I'm in the process of updating my system. Have been using Mythdora prior, so new to Mythbuntu. I installed mythbuntu 12.04.2 desktop amd64 and let it update during the install. The default path for videos is /var/lib/mythtv/videos from what I can see in the backend setup. I SFTP'd a mp4 file to this directory. I then try to scan for videos. About 20s later a message pops up "The video scan found no files, have you configured a video storage group?". I know the video storage group is set to /var/lib/mythtv/videos so it appears I have. I uploaded the file using the account user/pass I created during the mythbuntu install. I see other posts about ubuntu permission issues so tried a:
sudo chown mythtv file.mp4
and then rescan w/o success. When I go into the filters the text filter section is blank. I tried * + save ... this option didn't help on the rescan. Sometimes the front end will crash while trying to scan as well. Any ideas? Thanks,