Showing posts with label Thrifting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Thrifting. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Can't Wait to Show You My Recycled Can Lamp

I love little lamps.  I love to use them in bookcases and nooks to
give a soft glow in a room.   I found a thrift shop shade.  A tiny one with
a white pleated shade.  I pulled out a little lamp ~ one of the ones I use
in the windows at Christmas time.  Sorted through the recycle bin for an
old can and searched for scraps of fabric and ribbon and some vintage
buttons.  Painted the can and the base of the lamp, got out the glue gun ~

Voila ~ a new little lamp.

My hubby will tease me.  He says we should notify the power
company and warn them of a power surge every night before we
go to bed.  It will be just one more light to turn out before we 
turn in.

I don't care though.  I think it's cute and I am going to 
show it off on


Bentley ~ do you need a little lamp by your dog bed?

Susan and Bentley

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Decorating the Man Cave

For the men in your life ~ husband, father, son, son-in-law, boyfriend, etc.
Each one of them wants a man cave.  You know what I'm talking about,
a room focused on a flat screen, plasma or LCD HD TV.  That great big 
60 to 72" or more black rectangle sitting on the wall.  To them, it is
heaven.  To us, well not so much.

Every time my hubby goes shopping with me at Costco, he is mesmerized by the 
biggest flat screen available.  I won't even mention the remote because that's a whole
other topic.  I swear that men are born with a channel scanning gene that we are
somehow missing. 

But, I can't complain too much.  My hubby lives with shabby chic furniture and lots
of floral prints.  He never complains.  So here is my suggestion for bringing a bit of
vintage coziness into that masculine domain.  

Vintage books.  I found mine at a book sale at Catholic University in Washington, DC.
A vintage looking clock from a thrift shop and a vintage sketching of a couple of 
dogs from an antique shop in Leesburg, VA.

Oh and this cigar smoking bull dog.  You get my drift ...

Bentley ~ I caught you watching golf with your Daddy.  Just don't start 
channel scanning too!

Susan and Bentley

Friday, February 24, 2012

Pimping a Thrift Shop Shade

I found this cute pink and white gingham shade at a thrift shop.  I thought it might
look good on a lamp base I found at a different shop.  

I added some white ball fringe and some buttons too.  Now it's all
pimped up.

Now, I wonder what I should do with the pink pillows I found?
I guess you'll have to wait until next Friday to find out.

Off to join Beverly for Pink Saturday

Hey Bentley ~ who said you could take a nap on top of those
pink pillows?  

Susan and Bentley

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Here Comes the Paint Again!

A while ago I found 4 maple Windsor Comb Back chairs and a table
for $50.00.   I sold the table for $50.00 and so the chairs were free.

I plan to use them with a old farmhouse style pine table that I painted
heirloom white and distressed, but I wanted the chairs to pop, so I
decided to paint them black.  The first chair I completed is still out gassing,
so I decided to leave it outside for a bit, but could not resist creating a 
little vignette with my thrift shop tea cart.

Y'all know me and my vignettes!

I just can't seem to help myself.  I call it playing with my finds.
Maybe there is a support group for those afflicted with 
vignette obsession.

But ... since I'm not hurting anyone else, or myself ...
I'm just going to call it fun!

Let's visit these fun parties ~

Bentley ~ hold still and let Mommy put you in a vignette.

Susan and Bentley

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Farmhouse Life


There is something so sweet, lovely and uncomplicated about 
farm house life.

Yes there are lots of chores, yet they seem like a pleasure when they
are done in a less hectic atmosphere.  A more gentle and pure way
of living.

So even if we live in the city or the suburbs, we can bring that quality of 
living into our own homes by striving to make our lives simple and 
less complicated.

I am linking up to these Friday Parties

bws tips button


Potpourri Friday
Show and Tell Friday

Bentley ~ I see you peeking through the fence to see the neighbor's chickens.
Are you absolutely sure you would not like some of your own???

Susan and Bentley

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Spilling the Beans

Although I have a Cuisinart coffee pot with a built in coffee grinder, I love
the look of vintage grinders.  So with a little help from heirloom white paint
and The Graphics Fairy, I am spilling the beans on a new look for a thrift
shop find and an repurposed can.

It's just a bit more country farm house looking now.

Don't you just love the aroma of freshly ground coffee beans?
I sure do.

The Graphics Fairy has such great labels.  

I am linking to ~

Bentley and I wish you a happy and creative week!

Susan and Bentley

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Rosy Retreat

What a pleasure it is when I have a few moments to be
alone and browse through magazines and dream of 
gardens, decorating, cottages and collecting vintage lovelies from
antique and thrift shops.

This absolutely adorable Spode plate was a gift to me from my dear friend
Maria.  Isn't it just the sweetest plate?  I love the eyelet trim.  Maria found
it for me at a local thrift shop.  She knew it would be perfect for a post on my blog.
It is Spode's Billingsley Rose.  Thank you Maria!!

Looks like I will have to take this Rosy Retreat inside because the sky is 
getting dark and gray.  Thanks for stopping by today!

Joining ~


Hurry up Bentley ~ looks like rain!!

Susan and Bentley

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Coffee Can Kid's Play

There is an adorable little cafe just 4 blocks from my cottage
it's called ...

Look at some of the cute coffee cans painted by kids
and filled with plants decorating the fence surrounding the cafe.

What a great project for kids and how proud they must be that
their art work can be enjoyed by everyone in the neighborhood!

I personally love painting cans.  It's become one of my latest
crafting passions!

It's a hot one here today ~ so I'm going to take it easy and visit

Even Bentley is feeling lazy in this heat!

Susan and Bentley

Monday, June 13, 2011

Candlesticks A La Palm Beach

I found these candlesticks the other day at one of my
favorite consignment shops.  Cute, but a bit drab.

I pulled out my craft paints and gave them the Palm Beach treatment.

They will look cute as part of a summer tablescape ~ especially
if I am wearing a cute little Lilly Pulitzer dress while I am
setting it up!

Joining ~


Bentley ~ let's give you some Palm Beach style too.
How about a pink and green collar?

Susan and Bentley

Thursday, June 9, 2011


Everyone I talk to has been hit by our economic downturn.
Will there be an end in sight?
As one who believes in the strength, spirit, talent and
creativity of our fellow countrymen I say
Yes We Will turn our economy around!

Until then we will stand tall, have faith, love our friends
and family and take joy in the simple pleasures of life.

We will reuse and repurpose.  We will plant Victory Gardens like our
country did in the past.  We will support our community.

We will blog on and share tips.

And we will laugh and have fun!

Right Bentley?

Let's get this party started ~


By the way ~ I still have music on my site for those of you
who enjoy it.  Just go to the sidebar to turn it on.  Playlist
unfortunately no longer turns on upon opening the page.
For a music lover like me, this is regrettable.

Susan and Bentley

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

A Little Garden Tea

Care to join me for a little afternoon tea in the garden?

I am serving it on my vintage child's size wicker rocker.

I have some sweet petits fours.

No Bentley ~ too much sugar for you!
Mama has some sugar free peanut butter cookies 
just for you!

Bentley and I (with his peanut butter treat)
are joining ~


Susan and Bentley

Sunday, June 5, 2011

French Grain Sack Inspired Snack Tray

One boring, run of the mill snack tray.

A bit of French vintage inspiration, some paint,
And ...

My Vintage French Grain Sack Snack Tray!
For those of you who are wondering why the number
1913 ...
That's the year our cottage was built.

Thrifty and fun!

I am joining ~


That was fun Bentley ~ what should we
transform next?

Susan and Bentley

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Where Does She Keep It All???

First of all ~ Happy Second Blogversary to the Tablescaper!!

My cottage was built in 1913. While it is charming, it is
short on storage space. No walk in closets. No big pantry.
Back in 1913, Boise, Idaho was a small town.
So where do I keep all of our dishes, collections and
what I consider necessities?

Hanging over the stove.

Tucked inside vintage hutches.

On top of hutches.

And on top of cabinets.

Inside open shelves.

Stored in baskets in the back porch pantry.

On top of shelves on the back porch.

Tucked inside the shelves of the hutch in the dining room.
There are many more hanging shelves, library stacks, etc. that
hold all of our treasured, well loved and often used pieces that
make our cottage a home. I shared just a few this time.

I am joining

Bentley ~ did you know that Boise is the most remote city in the
lower 48? Salt Lake City is 6 hours driving time to the east
and Portland, Oregon is about 5 hours to the west. In between
are lots of mountains and high desert. It's a good thing that there
is blogland where we can visit our friends in just seconds!

Susan and Bentley

Friday, May 27, 2011

Why We Love Pink!

As I was putting this week's Pink Saturday post together
I was thinking about why we love pink.

There are so many ways to use pink in our cottages.
For romantic summer evenings on the deck.

In the garden.
Bentley always helps of course!

For accessories around the cottage.

Perfect for holiday decorations.

For quilts hanging out in the sunshine.

For sewing and crafting projects.

And well ~ just because.

Happy 3rd Birthday to Pink Saturday! Thank you Beverly for
bringing us together each week to share our pinks!!

Okay lets party Bentley!!

Susan and Bentley


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