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9 votes

Who created the design of the Ubuntu logo?

Basically Mark Shuttleworth. These where some of the early versions though (that led up to the currect one): In 2008 Canonical design team, Ubuntu art team and people from all the big official ...
Rinzwind's user avatar
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7 votes

How to remove/change ubuntu logo in the loging page (Ubuntu 19.04)

the logo is from the package plymouth the file is located at /usr/share/plymouth/ubuntu-logo.png you can change this Image to your wish or rename it to ubuntu-logo.png.bak to hide it..
PRATAP's user avatar
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4 votes

Brand logo after login

According to FocalFossa/ReleaseNotes - Ubuntu Wiki Ubuntu Desktop New graphical boot splash (integrates with the system BIOS logo). This means it shows the vendor's logo while booting. ...
PRATAP's user avatar
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4 votes

Fstrim is causing high boot time

To disable fstrim use: rm /var/lib/systemd/timers/stamp-fstrim.timer systemctl stop fstrim.service fstrim.timer systemctl disable fstrim.service fstrim.timer systemctl mask fstrim.service fstrim....
Rinzwind's user avatar
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3 votes

How to specify EFI vendor boot logo image displayed when Ubuntu is loading?

Trying to answer your questions one by one. I do not know about that particular machine and it's BIOS, so a lot of it is guesswork; but it might help you to get closer to a solution. Why is Plymouth ...
Marcel Waldvogel's user avatar
3 votes

Xubuntu on boot screen - how do I get the Ubuntu logo back?

In terminal... sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth sudo update-alternatives --config text.plymouth sudo update-initramfs -u
heynnema's user avatar
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2 votes

change the boot logo for 18.04 LTS

by default, the boot logo for Ubuntu 18.04 uses /usr/share/plymouth/themes/ubuntu-logo/ubuntu-logo.png from the script /usr/share/plymouth/themes/ubuntu-logo/ubuntu-logo.script some of the content of ...
PRATAP's user avatar
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2 votes

How to replace the Ubuntu 20.04 logo globally?

The icon file is named distributor-logo.svg. To find it, use: locate distributor-logo.svg In Ubuntu 20.04, I found it in the following locations (there are also some icons in the /snap directory ...
Archisman Panigrahi's user avatar
1 vote

How to change isolinux folder of an ISO image?

I manage to solve my problem. I did the same questioningly on Cubic's official page and they detailed the step by step for me very easily. When you navigate to the Options page in Cubic, you will see ...
imagemturbo's user avatar
1 vote

How to reduce login time of Kubuntu?

Looks like boot process gets stuck on something. Contents of /var/log/boot.log might help. File can be viewed only with sudo privileges.
Andriyshel's user avatar
1 vote

Boot and log in without fallback to text console

You will always get a black screen between Plymouth and Login, unless you are using Windows 10. For myself in Ubuntu 16.04 it lasts about four seconds. In Ubuntu 18.04 it only lasts 1 or 2 seconds. ...
WinEunuuchs2Unix's user avatar
1 vote

Ubuntu 16.04 LTS Logo

Here is a link to that image. Note that, though it may appear to be blank, it's actually white text with a transparent background. Note that apt-file search /usr/share/unity-greeter/logo.png shows it'...
Chai T. Rex's user avatar
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