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Questions tagged [mpris]

Any thing related to Media Player Remote Interfacing Specification (MPRIS2), which is a standard D-Bus interface which aims to provide a common programmatic API for controlling media players. (Used by Unity sound indicator)

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Media Playback Controls Not Showing in Notification Area for Chrome on Ubuntu 24.04

I'm using Ubuntu 24.04, and I'm facing an issue where media playback controls do not appear in the notification area when streaming video in Chrome. I tried and experienced the same in Edge, or ...
Md Mahfuzur Rahman Arif's user avatar
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Getting org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.AccessDenied error only in VScode integrated terminal - connecting ZSH with spotify

I've edited powerlevel10k ZSH theme to show songs currently played by Spotify in terminal window - works perfectly, except of VS code integrated terminal. Both Spotify and VS code are installed via ...
xDrd's user avatar
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How to enable MPRIS control of a GTK application in KDE Plasma?

I came across a GTK application (Blanket), which can be controlled with a laptop's play/pause button in GTK based DEs like GNOME, XFCE and Cinnamon (tested in Ubuntu 20.04, Xubuntu 20.04, and Linux ...
Archisman Panigrahi's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

Prevent MPRIS from recognizing an application

I often have my audio player (usually Audacious v. 3.9) running while the Chrome browser is also running. If I open a video in Chrome, it seems to "claim" MPRIS controls from the audio player. The ...
Dɑvïd's user avatar
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How to run a script every time a song is about to be over?

My intention is to notify-send a message if an unrated song is about to come to end. I am using Rhythmbox with the MPRIS plugin and I found following scripts : #Get position gdbus call \ --session \ ...
Johannes Lemonde's user avatar
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Controlling multiple instances of same application with dbus?

The problem I'm trying to use dbus to control multiple instances of VLC media player from the terminal. Using dbus for a single instance of VLC is no problem: as soon as VLC is started, commands like ...
Mossmyr's user avatar
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How to determine, from the command line, whether rhythmbox is playing?

rhythmbox-client --print-playing tells me the name of a song, regardless of whether it is actually playing. I simply need to know whether or not sound is currently being generated by rhythmbox (so ...
CPBL's user avatar
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