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Questions tagged [case-insensitive]

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Having trouble copying conda environment folder containing same word (different case) files with symbolic links in terminfo subdirectory

I am using WSL1. I am trying to save a copy of my ~./miniconda/envs folder to the desktop using cp. I keep getting errors like cp: cannot create regular file './envs/py_env/share/terminfo/h/hp2621a':...
Elijah's user avatar
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Case insensitive sort in Nemo

So I'm trying to get so special characters are on top followed by numbers, then letters case insensitive. I've added export LC_ALL=C to my .profile, but the result is case sensitive. Is there a better ...
user2533098's user avatar
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ZFS Case Sensitivity is supposed to be settable post-creation, but it's 'read-only'

According to this Oracle document on Settable ZFS Properties, casesensitivity is supposed to be a settable property post ZFS Pool creation but, regardless of the value I supply, I get a 'read-only' ...
Kolin Lovett's user avatar
3 votes
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How to ignore case in directory paths?

I’m new to Linux/Ubuntu. To my knowledge it’s not possible to make file or folder with only difference in case e.g. I can’t create the files Text.ini and text.ini (well you can but it will not work, ...
Foris's user avatar
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Can I make USB stick with exfat-fuse case sensitive?

I have a USB stick for which I had to install exfat-fuse, and have mirrored my home diectory onto it for backup purposes with rsync. I have a folder called Documents and I notice I cannot cd documents ...
B.Tanner's user avatar
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Can't rename directory by changing upper- to lower-case on hfs+ partition

I'm new to Linux, and just installed Ubuntu 17.04 on a dual-boot MacBook. I'm having trouble with directories I'm creating on an hfs+ partition (created with gparted, so I can see files on it when ...
LSharkey's user avatar
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Importing a case insensitive directory

I am using Ubuntu with a case sensitive file system, and I have downloaded some zipped directories from Dropbox. I assume the zipped directories were created on a case insensitive file system, ...
david11's user avatar
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2 answers

Thumb drive doesn't distinguish case in file names on Lubuntu

Using SanDisk ExtremePro 128GB usb3.0 thumb drive to copy files between Lubuntu 13.10 systems, also sometimes from Mac or PCs. Formatting is standard off-the-shelf, I believe, although I did run a ...
DragonLord's user avatar
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What happens with the case sensitive directories and files in an NTFS partition under Windows? [closed]

I use Ubuntu since 1,5 years. I upgraded my computer so that's the time for backup, fresh install, etc. I will make a dual boot system, so here is my problem: I have some (i don't know exactly how ...
Anonymous's user avatar
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Rename a file case in JFS, case insensitive

I working on a JFS filsystem made with the option -O (case insensitive filenames). How can I easily rename a file from Test.txt to test.txt ? Using mv report the error: mv: ‘Test.txt’ and ‘test.txt’...
hultqvist's user avatar
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252 votes
5 answers

Can I make Tab auto-completion case-insensitive in Bash?

Ubuntu's Terminal uses case-sensitive auto-completion, as would be expected for Linux. But I think sometimes it would be more convenient to use a case-insensitive one instead, to save you having to be ...
mwfearnley's user avatar
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