I am a newbie on this subject, and I was told to connect to a VPN from my computer, which is running Kubuntu 13.10. I was also given the server to connect to (vpn.server_x.com:81), a user and its password. The last data I have is that this is a openconnect on Linux.

I read several tutorials and I tried with vpnc, openvpn and pptp-linux, because I do not know which I have to use. I always get errors, and reading /var/log/syslog is not being very useful because I do not know if I am doing stupid things.

For example, at the beginning I supposed that I had to use vpnc, so I installed it and then created a new connection via the Network settings, but it asks me for Gateway, User name, User password, Group name and Group password. In gateway I wrote vpn.server_x.com:81, but I do not have enough data to fill in the rest.

Am I creating the right VPN connection?

  • take a look at this it might help you help.ubuntu.com/14.04/serverguide/openvpn.html
    – Chinmaya B
    Commented Jul 21, 2014 at 9:59
  • @Creator Should I use openvpn then? (not vpnc neither pptp)?
    – forvas
    Commented Jul 21, 2014 at 10:13
  • yeah I think so because official pages are offering native and good info always
    – Chinmaya B
    Commented Jul 21, 2014 at 10:14
  • @Creator but with openvpn I need to have my public RSA key stored in the authorized_keys of the server, don't I? It would be a problem, because I do not have any access to the server.
    – forvas
    Commented Jul 21, 2014 at 10:39

2 Answers 2


I managed the solution, I did not have to install neither vpnc nor openvpn nor pptp.

I had to install openconnect. Then, the process is similar to others, add the VPN in the connection editor but selecting openconnect instead of the other ones. If I do this, I am only asked for gateway, username and password, so the data I was given is enough.


You can consult our setup guides for Linux from SumoVPN https://www.sumovpn.com/guides/ubuntu/openvpn.html

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