I have been trying to install XBoard4.9.1, but I have run into two problems. I have versiom 16 of Ubuntu.

1) I am trying to do it using the Ubuntu Sofware, but it only installs only version 4.8 of Xboard and I can't connect it to ICS or FICS.

2) I downloaded the file Xboard'4.9.1.tar.gz, but I couldn't install it. I have never installed a program from a file.

I want install this program and connnected it to FICS (freechess.com.). How can I do so?

1 Answer 1


You do not need to install XBoard from source code.

It is packaged in Ubuntu repositories.
So the easiest way is to get 4.9.1 from 18.04 LTS and install package manually:

cd ~/Downloads
wget http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/x/xboard/xboard_4.9.1-1_amd64.deb
sudo apt-get install ./xboard_4.9.1-1_amd64.deb
  • Thank you very much, you were of great help. I managed to install it, but had to install version 1386.db. Now, my problem is that I can't connect to freechess.org. There is no menu to connect to. Only through command lines that I still don't understand. Commented Jun 7, 2020 at 17:50
  • 1
    I do not play chess, but what is interesting - the ICS menu item is disabled even on latest 20.04 LTS. So you have to use terminal command xboard -ics -icsserver freechess.org and then use some syntax which I do not know. For details see man xboard.
    – N0rbert
    Commented Jun 7, 2020 at 19:14
  • Thank you. This really worked for me! Commented Jun 7, 2020 at 21:15

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