Papers by Shahrazad Hadad
Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Business Excellence 2018, Bucharest
The main topics of the conference are focused on but not limited to the following sections:
• Co... more The main topics of the conference are focused on but not limited to the following sections:
• Complexity in a turbulent economic environment
• Challenges and strategies in business education
• Energy, climate change and sustainability
• Social entrepreneurship
• Human resources and intellectual capital
• Business internationalization and globalization
• Sustainability in the tertiary sector
• Innovation and the knowledge economy
• Business digitization
• Marketing in the knowledge economy
• Business finances in a globalized world
• Quantitative methods in data-driven digital marketing research
• Data science in a digital society (Workshop)
• Intellectual property rights and intangible assets for business excellence (Workshop).
Deadline extended! The journal Management & Marketing. Challenges for the Knowledge Society is in... more Deadline extended! The journal Management & Marketing. Challenges for the Knowledge Society is inviting scholars to contribute to the first issue of 2015 dedicated to Energy Business by sending their submissions to [email protected] by 15th of February 2015.
We need energy miracles in at least five areas, and in each of these areas we need at least two ... more We need energy miracles in at least five areas, and in each of these areas we need at least two hundred crazy people who think their idea alone can solve this. (Bill Gates)
The journal Management & Marketing. Challenges for the Knowledge Society is inviting scholars to contribute to the first issue of 2015 dedicated to Energy Business by sending their submissions to [email protected] by 15th of January 2015.
The journal welcomes perspectives on management and marketing issues encountered in the renewable and non-renewable energy generating sectors. Because there are opportunities and challenges that the industry is facing, we find the following areas vital for practice and research: energy finance and funding, energy infrastructure development, required skills and alternative energy as the ‘sensible option’.
Corporate entrepreneurship in energy Financing strategies for the energy business
Energy start-ups Rural energy entrepreneurship
Urban energy entrepreneurship Social entrepreneurship in energy
Energy business models Marketing energy solutions
Public policy in energy International energy entrepreneurship
Emerging energy markets Risks related to energy business
Management & Marketing. Challenges for the Knowledge Society, Sep 20, 2014
Abstract: We live in a world where accountability has become an institution and where
what get... more Abstract: We live in a world where accountability has become an institution and where
what gets measured gets valued due to the increasing demands of stakeholders. The
purpose of the hereby paper is to address change and the impact of change upon society.
Whether the change is caused by social innovation, social entrepreneurial organizations
or social responsibility actions, it translates into a modification in the status quo of the
society. Thus, the discourse of our paper revolves around social value, social problem,
social entrepreneurship and it connects them to the social impact they generate by
presenting the methods used to measure this impact and their basic assumptions, who
applies the methods and what are their effects. The methods for measuring the social
impact found in the literature lean on quantifying everything in money and they also
tend to overlook the importance of the psychological impact a company might have over
its target clients. Furthermore, social impact is measured from the perspective of the
companies and of the investors, neglecting the customers who are the target of the
impact. Also findings reveal that there is no proper legislation to regulate this field and
no specialized control bodies to oversee the activity of the third sector regarding social
impact. We propose three principles underpinning our own so
For a carefully designed hierarchy, if it makes sense for explaining the alternatives involved, w... more For a carefully designed hierarchy, if it makes sense for explaining the alternatives involved, we expect that variations in the perceived importance of the alternatives will not be significant. That, if checked, constitutes an argument of the robustness of the AHP method in general and in particular on the motivational theories in education. The paper presents and compares the results of two experiments that were conducted in a Romanian university. Two hierarchies on what motivates a business student were designed: the first one was constructed through consensus by students, while the second one was inspired from Adamus’s (2013) AHP model on the motivational theories in education. In the context of the particularly chosen criteria and sub-criteria, the results indicate that students care more about the overall rewarding goal of getting a diploma than about specific intermediary steps in achieving it, as for example getting good grades.
Revista Calităţii în Instituţiile de Învăţământ Superior, 2014
Personalizarea educaţiei devine o opţiune din ce în ce mai evidentă pentru universităţile orienta... more Personalizarea educaţiei devine o opţiune din ce în ce mai evidentă pentru universităţile orientate către managementul total al calităţii, iar acest lucru solicită flexibilitate şi reacţii rapide din partea universităţilor. Drept răspuns, universităţile devin tot mai centrate pe rezultatele învăţării şi pe dezvoltarea de competenţe recunoscute de către angajatori. Prezenta lucrare are drept obiectiv prezentarea dintr-o perspectivă integratoare a conceptului de învăţământ centrat pe student, ca un cumul de practici şi experienţe de învăţare care dezvoltă latura profesională a individului şi conturează personalitatea acestuia. Cercetarea explorează bunele practici privind învăţământul bazat pe rezultatele învăţării şi centrat pe student în facultăţile cu profil economic din opt universităţi din România. Cercetarea s-a realizat prin consultarea paginilor web ale universităţilor şi facultăţilor incluse în analiză. Domeniile standard de analiză pentru fiecare facultate au inclus: tipul şi conţinutul programelor de studii oferite la nivelul celor trei cicluri de învăţământ, organizarea cercetării şi modalităţile de diseminare a rezultatelor acesteia şi serviciile oferite studenţilor, inclusiv activităţile extracurriculare. Rezultatele analizei confirmă faptul că universităţile cercetate au depus eforturi dedicate şi concentrate pentru a reorganiza curricula în concordanţă cu cerinţele pieţei muncii şi pentru a creşte calitatea procesului educaţional, în ansamblul acestuia. Cu toate acestea, practicile de învăţare centrată pe student sunt disipate şi destul de restrânse la nivelul programelor de studii. Ca rezultat al acestei analize, în lucrare sunt prezentate diverse măsuri pe care le pot lua în considerare universităţile pentru asigurarea extinderii practicilor de învăţare activă la nivelul tuturor programelor de învăţământ.
Annals of Oradea University. Social Sciences, 2013
The purpose of this paper is to analyze whether civil society itself canenhance or stimulate the ... more The purpose of this paper is to analyze whether civil society itself canenhance or stimulate the creation of social entrepreneurs, by studying the traits of the civil society and the various definitions attributed to it. The main question that the paper wants to answer to is <Does civil society create social entrepreneurs?>and the main approach used in this research paper is the theoretical one. By studying existing articles and books on the topic, the paper tries to emphasize thevarious dimensions that civil society can embrace, as pictured by various authors,as well as how these dimensions can relate to social entrepreneurs and theemergence of social businesses. The paper is not meant to be a breakthrough inthe field, but rather to launch a question that is related to very important topicsthese days, social entrepreneurship, social innovation, social businesses and their connection to a very much debated topic-civil society. The paper is work-in progress and wants to stimulate research regarding the search of the sources of social entrepreneurship, in order to analyze them and better establish them asincubators for the future. It wants to be of use to whoever is researching theconcepts illustrated above, as well as for those who want to get in touch with thenew buzz words of the academic and entrepreneurial fields. The hereby paper stands, as previously stated, in a theoretical framework and the findings represent a mere analysis of the cause-effect relationship between the characteristics of civil society and those of social entrepreneurs. However, we are of the opinion that it can be a very good starting point for the ones interested in the domain, to analyze more sources of social entrepreneurship or further refine the answer to the question addressed in this article.
Entrepreneurship is a key tool in achieving EU’s plans regarding economic development but, for th... more Entrepreneurship is a key tool in achieving EU’s plans regarding economic development but, for the most part, Romania has been slow to keep up the pace. Besides problems in obtaining financing and receiving legal support, a recent report published by Ernst and Young (2013) furnishes a bleak picture: more than half of the local entrepreneurs interviewed regard failure either as a barrier to future business projects or as a lack of necessary skills, while only 12% see it as a learning opportunity. One possible explanation for the high levels of fear inspired by entrepreneurship could be linked with the absence of true models in the popular culture. Although the media has covered the story of successful new businesses, most Romanian business owners bring to the market products that are not innovative and they don’t use any technological advances (Matiș et al., 2011), thus barely fitting the description of an entrepreneur and thus represent models which belong to the current national culture. This paper argues that teaching entrepreneurship should be first of all about choosing the right pedagogical philosophy and that this choice is contingent on the characteristics of the cultural environment. In a society clearly unprepared to foster new entrepreneurs, the emphasis has to be placed on creating the right emotional response to entrepreneurial opportunities through methods that use play as a strategy to engage students in entrepreneurial games created in bubble environments in which different rules apply and failure is not followed by any harmful consequences (Huizinga, 1955). Thus, we propose a pedagogical strategy that would provide students with experiential activities perceived as opportunities for them to actually embody the persona of the entrepreneur. This way they get the much needed habitus (Bourdieu, 1990) that allows them to embrace failure as a learning opportunity.
The customization of education becomes an obvious option for total quality management-oriented un... more The customization of education becomes an obvious option for total quality management-oriented universities, and, therefore, flexible and rapid reactions are expected from universities. In response, universities become more learning outcome - focused as well as more focused on the development of competencies recognized by employers. This paper aims at presenting an integrating perspective on the student-centred-learning concept as an accumulation of practices and learning experiences that determine an individual’s professional development and shape his personality. The research explores the best practices achieved through education based on learning outcomes and student-centred economic faculties, within eight universities in Romania. The research was conducted by consulting the websites of the universities and faculties included in the analysis. The review standard for each faculty included: the type and content of the programs of study offered in the three stages of education, organization and methods of disseminating research results, and services provided to students, including extracurricular activities. The results of the analysis confirm that the surveyed universities have dedicated and focused their efforts to reorganize the curricula according to the requirements of the labor market, and increase the overall quality of education. However, student-centred learning practices are dissipated and quite restricted in the study programs. As a result of this analysis, the paper presents various measures that universities may take into consideration in order to ensure the spread of active learning practices in all educational programs.
This article aims to analyze, through an empirical research, both quantitatively (testing the
b... more This article aims to analyze, through an empirical research, both quantitatively (testing the
brain dominance of the students and of the professors through means of questionnaires) and qualitatively
(interviewing all the parties involved), the short and long run consequences of the match or, on the contrary, of
the mismatch between the professor’s and the student’s brain dominance within the framework of teaching and
evaluation methods. This study was carried out within two similar universities, a French one and a Romanian
one, which were involved and compared from this point of view.
The findings of the present paper are meant to confirm/infirm the legitimacy of some universities'
tendency of hiring people who fit from the point of view of their knowledge, but disregarding their typology, and
therefore to their brain dominance which might affect students’ achievements.
Conference Presentations by Shahrazad Hadad
In this article we provide a critique of the social economy by focusing on the Romanian context. ... more In this article we provide a critique of the social economy by focusing on the Romanian context. As an impressive amount of resources is directed towards the social economy, proportional to the amount of hope that this will prove the savior of the vulnerable groups and the destroyer of social exclusions, it is high time we started asking questions such as: are we really going in the right direction? What happens when you change the rules of the economy to make it more social? Is there really a way to improve the market mechanism to solve social problems? The first area of discussion concerns the fundamental principles on which the social economy is built: promoting the social inclusion for vulnerable groups while at the same time discriminating and isolating them; then we discuss the principles of organization which are not homogeneously obeyed by all social economy actors and the avoidance of talks about entrepreneurial profits but its dependence on the profit’s very existence; and the last section presents the outcomes of the coercive legal framework which has failed to foster true social inclusion, and rather created mechanisms for fraud and profits. Concluding, we advocate the need to rethink the necessity of building new laws, especially laws which coerce social actors into certain behaviors rather than focusing on easing the access to certain social actors to the market economy.
Abstract: In the past several frameworks have been introduced in which business model innovation ... more Abstract: In the past several frameworks have been introduced in which business model innovation was to be understood and practiced. Here we focus on the innovative potential brought by the modification of the business model in accordance to the essence of corporate social entrepreneurship. The conceptual model we are proposing does not aim at being a radical innovation but it tries to incrementally innovate the way in which traditional businesses are being conducted in a socially responsible manner by integrating corporate social entrepreneurship at any organizational level or throughout the supply chain so as to ensure business sustainability by taking into consideration all the stakeholders. Based on the business model canvas we bring together all the latest innovations concerning sustainability and responsibility such as hybrid value chain for customer value, the sustainable supply chain for supply management, social market matrix used for marketing strategy, etc. The purpose of CSE is to further organizational transformation for the benefit of the society. The main advantages that a business model innovation based on the principles of corporate social entrepreneurship brings to the companies are a greater orientation towards effectual thinking and an increased agility and resilience by allowing companies to alter their behavior and to become part of the background in which they usually operate and help develop it along with its own activities.
M&M by Shahrazad Hadad
The journal Management & Marketing. Challenges for the Knowledge Society is inviting scholars to... more The journal Management & Marketing. Challenges for the Knowledge Society is inviting scholars to contribute to the third issue of 2015 by sending their submissions to [email protected] by 31st of July 2015.
Scientific Articles by Shahrazad Hadad
Management & Marketing. Challenges for the Knowledge Society
The lack of governmental funding accompanied by an increase in the demand for social services hav... more The lack of governmental funding accompanied by an increase in the demand for social services have urged the universities to rethink their mission and their position on the market. The paper aims to investigate the dimensions of social impact of university entrepreneurship building on recent studies on the social mission of higher education. The existence of several dimensions in academia is tested by using a sample of twelve universities from Romania which rank first in terms of quality and academic results. A comparison is made between the ways in which the dimensions appear in the discourses of the universities to establish if the discourse is unaltered or variable. The examination reveals that the degree of social orientation differs among universities, some relying more on the activity of their student associations to promote social change, whereas others take the matters in their own hands and implement social projects based on European funding.
Conference Proceedings by Shahrazad Hadad
In this article we provide a critique of the social economy by focusing on the Romanian context. ... more In this article we provide a critique of the social economy by focusing on the Romanian context. As an impressive amount of resources is directed towards the social economy, proportional to the amount of hope that this will prove the savior of the vulnerable groups and the destroyer of social exclusions, it is high time we started asking questions such as: are we really going in the right direction? What happens when you change the rules of the economy to make it more social? Is there really a way to improve the market mechanism to solve social problems? The first area of discussion concerns the fundamental principles on which the social economy is built: promoting the social inclusion for vulnerable groups while at the same time discriminating and isolating them; then we discuss the principles of organization which are not homogeneously obeyed by all social economy actors and the avoidance of talks about entrepreneurial profits but its dependence on the profit's very existence; and the last section presents the outcomes of the coercive legal framework which has failed to foster true social inclusion, and rather created mechanisms for fraud and profits. Concluding, we advocate the need to rethink the necessity of building new laws, especially laws which coerce social actors into certain behaviors rather than focusing on easing the access to certain social actors to the market economy.
In the past, several frameworks have been introduced in which business model innovation was to be... more In the past, several frameworks have been introduced in which business model innovation was to be understood and practiced. Here we focus on the innovative potential brought by the modification of the business model in accordance to the essence of corporate social entrepreneurship. The conceptual model we are proposing does not aim at being a radical innovation but it tries to incrementally innovate the way in which traditional businesses are being conducted in a socially responsible manner by integrating corporate social entrepreneurship at any organizational level or throughout the supply chain so as to ensure business sustainability by taking into consideration all the stakeholders. Based on the business model canvas we bring together all the latest innovations concerning sustainability and responsibility such as hybrid value chain for customer value, the sustainable supply chain for supply management, social market matrix used for marketing strategy, etc. The purpose of CSE is to further organizational transformation for the benefit of the society. The main advantages that a business model innovation based on the principles of corporate social entrepreneurship brings to the companies are a greater orientation towards effectual thinking and an increased agility and resilience by allowing companies to alter their behavior and to become part of the background in which they usually operate and help develop it along with its own activities.
Papers by Shahrazad Hadad
• Complexity in a turbulent economic environment
• Challenges and strategies in business education
• Energy, climate change and sustainability
• Social entrepreneurship
• Human resources and intellectual capital
• Business internationalization and globalization
• Sustainability in the tertiary sector
• Innovation and the knowledge economy
• Business digitization
• Marketing in the knowledge economy
• Business finances in a globalized world
• Quantitative methods in data-driven digital marketing research
• Data science in a digital society (Workshop)
• Intellectual property rights and intangible assets for business excellence (Workshop).
The journal Management & Marketing. Challenges for the Knowledge Society is inviting scholars to contribute to the first issue of 2015 dedicated to Energy Business by sending their submissions to [email protected] by 15th of January 2015.
The journal welcomes perspectives on management and marketing issues encountered in the renewable and non-renewable energy generating sectors. Because there are opportunities and challenges that the industry is facing, we find the following areas vital for practice and research: energy finance and funding, energy infrastructure development, required skills and alternative energy as the ‘sensible option’.
Corporate entrepreneurship in energy Financing strategies for the energy business
Energy start-ups Rural energy entrepreneurship
Urban energy entrepreneurship Social entrepreneurship in energy
Energy business models Marketing energy solutions
Public policy in energy International energy entrepreneurship
Emerging energy markets Risks related to energy business
what gets measured gets valued due to the increasing demands of stakeholders. The
purpose of the hereby paper is to address change and the impact of change upon society.
Whether the change is caused by social innovation, social entrepreneurial organizations
or social responsibility actions, it translates into a modification in the status quo of the
society. Thus, the discourse of our paper revolves around social value, social problem,
social entrepreneurship and it connects them to the social impact they generate by
presenting the methods used to measure this impact and their basic assumptions, who
applies the methods and what are their effects. The methods for measuring the social
impact found in the literature lean on quantifying everything in money and they also
tend to overlook the importance of the psychological impact a company might have over
its target clients. Furthermore, social impact is measured from the perspective of the
companies and of the investors, neglecting the customers who are the target of the
impact. Also findings reveal that there is no proper legislation to regulate this field and
no specialized control bodies to oversee the activity of the third sector regarding social
impact. We propose three principles underpinning our own so
brain dominance of the students and of the professors through means of questionnaires) and qualitatively
(interviewing all the parties involved), the short and long run consequences of the match or, on the contrary, of
the mismatch between the professor’s and the student’s brain dominance within the framework of teaching and
evaluation methods. This study was carried out within two similar universities, a French one and a Romanian
one, which were involved and compared from this point of view.
The findings of the present paper are meant to confirm/infirm the legitimacy of some universities'
tendency of hiring people who fit from the point of view of their knowledge, but disregarding their typology, and
therefore to their brain dominance which might affect students’ achievements.
Conference Presentations by Shahrazad Hadad
M&M by Shahrazad Hadad
Scientific Articles by Shahrazad Hadad
Conference Proceedings by Shahrazad Hadad
• Complexity in a turbulent economic environment
• Challenges and strategies in business education
• Energy, climate change and sustainability
• Social entrepreneurship
• Human resources and intellectual capital
• Business internationalization and globalization
• Sustainability in the tertiary sector
• Innovation and the knowledge economy
• Business digitization
• Marketing in the knowledge economy
• Business finances in a globalized world
• Quantitative methods in data-driven digital marketing research
• Data science in a digital society (Workshop)
• Intellectual property rights and intangible assets for business excellence (Workshop).
The journal Management & Marketing. Challenges for the Knowledge Society is inviting scholars to contribute to the first issue of 2015 dedicated to Energy Business by sending their submissions to [email protected] by 15th of January 2015.
The journal welcomes perspectives on management and marketing issues encountered in the renewable and non-renewable energy generating sectors. Because there are opportunities and challenges that the industry is facing, we find the following areas vital for practice and research: energy finance and funding, energy infrastructure development, required skills and alternative energy as the ‘sensible option’.
Corporate entrepreneurship in energy Financing strategies for the energy business
Energy start-ups Rural energy entrepreneurship
Urban energy entrepreneurship Social entrepreneurship in energy
Energy business models Marketing energy solutions
Public policy in energy International energy entrepreneurship
Emerging energy markets Risks related to energy business
what gets measured gets valued due to the increasing demands of stakeholders. The
purpose of the hereby paper is to address change and the impact of change upon society.
Whether the change is caused by social innovation, social entrepreneurial organizations
or social responsibility actions, it translates into a modification in the status quo of the
society. Thus, the discourse of our paper revolves around social value, social problem,
social entrepreneurship and it connects them to the social impact they generate by
presenting the methods used to measure this impact and their basic assumptions, who
applies the methods and what are their effects. The methods for measuring the social
impact found in the literature lean on quantifying everything in money and they also
tend to overlook the importance of the psychological impact a company might have over
its target clients. Furthermore, social impact is measured from the perspective of the
companies and of the investors, neglecting the customers who are the target of the
impact. Also findings reveal that there is no proper legislation to regulate this field and
no specialized control bodies to oversee the activity of the third sector regarding social
impact. We propose three principles underpinning our own so
brain dominance of the students and of the professors through means of questionnaires) and qualitatively
(interviewing all the parties involved), the short and long run consequences of the match or, on the contrary, of
the mismatch between the professor’s and the student’s brain dominance within the framework of teaching and
evaluation methods. This study was carried out within two similar universities, a French one and a Romanian
one, which were involved and compared from this point of view.
The findings of the present paper are meant to confirm/infirm the legitimacy of some universities'
tendency of hiring people who fit from the point of view of their knowledge, but disregarding their typology, and
therefore to their brain dominance which might affect students’ achievements.