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Batch Convert MP4 with ffmpeg

I have a whole bunch of text files, jpg and mp4 in a folder. I want the jpg and text files to be left alone. I want to compress all the mp4 using ffmpeg's -crf argument with a value of 23, to save ...
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How to convert an ATS video with no compression to a mp4 video?

I am using ResearchIR software in Windows 10 and I wonder if there is a tool or command in Ubuntu 20.04 which can convert the output of a thermal camera capture that is .ats with no compression, ...
Mona Jalal's user avatar
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MP4Box Warns about different PPS even though they are the same

I have an online class that provides MP4 versions of class lectures, but the lectures are broken into chunks that are each a few minutes long. I'm trying to concatenate the chunks into whole lectures, ...
tmoore82's user avatar
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Computer noob needs help with video format conversion [duplicate]

I need to convert 2 movies from the .MKS format to a .MP4 or .AVI file. How would I do that? I would prefer doing this in a GUI as I am not comfortable with the Command Line Interface.
user273944's user avatar
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How can I convert my mp4 files to avi using avconv?

I need to convert some mp4 files to another format (I chose avi: there may be a better one, suggestions welcome). I tried using ffmpeg but got the deprecated message so I am using avconv, but again ...
microbug's user avatar
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How can I quickly convert a GIF file to a video?

I have a small animation formatted as a GIF image file which I would like to convert to a video. Is that possible?
Glutanimate's user avatar
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How do i enable hinting for streaming in mp4 files?

I have used MP4Box in the past to enable hinting on mp4 files in the past but it looks like its no longer in the repositories. Is there anything else that can be used or do i need to compile from ...
Bruce Aldridge's user avatar