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This may contain: a man sitting on top of a kitchen counter next to a white refrigerator freezer
Working on these 3 balance moves could save your life!
Follow along as I instruct on 3 balance to help combat the aches and pains of aging! #seniorfitness #aging #balance #fitness #fitnessmotivation #exercises #noequipmentworkout #homeworkout
The Perfect Start for Practising Balance and Hip Mobility | Restore to Explore: High Knee Balance
The Perfect Start for Practising Balance and Hip Mobility | Restore to E...
Improve Balance & Stability For Everyday Life | Start with this Easy Foot Ankle Rocks Drill
Improve Balance & Stability For Everyday Life | Start with this Easy Foo...
5 Minute Bunion Routine | 3 Essential Exercises
5 Minute Bunion Routine | 3 Essential Exercises
10 Minute Non-Sleep Deep Rest (NSDR) to Restore Mental & Physical Energy | Dr. Andrew Huberman
10 Minute Non-Sleep Deep Rest (NSDR) to Restore Mental & Physical Energy | Dr. Andrew Huberman
Gait Happens on Instagram: "The glutes are in charge when the foot is on the ground. Glute Max is a contoller of torque. It helps to decelerate and control motion at heel strike. Often are clients will try to ‘engage’ their glutes as they are pushing off and we advise against this. It alters what should happen in the walking gait cycle. 1. Stay stacked with the ribcage over the pelvis. 2. Bridge forward, pause 3. Slowly go BACK into the V position (maintaining the stack) 4. Hover above the ground 5. Bridge forward again Progressions: 1. Lift arm and leg 2. Add in rotational stability for HIP and SHOULDER 3 sets, 6-8 reps. This is great for movemet prep also! Enjoy! #gaithappens #gaitassessment #hipstrength #footstrength"
Neural Glides for Ulnar, Median & Radial Nerves - Ask Doctor Jo
Neural Glides for Ulnar, Median & Radial Nerves - Ask Doctor Jo
Kaylee Kuzma, PT, DPT on Instagram: "✨As a physical therapist, the most common area of weakness I see in runners is the hips! Weak hips can lead to low back pain, hip pain, knee pain, and foot/ankle pain. Here are a few of my favorite exercises to improve hip strength and stability! ⬇️ 1. Banded lateral stepping 2. Banded monster walking 3. Modified side plank hip abduction 4. Captain Morgan’s 5. Hip hikes 📌Save this and follow me for more fitness & rehab tips! 😊"
Don't Go In the Pain Cave | Feat. Kelly Starrett | Ep. 2 | MobilityWOD
Don't Go In the Pain Cave | Feat. Kelly Starrett | Ep. 2 | MobilityWOD
Back Pain | Neck Pain | Rehab on Instagram: "If you are experiencing shoulder pain, it’s important to build strength in the muscles around your shoulder blades. These muscles often get stretched out and weak because of sitting too much, hunching over a computer or phone, and just having poor posture. This exercise is a great option because you can do it at home with equipment that most people have available! Try doing 2-3 sets of 8-10 to start. It’s also important to include other exercises that strengthen the back of the shoulder and to progress the exercises to build strength! —————— Tag someone who needs to see this ❤️ —————— Great post by stephanieridgwaydpt —————— —————— ⚠️ Disclaimer- this summary is for educational purposes only and should not substitute medical advice. —
Backpain on Instagram: "7️⃣ Exercises for pain and hip joint prevention. Save this post Follow @backpain_break 👈 1️⃣ Swing. We take the leg in our hands, the back should be straight, and swing the leg to the right and left 2️⃣ Bends to the side so that the shoulder touches the knee. 3️⃣ We stand with one foot on the block, and raise and lower the other leg in parallel. 4️⃣ Strengthen the joints and muscles of the core. Hold the block between your legs and turn your legs to the right and left. The knees are always above the floor. 5️⃣ We walk with our buttocks on the floor, legs should be straight. With this exercise, we mobilize and strengthen the joints. 6️⃣ Strengthen the joints and muscles of the core. We keep our knees together and rotate them in different directions, the butt
Mobility Tips Posted Every Day! on Instagram: "Are you struggling with squats? 💪 Try these 7 alternative exercises to build lower body strength and stability without the heavy lifting! 🚀 ⭐️ Heels Squat Slide Wall ⭐️ Heel pads ⭐️ Double Heel Lift Sit against Wall ⭐️ Clamshell Sit against Wall ⭐️ Alternate Leg Kick Sit against Wall ⭐️ Alternate Knee Cross Over Sit against Wall ⭐️ Alternate Ankle Tap Under Sit against Wall —————— CHECK OUT BIO LINK 🔗 for: 📖 Full-Body Mobility Program💥 —————— Tag someone who needs to see this ❤️ —————— Great post by @themobilitymanual —————— #ptvitals #kneepainaid #jointhealth #mobilitytraining #exercisetips #movementismedicine #functionalmovement #kneepain #kneepainrelief #kneepainexercises #kneeexercises #kneemobility #FitnessTips #LegDay #N