever med ikke-vestlig baggrund 1 , også ofte omtalt som elever med etnisk minoritetsbaggrund 2 , og diskussionerne i krydsfeltet mellem skole, laering og etnicitet er mange. Igennem de seneste 17 år har diskussionerne i Danmark således hand-1 Vestlige lande refererer ifølge Danmarks Statistik (2012) til:
International Journal on School Disaffection
NORA - Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research, 2015
Outlines. Critical Practice Studies, 2015
In what ways is students’ participation in school related to their participation and becoming sub... more In what ways is students’ participation in school related to their participation and becoming subjects across the school context and other contexts in which they participate? This is the question analyzed in this paper, based on observations of, and narratives and perspectives provided by, three 15-year-old ethnic minority boys and their teachers at a school in Denmark. Drawing upon Davies’ concept of teaching-as-usual, I explore exclusions and marginalization inside school before exploring how these can be seen as connected to, and seemingly having an impact on, the lives the students lead outside school, with an understanding of this connection rooted in Holzkamp’s (2013) concept of conduct of everyday life . In this regard, I make use of concepts of recognition (Honneth, 1995 (1992)) and viable life (Butler, 2004) in order to point to how a lack of such within the school tends to drive the students away from the school context, while simultaneously driving them towards other cont...
Qualitative Research
In this article, we discuss issues that are rarely (if ever) talked about in research: experience... more In this article, we discuss issues that are rarely (if ever) talked about in research: experiences of deep insight and inspiration, of meaning-making, of embodied passion and of excitement related to the practice of engaging in qualitative research and of being a qualitative researcher. These are the ‘aha’ moments or ‘eureka’ experiences. Drawing on Frigga Haug’s collective memory work, five individual memories were articulated as text and analysed collectively over a period of six months. By analytically deploying the concept of generativity, we portray the tensions, dynamics and interactions that (co)create aha moments and movements as a way of enacting situated research(er) agency and of challenging the neoliberal instrumentalization of research and researchers. Our aim is to contribute to visualizing and fostering small but powerful steps in innovative, good quality research and bringing desire and passion (back) into research practice.
NORA - Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research, 2015
International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 2014
– gennem marginalisering og overskridende laering fra et perspektiv af levet (unge)liv Forfattere... more – gennem marginalisering og overskridende laering fra et perspektiv af levet (unge)liv Forfatterens undersøgelse af marginaliseret og overskridende laering og giver et indblik i udvalgte unges identitetsskabelse og sociale selvforståelse. Det handler om unges kampe for at blive en del af, snarere end imod det, der foregår i skolen. Analyserne viser, med udgangspunkt i de unges perspekti-ver på og fortaellinger om deres liv i og på tvaers af skole og fritid, peger på, hvordan unges oppositionelle deltagelse og handlinger peger på vigtige samfundskritiker. Forfatteren peger på det potentiale for overskridende laering, der ligger i at inddrage de unge som en del af løsningen snarere end blot som en del af problemet. Af: Laila Colding Lagermann
In what ways is students' participation in school related to their participation and becoming sub... more In what ways is students' participation in school related to their participation and becoming subjects across the school context and other contexts in which they participate? This is the question analyzed in this paper, based on observations of, and narratives and perspectives provided by, three 15-year-old ethnic minority boys and their teachers at a school in Denmark. Drawing upon Davies' concept of teaching-as-usual, I explore exclusions and marginalization inside school before exploring how these can be seen as connected to, and seemingly having an impact on, the lives the students lead outside school, with an understanding of this connection rooted in Holzkamp's (2013) concept of conduct of everyday life. In this regard, I make use of concepts of recognition (Honneth, 1995 (1992)) and viable life (Butler, 2004) in order to point to how a lack of such within the school tends to drive the students away from the school context, while simultaneously driving them towards other contexts outside school, with gang related street communities (Mørck, et al., 2013) being a particularly potential one.
What are the possibilities and/or limitations for becoming subjects differenciated from previous ... more What are the possibilities and/or limitations for becoming subjects differenciated from previous categorizations, such as "troublemaker", to which certain students are subjected? This is the question analyzed in this paper, based on observations of, and narratives and perspectives of, two 15-year-old ethnic minority boys at a school in Denmark. Drawing on the work of Deleuze and Guattari and their concepts of "smooth" and "striated" spaces, I explore spaces where energies are mobilized through ongoing generated and created relations, and how spaces where this does not seem possible, tend to trap and thereby limit the person being categorized. Through the analyses, I will show how repetitive, limiting categorizations in and over time tend to "stick" to the boys being categorized, and how the sticky categorizations obstruct their future possibilities for change and viable lives within the school.
Hvordan går det til, at Mounir, der ad flere omgange har vaeret udsluset til specialtilbud og har... more Hvordan går det til, at Mounir, der ad flere omgange har vaeret udsluset til specialtilbud og har haengt på gaden i faellesskaber, hvor det at haerge biler og lave haervaerk var noget, der gav credit, i dag er i gang med at faerdiggøre 3. g som en af de bedste i sin klasse? Er det Mounir, der er gjort af et saerligt mønsterbryder-"stof"? Skyldes det hans foraeldre, der altid har opmuntret og støttet Mounir til at tage en uddannelse? Er det på grund af måden, Mounir klaeder sig på? Eller er det snarere på grund af forskellige støttende laerere, både i folkeskolen og i specialtilbuddene dengang i 1.-2. og igen i 6.-7. klasse? Indevaerende artikel foreslår med Mounirs egen metafor om gamet, hvordan dette game kan forstås som et sammensurium af mange forskellige kraefter. Analyserne peger på nogle af de kraefter, der blander sig og vaever sig ind i hinanden, og på hvordan disse kan forstås som medproducerende for Mounirs saerlige og forandrende tilblivelsesprocesser.
Papers by Laila Lagermann