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Kubuntu how to make close button hit screen corner

on Windows, I could just throw my mouse somewhere to the top right and then always hit the close button, if the window was maximized. On Kubuntu/KDE however, the circle hitbox doesn't hit the most top-...
Sewbacca's user avatar
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4 votes
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How to move windows buttons to left in GTK apps in KDE plasma?

I already have "close,minimize,maximize:appmenu" in /org/gnome/desktop/wm/preferences/button-layout. still it doesn't work. Thanks.
Arun_005's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Expand window to free space on screen in KDE

I am using Kubuntu, and I want to expand the current window to the free space on the screen. To say it more precisely: I want to make the current window as big as possible without overlapping new ...
Pascal Rosin's user avatar
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How to move window controls to the left in KDE? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: How can I move the Exit, Maximize, Minimize buttons to the left in Kubuntu? Months of using Unity has trained me to look for window controls on the left topside of the windows....
jokerdino's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

How can I move the Exit, Maximize, Minimize buttons to the left in Kubuntu?

I want to move exit, maximize, and minimize button to the left like I can do in Ubuntu 11.10. How to do it?
Black Block's user avatar
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7 votes
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How to have the "close", "maximize" and "minimize" buttons on the left in google-chrome in kde

I would like to achieve what I was able to do in Ubuntu. I've now switched to KDE and would like to have the buttons on the left hand side. I have already set it for the "native" windows and they ...
Trufa's user avatar
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