On Macs, you can set up your language keyboard to toggle between various Japanese input methods and keyboards in the same "set":

enter image description here

In my case, with this, I can hit the "switch keyboard layout" section and toggle between a US, French, then "US/Hiragana IME"/"US/Katanana IME", etc.

When I just set up the (I believe) ibus-mozc IME for Ubuntu in Gnome, when typing in Japanese I have to first switch to the "Japanese (Mozc)" layout, then use some Mozc-only key command to switch input methods.

Is there a way to instead make the IME methods first class? I am fine switching IME setups entirely, but this is a constant source of frustration for me given the keyboard layouts I use.

  • As someone who uses both English and Japanese constantly for work, this is something that I’ve not found a solution for. I generally get around the “frustration” by rebooting once a month, as the Mocz config will remember my input preference after its first entered 😕
    – matigo
    Commented Aug 7, 2022 at 5:27
  • I do not understand why Katakana Japanese is so important for you. Japanese people convert Katakana from Hiragana as same as we do it to Kanji words. Commented Aug 7, 2022 at 6:28
  • Despite my best efforts when trying to type in my name into a web form when the IME is in hiragana mode it tends to offer hiragana. Similar issues with when I need to type full-width. I get there are shortcuts for conversion, though, and if I had hiragana working that would be the best
    – rtpg
    Commented Aug 7, 2022 at 12:44

1 Answer 1


There are many ways to avoid this two times settings to get Hiragana input when we switch to Japanese mode.

  1. Use fcitx-mozc
  2. Write a script to switch Japanese Mozc and select Hiragana by xdotool
  3. Fix ibus-mozc type Hiragana when we switch it

#1 and #3 answers are found here

NOTE: #3 method, the compile failed on 22.04 LTS

dpkg-buildpackage error debian/rules clean subprocess returned exit status 2

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