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Window control buttons appearing on the status bar

I have the icons appear in the status bar. They appear even when there is no window open and do nothing when clicked. It started happening after upgrading to 20.04. How can I remove these icons?
Artium's user avatar
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How Do I remove minimize, maximize, and close buttons in Ubuntu 18.04?

I recently installed Ubuntu 18.04. Previously in GNOME 3, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons never appeared on any of my applications, such as Chromium Browser and Emacs. These buttons annoy me ...
Ivanm's user avatar
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How do I move window buttons to the left in Budgie

For a more consistent user experience between the different Ubuntu DEs I would like to have my windows buttons on the left side in Ubuntu Budgie. Apparently the corresponding dconf key has no effect:
Takkat's user avatar
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How to close, minimize, and maximize a specified window from Terminal?

I am running Ubuntu GNOME 15.10 with GNOME 3.18 and I am wondering if there is a way from Terminal to close, minimize, unminimize, maximize, and unmaximize specified windows? Note - I've looked at ...
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How to open a window without "close" button?

In a script I want to open a window which is missing the "close" button in the title bar, so that it can't be accidentally be closed, but still has the "minimize" and "maximize" buttons. Is this ...
joschi's user avatar
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Resize the window control buttons (close, restore, maximize)

How can I change the size of the close/restore/maximize/minimize buttons of the windows? They are too small for me. With a big monitor, it's difficult to position the mouse over them. Is there a ...
Tiago's user avatar
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How do you move the window controls to the window when maximized [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Is there a way to remove maximized window controls/title from top panel in Unity I want to move my window controls (close, maximize, minimize) back to the current window while ...
Gotsanity's user avatar
9 votes
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Expand window to free space on screen in KDE

I am using Kubuntu, and I want to expand the current window to the free space on the screen. To say it more precisely: I want to make the current window as big as possible without overlapping new ...
Pascal Rosin's user avatar
18 votes
4 answers

Window title-bars missing occasionally in Unity

window (title and icon) sometimes doesn't appear. As a solution to this, I have to logout and login again. Is there something wrong with my system? How to make sure that this doesn't happen again?
Fanoy's user avatar
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Can't disable active window's transparency | Hover effect not working

I'm having a problem right now with my window frames' opacity settings. For some reason the active window very often (but not always) has a half-transparent title bar. This is really distracting but ...
mweisz's user avatar
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programs' title bar dissapear

I have the next problem: the programs' title bar just dissapear and I can't move the windows, maximize, etc. It occurs when I turn on the computer, but not always. Is it a bug or something?? I've ...
vicmp3's user avatar
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