I am running dovecot and postfix on a 22.04.3 LTS Ubuntu server. Every day at 6:25 first the dovecot server and then the Postfix server gets stopped (it started about a month ago). It starts again right after that.
I figured out that it is a Cronjob that only runs at this time.
test -x /usr/sbin/anacron || ( cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.daily
After that first dovecot and then postfix get killed with signal 15. They start back up one second after. I tried searching why this is happening, but I could not find any further details. This error keeps happening even after a restart of the server daily at 6:25.
In syslog there is no further entry than the CRON execution, the stop and starting of the services.
didn't restart because of something. Maybe Paul's Notes like this notes.palsch.de/2018/08/… were followed in the past to have the proper certs done to your server which matches exactly what you have found below?