Yes a entire shelf of black cats for Halloween
Happy Halloween!
A miss of new and vintage Halloween
my favorite little black cat and basket I bought many years ago, actually saw one in Texas!
I love postcards, but only have a couple of Halloween ones.
Boots approves of the Black Cat theme
I also love Gurley candles.
I can remember my Grandmother had the pilgrims, and turkeys out at Christmas.
Luckily I still have hers but I also bought my first turkeys and pilgrims for my own house with Grandma many years ago.
The Halloween ones are a bit more expensive, but I have gotten some over the years.
ghost, witches and pumpkins
wish I could get them for what they say on the bottom
different prices depending on the age
Other little vintage pieces
my little witch I have had since my childhood
And I did find something new to add in Texas, and it was only $6
the metal piece with great graphics
so I wish you a Happy Halloween
So excited is on Saturday, I always volunteer to work so those that have kids can be off, but I will be handing out candy on the front porch this year!
My Great Uncle Max and Aunt Esther
Don't you just love it, even a broom in the picture!