Ubuntu 21.04. Linux newbie here. For a few months I’ve been thinking about setting up a pi-hole to block ads. But a few days ago I read about just adding a block list to the hosts file. I wasn’t aware of this option. It sounds a lot easier than setting up a pi-hole.
I found some ad block lists here https://winhelp2002.mvps.org/hosts.htm and here https://github.com/StevenBlack/hosts/blob/master/hosts. Other quality lists I should know about?
When the block list is added to the hosts file, is that about the same as having a pi-hole? What is the advantage of a pi-hole over a block list in the hosts file?
Looks like adding the list to the hosts file is pretty easy. But I’m a newbie, so there may be some important things I don’t know. What do I need to know/do before adding a block list to my hosts file?
Yes, I’ll make a copy of my original hosts file before editing.