The following repository ppa:gezakovacs/ppa is not working and when I try to install by download method.

kmoin@kmoin-Inspiron-15-3567:~$ chmod +x ./unetbootin-linux
chmod: cannot access './unetbootin-linux': No such file or directory
  • 1
    @AmanMittal: If you know the answer please post an actual answer. Comments are meant to ask for clarification from the parent post author. In any case the relative paths ./unetbootin-linux and unetbootin-linux are equivalent. Your recommendation is thus moot. Commented May 28, 2018 at 14:03
  • Could you please add a little more detail? What exactly did you do, what did you expect to happen and what happened instead? Did you encounter any warning or error messages? Please reproduce them in their entirety in your question. You can select, copy and paste terminal content and most dialogue messages in Ubuntu. Please edit your post to add information instead of posting a comment. (see How do I ask a good question?) Commented May 28, 2018 at 14:04
  • 1
    Possible duplicate of How do I install applications in Ubuntu?, especially this answer
    – Fabby
    Commented May 28, 2018 at 19:56

2 Answers 2


The problem you appear to be having is blindly following the directions for the binaries provided on the http://unetbootin.github.io/linux_download.html page without an understanding of the assumptions made.

Essentially the assumption is that you will be executing the command in the directory where you downloaded the file. Assuming the default directory for downloads, your first command should be cd ~/Downloads followed by chmod +x ./unetbootin-linux and then ./unetbootin-linux Personally after making the file executable with chmod +x ./unetbootin-linux I would probably want to move it to a directory on my path such as /bin or if I didn't want any other users on the system executing it possibly ~/bin You can examine your path with the command echo $PATH

TL;DR The upshot is that you need to first know where the file is before you can make it executable. How to search entire hard drive for a file? provides the basic approach to find a file.

The simple method for 16.04:

Since 'unetbootin' is available in the Universe repository, all you need to do is enable it and then issue the command sudo apt install unetbootin


Try Unetbootin from github

The developer offers bin versions of Unetbootin for linux via this link,


Try another tool

  • The Ubuntu Startup Disk Creator comes with Ubuntu and there is a robust version in 16.04 LTS and newer versions of Ubuntu.

  • Disks alias gnome-disks is another robust tool that comes with Ubuntu.

  • mkusb works in all current versions of Ubuntu and clones to create a live-only drive for testing and installing Ubuntu. It can also create a persistent live drive, where you can install programs and save data (and they survive shutdown and reboot).

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