I love little lamps. I love to use them in bookcases and nooks to
give a soft glow in a room. I found a thrift shop shade. A tiny one with
a white pleated shade. I pulled out a little lamp ~ one of the ones I use
in the windows at Christmas time. Sorted through the recycle bin for an
old can and searched for scraps of fabric and ribbon and some vintage
buttons. Painted the can and the base of the lamp, got out the glue gun ~
Voila ~ a new little lamp.
My hubby will tease me. He says we should notify the power
company and warn them of a power surge every night before we
go to bed. It will be just one more light to turn out before we
turn in.
I don't care though. I think it's cute and I am going to
show it off on
Bentley ~ do you need a little lamp by your dog bed?
Susan and Bentley