I have a autoconf/automake/autoeverything project that I'm installing with checkinstall. When I go to install it, I'm shown this
This package will be built according to these values:
0 - Maintainer: [ [email protected] ]
1 - Summary: [ Package created with checkinstall 1.6.2 ]
2 - Name: [ mypkg ]
3 - Version: [ ]
4 - Release: [ 1 ]
5 - License: [ GPL ]
6 - Group: [ checkinstall ]
7 - Architecture: [ amd64 ]
8 - Source location: [ mypkg ]
9 - Alternate source location: [ ]
10 - Requires: [ ]
11 - Provides: [ mypkg ]
12 - Conflicts: [ ]
13 - Replaces: [ ]
... which generally looks good, but has a missing "version". Check install won't proceed until I manually give it a value. My question is, in what file can I put that version so that I don't need to manually enter it ever time?