While I have learned that you must use two different video cards to utilize Xen's VGA Passthrough, I am curious if you can do this with different video cards from the same manufacturer. Specifically, I would like to utilize the following setup:
- xubuntu
- Radeon 4870
- Radeon 7870
My goal is to have triple monitors on the Linux host OS (7870 allows this via mini-DisplayPort). Then, I want to be able to launch a VM of Windows that has direct access to a single video card for gaming (probably on the 4870).
A bonus would be to have the host system utilize 2 displays on the 4870 and 1 on the 7870, so that the 7870 could be used for the gaming VM (w/ that monitor switching to the VM). I think I'm reaching a bit far with this bonus though. Any working configuration that allows triple monitors with a gaming Windows VM (even if it uses the 4870) would be great!