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Questions tagged [window-manager]

A window manager is the software component responsible for the tracking and placement of windows within a graphical interface. Examples: Metacity, Compiz, KWin. If your question is about a specific window manager, add its tag.

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application window pull down menus kubuntu 24,04LTS

Suddenly I discovered that the file, edit,etc pull down menus on top of the application window disappeared. Libreoffic, dolphine, lyx and many other. How can I bring them back? Many thanks
user25687's user avatar
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no windowmanager to choose from shown on loginscreen - no login possible after failed pythin install

after I installed and removed python the kubuntu login screen changed, i cannot choose a windowmanager on dropdown menu the as nothing shown on the dropdownmenu on lockscreen, and pressing enter ...
Johnnie11111's user avatar
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How do I manually add a custom x-session-manager option for Ubuntu 20.04?

I am trying to set up a single program to run (qemu-system-x86_64) by selecting it as a window manager on the login screen and then logging in. I have created a .desktop file in /usr/share/xsession ...
James B's user avatar
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Windows move to the foreground when clicking on other application window

I recently installed Ubuntu 24.04.1. Everything looks great but I'm struggling with the following behavior: Let's say I have two browser windows on the left half of the screen, one on top of the other ...
Thomas Locher's user avatar
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bspwm black screen

I am trying to install a new window manager and went for bspwm. I have installed it and sxhkd with apt like so. sudo apt install bspwm sxhkd I made the directories bspwm,sxhkd in ~/.config and the ...
albino's user avatar
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Linux X11 Backen screen or black window overlay

How can I capture a screenshot of the root window in X11 while keeping a full-screen black overlay visible in the foreground?
Rathnavel J N's user avatar
0 votes
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How to create a custom Firefox desktop entry which correctly maps to the instance it launches?

Purpose My intention is to create a firefox icon pinned to the dock that launches firefox in a personal profiles and is also indicated with a dot under the icon that launched it. (currently firefox ...
Tom Klino's user avatar
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Run only exactly one instance of a program on Wayland

I use terminator as my terminal app. To avoid pollution with too many open terminals, I only ever want to use a single instance of terminator. So far I achieved this with this solution. Here, wmctrl -...
vice_spirit's user avatar
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Can I change which keys control windows resize when in the `begin_resize` mode

There is a keyboard shortcut (default is <Alt+F8>) for resizing a window. Specifically, I am referring to this configuration option: org.gnome.desktop.wm.keybindings begin_resize. By default, ...
nikost's user avatar
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0 answers

How to switch to i3 and back without leaving session?

Consider a system with the default Ubuntu 22.04. After installing i3 using sudo apt install i3 I can use i3 by logging out, switching to i3 on the login screen and then logging in again. Is it ...
flawr's user avatar
  • 429
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Hyprland 0.37.1 error

I'm using the pre-compiled binaries for Hyprland 0.37.1 on Ubuntu 23.10 and get the following error: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such ...
vaskark's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

Keyboard shortcut to resize window to full-screen (but not over unity dock)

Is there a keyboard shortcut, or a way of defining a keyboard shortcut, that'll resize current window to take up whole screen except the unity dock? (yes, I know I can make the unity dock stay always-...
A T's user avatar
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Frozen screen while selecting wifi network

I use Ubuntu 22.04, in the default window manager when I click on "select network" the window of the network manager occupies the center of the screen and there I can pick one of the ...
Gna's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Super+[Number] to hide an application as well as activate it

I'm using GNOME 42.9 on Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS and want to replicate a specific Windows feature. In Windows, pressing Win+[number] minimizes or unhides the window of a specific application pinned to the ...
Michael Hoffman's user avatar
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xubuntu windows manager does not keep settings

It's a great feature in Xfce that allows you to keep other windows visible while typing in a window that's underneath. The only issue is that every time the system restarts or goes into sleep mode, ...
Botond Vajna's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Unified application switcher (browser tabs <--> native window)

I don't like that alt+tab only switches between native windows, and not between browser tabs. I want to switch between applications with alt+tab, no matter if they are run in a browser tab or in a ...
guettli's user avatar
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Change windows manager from recovery mode?

Is this possible? choosewm says its not installed and I can't install it, presumably because I can't connect to WiFi from recovery mode I'm running Fossa
NotMyUsualAccount's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

QT apps like Kdenlive have a KDE Plasma style title bar (window decorations) on Gnome

Can anyone explain why some QT apps like qBittorrent,OBS Studio and Kdenlive have a KDE Plasma style title bar and window decorations on my Gnome desktop ? I have tried various methods for styling qt ...
Mubashir Munawwar's user avatar
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How to make kde scrollbars darker

I'm using ubuntu with awesomewm and kterminal (the kde terminal app). Whenever I'm using the terminal (or any other app, but specifically the terminal), whenever I wanted to scroll, I find it very ...
ellat's user avatar
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How to make any app popup/drop-down on screen (like yakuake)

I love the Yakuake console: with a single key (F12 I believe), you get a terminal that drops-down on top of any app you are currently using. Another tap on that key, the terminal goes away, and can be ...
leleogere's user avatar
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-3 votes
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Full screen in gnome desktop similar to i3-wm?

I used tiling window manager and I like two things that is tiling and full screen mode. By using pop shell in gnome, I got the tiling but I didn't find any resources for full screen such that no panel ...
Sardar Badar Saghir's user avatar
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Moving window to smaller monitor: in 23.04 the window needs to be small enough to fit within the smaller monitor

In Xubuntu 22.10 I could drag a program/window from my main (large) monitor to either of my (same sized) smaller monitors, and it didn't matter what size the program/window originally was. If larger ...
dez93_2000's user avatar
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Window managers on Ubuntu

I want to start trying out different window managers. But before trying it out I want to know if I can still use my other desktop environments. I am talking about choosing between my desktop ...
aqwertya's user avatar
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Can I use same software after switching Window Manager or Desktop Environment in Linux

I am using Kubuntu and I have Kwin as the Window Manager and KDE as the Desktop Environment. I use VSCode and other software. I am switching to another Desktop Environment and Window Manager alongside ...
Shezan's user avatar
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Sticky keys in tiling window manager

what is the best tiling window manager that supports sticky keys? I learned I3, but unfortunately it doesn't support sticky keys and I didn't find any applications to install on I3 that supports ...
Mitu Gabriel's user avatar
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Testing a new mutter build

I am testing out a patch for mutter, and for this purpose built mutter and installed this in /opt/mutter on my machine. Now, I want to test it out, with: $ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/mutter/lib/...
Bram's user avatar
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How can I customize Google Chrome shortcut keys?

I want Google Chrome to close the current tab when I press F8. On Windows, this can easily be achieved using the Chrome extension 'AutoControl'. I'm fairly sure AutoHotkey could handle it well too. ...
stax76's user avatar
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Moving a window from one activity to another activity- option missing now

All was working good, till I got the recent update (which was yesterday). Now all of a sudden I don't see an option to move my window to another "activity". Did anything change? Normally I ...
Gokul Navalore's user avatar
2 votes
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Can I change the mouse pointer color?

I'm faced with a small but long-time nuisance. I frequently work remote from home using google remote desktop. I connect to my windows 10 PC and there I use vnc client to connect to my ubuntu 20.04 ...
Chan Kim's user avatar
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awesomewm hangs on login on AWS + NICE DCV

Having used awesome wm for years, I am now facing problems wanting to use it on my corporate machine (aws instance with graphical interface via Nice DCV). Upon logging in, i.e. typing in the password, ...
CD86's user avatar
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Unable to install new window manager since upgrade to LTS 22.04.1 LTS

My upgrade to 22.04.1 LTS a few days ago halted at near completion a because of my GPU issue that I cannot recall. Now I am stuck with an awful looking window manager. I'm trying to remedy that by ...
Olumide's user avatar
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Can I configure ubuntu to open all application in maximized state?

Can I force Ubuntu 22.04 to open all applications in the maximized state? I'm using these apps: Terminal Files VS Code Text Editor Chrome And right now, I should maximize each of them after opening, ...
Saeed Neamati's user avatar
1 vote
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How to force resize a window to a very small size?

I'm trying "responsive web design", modifying the code of an html page so it looks good on all devices. I test my code with Firefox, I change the size of the window with the mouse to see how ...
Alain Reve's user avatar
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How to change desktop environment from grub

I recently installed bpswm and I didnt install it correctly so when I booted I got a black screen. And if I turn my laptop off and on again it boots automatically into bpswm because I had automatic ...
Ali Mohammad's user avatar
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Freezing/unresponsive/non-rendering windows on window managers when opening other applications from them

I am having some issues with Windows or actually whole processes freezing, when another is started from them until that started process is closed again. meph@mephtow:~$ neofetch .-/+...
Meph's user avatar
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ubuntu automatically switches between apps

I have the ubuntu 22.04 LTS version. My issue is that my distro automatically switches between apps. To make it more clear, when I'm working with VSCode and I get a notification on Microsoft teams or ...
qafoori's user avatar
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11 votes
3 answers

Gnome (dragging, application menu, dock etc.) being quite slow after update on ubuntu 22.04

I updated to Ubuntu 22.04 today and I noticed that anything related to gnome like window dragging, searching or scrolling through the activity windows, moving my mouse through the dock is quite slow ...
OuttaSpaceTime's user avatar
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Is it possible to do graphical tasks without a GUI?

My laptop is of limited resources and I want to have the most performance possible. I have noticed by running top that in idle mode 1.3 gigs of ram are consumed. The tasks that I need my laptop are ...
Anton's user avatar
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How to maximize all windows from command line

To maximise all windows from the command line, it would be great if wmctrl could be used as easily in minimizing all windows. How do I can use it to do the reverse?
Gaetano Gallozzi's user avatar
4 votes
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How to change window atributtes in Wayland?

I want to write an script that sets the attributes of certain windows to 'always in top'. This command is supposed to work on X11: wmctrl -r "window title" -b add,above But it does not work ...
Gabriel Sandoval's user avatar
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Ubuntu Budgie: Is there a way to show a window in all workspaces?

In most desktop environments, you can set a window to be visible in all workspaces or virtual desktops. I can not find this option in Ubuntu Budgie: Is it possible? If not officially supported, are ...
Pierre Henry's user avatar
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Is there a WM that is more customizable than gnome but you do not need to configure from the scratch?

Last weekend I installed awesome WM and I really think this name is a fair one, this WM is really awesome. I liked how it felt efficient and customizable. I did not do anything special but I had the ...
JSBach's user avatar
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Can I use ubuntu only with a WM, without any DE so less resources are used

This guy in the video using gentoo and his system is using only 46mb RAM because he doesn't have any Desktop Environment, he is only using a Window Manager 'DWM'. I have a very old pc with just 2GB ...
adumbProgrammer's user avatar
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How to fix an app appearing twice in my application list

I have VLC appearing twice on my app list using Gnome desktop on Ubuntu 20.04.I had VLC installed but the app wouldn't launch whenever I tried to. I decided to reinstall VLC,then VLC started appearing ...
nao-lyeil's user avatar
7 votes
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how to make firefox's picture in picture window always on top?

Having the video on top of other windows is the point of Picture in Picture feature in Firefox and it is the default behavior in windows, but in Ubuntu, Firefox's picture in picture is not on top by ...
ali HOZA's user avatar
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Description of window properties modified by wmctrl

I found wmctrl allows for changing some "properties" of windows: wmctrl -r <WIN> -b ( add | remove | toggle),prop1 [,prop2 ] Add, remove, or toggle up to two window properties ...
sancho.s ReinstateMonicaCellio's user avatar
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Can't completely remove distro Regolith; alternative session is still available

I tried Regolith on my VM to play with i3. I liked this distro very much and wanted to install it on my main machine. I'm trying to remove it on my VM. I followed this official uninstallation guide: ...
kohane15's user avatar
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Problems with Qtile due to GNOME

I recently installed qtile according to the docs and when running qtile start I got the following message: not starting; existing window manager GNOME Shell Now, I digged a bit more and found this, ...
Adrian's user avatar
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How to monitor application events such as open, close, minimize in Ubuntu?

I would like to know if it is possible to monitor applications open/close/minimize events in Ubuntu. My initial goal is to monitor how many times I open telegram to check messages. PS: I am using ...
Sasha R Adler's user avatar
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is there some way to tell the window manager to block all input to any new window, or any kind of popup dialog for a few seconds?

(This is not about web browsing), this is about: system popups (I know only the one about: application not responding). Windows focus and input grabbing behavior. what is the worst thing we all (???)...
Aquarius Power's user avatar

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