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Questions tagged [ffmpeg]

FFmpeg is a complete, cross-platform solution to record, convert and stream audio and video.

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Do I really need multimedia codecs in the server?

I can't find a good answer for my question, do I as a developer and system administrator, need to install ffmpeg, faac, alac,wavpack, vorbis, lame, imagemagick and other mutlimedia codecs for running ...
Alexander Lamdan's user avatar
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1 answer

ffmpeg segment has gaps

I'm running this command in a systemd service: ffmpeg -re -i -an -nostdin -q:v 6 -f segment -strftime 1 -segment_time 600 -segment_format mjpeg '/mnt/hdd/%%Y-%%m-%%d_%%...
ki9's user avatar
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FFMPEG AMF Hardware Acceleration on AMD Ryzen™ 7 7700 Server in Ubuntu 22.04

I was trying to make ffmpeg available with AMF and have access to the AMF hardware acceleration (in ffmpeg -hwaccels) but failed. At first, the kernel that the server as Ubuntu 22.04 came with was 5....
LoNormaly's user avatar
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How can we play videos on ubuntu core machine?

I used ffmpeg snap on my ubuntu core machine to receive video packets from an ip camera and save it on my ubuntu core machine as a mp4 video file but when I am trying to play the video using ffmpeg I ...
Shobhit Verma's user avatar
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The repository ' noble Release' does not have a Release file" on Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS [duplicate]

I recently tried to add the savoury1/ffmpeg4 PPA on my Ubuntu 24.04.1 (codenamed "noble") system to install an updated version of FFmpeg. However, when I run sudo apt update, I receive the ...
xAdvitya's user avatar
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How to share video stream to WSL2 with ffmpeg?

Most solutions for using a camera in WSL are to build your own WSL kernel. I have realized it with the steps mentioned in Capturing webcam video with OpenCV in WSL2 However, it's complicated and time-...
笑先生's user avatar
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Unable to transcode h264 to hevc on Ubuntu 24.04.1

I am attempting to transcode an h.264 video to h.265 using ffmpeg and Intel Quick Sync hardware. hwinfo: str3: "Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8550U CPU @ 1.80GHz" lsb_release -a: Description: ...
stuart balfour's user avatar
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serviio with ffmpeg on server 22.04 refuses to display .mpg and .mp4 files

Both packages installed using apt. Starting serviio using the shell script which has had the SERVIIO_JAVA_OPTS variable 'ffmpeg.location' edited to point at /usr/bin/ffmpeg. All ffmpeg helper drivers ...
OldBikerPete's user avatar
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OpenCV VideoCapture recording is sped up

I am trying to save some footage from a webcam but am coming across some issues. My webcam supports compressed (MJPG) and raw (YUYv 4:2:2) formats and I am trying to get MJPG due to the faster fps. ...
den0's user avatar
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Transcoding/ Converting mpeg to h264 using ffmpeg h264_nvenc

I'm trying to transcode a video rendered by Davinci Resolve, using ffmpeg from mpeg4 to h264, on Ubuntu, using the following command. ffmpeg -y -vsync 0 -hwaccel cuda -hwaccel_output_format cuda -i ...
Mustafa's user avatar
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How can I preserve all audio streams when cutting video files with FFmpeg?

I have a video file of "ts" format, it has two audio tracks, I want to use FFmpeg to cut the file after 10 minutes for 5 minutes and I want to have both audio streams. I used below command, ...
adel mar2019's user avatar
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How to sync / update a folder and down-scale / down-sample files on-the-fly? [closed]

Goal I would like to sync / update all files and folders from a source folder to a target folder with the following additional requirements: apply a script on certain file types at target when files ...
boernsen's user avatar
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Missing Package "gss-ffmpeg"?

System: Ubuntu 22.04, 64 bit, running in Oracle VirtualBox. I wonder if someone can point me in the right direction. Trying to install some software that has a dependency on the "gss-ffmpeg"...
Mike's user avatar
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How to record audio with ffmpeg with Python on Ubuntu 22.04?

I encountered the problem of recording output audio on Ubuntu with Python. I want to record the output sound from the browser. I used USB Headphone as the output device, then record sounded with ...
Dinh Chu's user avatar
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rtmp stream continous a folder with files list mp4 , not working

I would like to modify my code to convert a folder with FFMPEG instead of converting a whole list of files, and loop this list: #!/bin/bash while true; do ffmpeg -re -i /myfolder/10.mp4 -...
Allan Tori's user avatar
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Gnome videos (Totem) cannot play mp4 video

My attempts to get it to work with gnome video (Totem) fail due to a missing decoder: $ xdg-open some.mp4 The error message displayed is: meta/x-gst-fourcc-mett decoder is required to play the file, ...
Brett Holman's user avatar
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How to patch a library in a docker image which I have not compiled from source

I have a Docker image which has been built from a Dockerfile starting with: FROM ubuntu:24.04. This contains a library libaom, whose version can be determined using: # ls -l /usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/...
xgretsch's user avatar
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ffmpeg drawtext on ubuntu : ffmpeg does not change text location

I'm trying to edit a video with ffmpeg and I need the text to change randomly every 10 seconds, like in the site's own example. I tested this command: ffmpeg -i "/home/editor/downloads/video_2023-...
Wolf Wolf's user avatar
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595 views no longer found after upgrade

I just updated to Ubuntu 24.04 LTS and Audacity can no longer find the FFmpeg Library. Specifically, in order to convert audio files. I have FFmpeg fully installed. Any thoughts?
animal_chin's user avatar
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ffmpeg in ubuntu slower than on win11

Completely new clean Ubuntu 24.04 desktop install, performance power mode, installed ffmpeg 6.1.1-3ubuntu5, installed s-tui for power monitoring. Testing video recompression with -c:v libx265 -crf 27 ...
Charon ME's user avatar
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output's bitrate is vary from specified bitrate for ogg file using ffmpeg

I'm trying to convert a wav file into an ogg file. I set bitrate=320k, but the output's bitrate is about 289. this is command that I use: ffmpeg -i audio.wav -ar 44100 -ac 2 -ab 320k output.ogg do ...
Zahra M's user avatar
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Video format not supported in Opera snap

I was asked for help with Opera installed on Ubuntu 24.04 via Snap not playing some videos. I've heard about the issue with ffmpeg version Opera uses, but thought it was about opera installed via APT. ...
Aenye_Cerbin's user avatar
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ffmpeg x11grab on ubuntu: increase FPS

I am trying to configure FFMpeg to capture whole FHD screen (browser with videos inside and sounds). The result has too low FPS (from 3 to 15 per second, depending on CLI params, but i need at least ...
dimaninc's user avatar
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2 answers

Record two specific areas + background sound AND input audio (with ffmpeg)

So how do I record my screen with background sound AND input audio with ffmpeg? And could you also record two areas on the screen at once (so that, for example, another area is displayed at the bottom ...
REX DUNGEUR's user avatar
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Splitting audio m4b file into separate files based on a cue file

Splitting audio m4b file into separate files based on a cue file How can I split an audio m4b into separate files using a cue file? Note: The m4b file has no chapters that's why I need to use the cue ...
Rick T's user avatar
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Accurately batch trim first few seconds of video file with ffmpeg

I have a large number of .mp4 files and I want to trim just the first 3 seconds off of each. I tried using the following command: ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -ss 00:00:03 -vcodec copy -acodec copy output.mp4 ...
Jump's user avatar
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How to merge MP4 video without audio with MP3 file using CLI tools, considering offset

I have a challenge I'm hoping to solve with your expertise. I possess an MP4 video file that lacks audio, and a separate MP3 audio file that I wish to synchronize and merge with the video. The ...
Gosha Spichkin's user avatar
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Opera browser stopped playing videos

Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS 64 bit A few days ago Opera One (version: 107.0.5045.15) stopped playing videos on multiple sites where videos used to play OK. I have not knowingly made any changes that might have ...
MitcheCA's user avatar
4 votes
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Bulk converting mkv files into mp4 files using only one line of xargs

This answer converts a batch of mp4 into mp3 using a for loop. I want to achieve something similar with only one line of code. After some trial and error, I figured out the following code. ls | grep ....
Raven Cheuk's user avatar
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How to restart /dev/video

I'm creating a webcam feed the following way: using this Python3 lib: plus having v4l2loopback-utils installed (not 100% sure it's needed) enabling the video ...
itarato's user avatar
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mp3gain says file is an MPEG Layer II file, not a layer III file

Seems not to make a difference what value I pass to -g under these conditions where it complains file is an MPEG Layer II file, not a layer III file
fugee ohu's user avatar
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Popping sounds when recording screen with FFmpeg

I am using FFmpeg (X11Grab and Alsa) to record a virtual screen. I have an Ubuntu server, and I am using xvfb as virtual frame buffer. I launch a browser process using Puppeteer, and record it using ...
Hammad Fida's user avatar
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How to install latest version of FFmpeg on Ubuntu

I'm currently developing an application that shells out to FFmpeg which will run on Ubuntu in the cloud. I want to install the current version (at the time of this writing, 6.1). If I run sudo apt ...
casperOne's user avatar
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In ubuntu my camera isnt working ,no device found ,both on cheese and google meet

I use Ubuntu on pen-drive and the OS was working well till last night[ 8 Nov] but today after running my code related computer vision, I did have a system software update prior I was about to use ...
Hacker69i's user avatar
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Slideshow from jpg files

Have an command to make slideshow mp4 from *.jpg files: ffmpeg -r 1/3 -f concat -safe 0 -i <(ls -v *.jpg | sed "s|^|file '$PWD/|") -vf "scale='min(1920,iw)':min'(1080,ih)':...
DJArty's user avatar
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How to convert/encode video files with ffmpeg, using AMD Radeon hardware encoding

Good day, and thanks in advance for any help I am running Ubuntu 22.04 LTS on a PC with an AMD Ryzen 7 5700G CPU and AMD Radeon RX 6600 GPU. I have a large number of video files in MP4 format that I ...
Shmettie's user avatar
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Regarding ffmpeg in ubuntu 22.04

I need to convert a rtsp and a rtmp link to two different UDP link at the same time using ffmpeg in ubuntu server 22.04. I need to run this as background process only. Also is there any option to ...
Mohammed Fawaz M's user avatar
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ffmpeg: how to bulk-compress videos into a subfolder, but only those >1Mb?

Using Anki desktop and AnkiDroid to develop a LSF (French Sign Language) learning deck, I edit cards with written word on front card, signed word in .mp4 on back card. With a ~10k cards right now, I ...
yoannjap's user avatar
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Two processes have different behavior while running with the same command and same binary file

There's an app in Ubuntu server, which runs a FFMPEG instance. That instance keeps working fine. But when I run the same command with the same binary executable in terminal, it exits after 3 or 4 ...
james hofer's user avatar
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Syncing Audio and Video Streams with FFmpeg to Resolve Timestamp Differences

I've encountered an issue with a video file where the audio and visual streams are out of sync. After some research, I've learned that this might be due to timestamp differences between the two ...
Olasubomi's user avatar
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How to loop an animated GIF file as a background of a music?

I have a GIF file which is 5 seconds long, and an mp3 which is about 3 minutes long. I want to create a video where the GIF file will be the background animation (replayed repeatedly), and the mp3 ...
Archisman Panigrahi's user avatar
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ffmpeg undefind symbol: err_set_debug_level

I am using Ubuntu 22.04. My ffmpeg has suddenly stopped working and is giving this error: ffmpeg: symbol lookup error: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ undefined symbol: ...
Delta_G's user avatar
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How to fix video orientation to match properties details dimension using ffmpeg?

When I record videos with my phone while it is vertically orientated the video displays correctly in most media video players. But then I noticed that when I load the video into Blender it displays ...
Harry McKenzie's user avatar
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ffplay won't play videos in Documents subfolders, firejail configuration issue

I have a subfolder of ~/Documents where I want to store various videos (.mp4 files). I don't particularly want to move them to the ~/Videos folder because they contain other files which are not videos....
Nick Gammon's user avatar
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Devede not installable 22.04 LTS [duplicate]

Ubuntu 20.04 LTS had Devede installed and worked fine. Updated to 22.04 LTS and this, and other programs (e.g. Audacious) disappeared, either immediately, or subsequently. Cannot re-install. Tried ...
Allen Williams's user avatar
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Cannot upgrade Ubuntu 16.04 because it asks about non-existing ppa [duplicate]

When I am trying to upgrade Mate Ubuntu 16.04, the process stops at command $ sudo apt-get upgrade E: Failed to fetch
Bitlab's user avatar
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Some snap applications no longer playing mp4 files?

Since a recent update (obviously not manual, since these are snaps), I've been having trouble playing MP4 files in Firefox and Telegram, possibly other apps as well that I haven't tested. After ...
RolandiXor's user avatar
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Can ffmpeg be used to concatenate files?

A while back I asked how to convert mp4 files to mp3 and someone pointed me to ffmpeg. That is a great command and it does a great job. Now I'd like to know about concatenating files together. Can ...
P Simdars's user avatar
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Ubuntu 16.04 ESM / 18.04 ESM / 20.04 ESM / 22.04 ESM / 22.10 : FFmpeg vulnerabilities (USN-5958-1) after running nessus scan [duplicate]

So I have run several nessus scans to check for vulnerabilities on my ubuntu 20.04 setup and I keep getting this vulnerability. I have followed this: and ...
Raul's user avatar
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Concatenate multiple trimmed videos FFmpeg

I am a rooky in FFmpeg and I am trying to concatenate multiple videos that must be trimmed into a new video, the command that I am trying to use is: ffmpeg -i 00042.mp4 -ss 00:00:02 -to 00:00:03 -i ...
ilie alexandru's user avatar

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