Papers by Daniel Serbanica
The efficiency of a company's activity resides in designing and managing a long term relationship... more The efficiency of a company's activity resides in designing and managing a long term relationship with the athletes, spectators, sponsors and community. The relationship with any of these four shareholders can be addressed through public relations, a marketing communication technique that brings value both for the company sending the message, and for other categories interested in its well-being. The purpose of this paper is to introduce the reader to the relationships between PR and sports. It explores how sports public relations practitioners have developed a range of successful strategies and tactics for influencing media coverage, and supporting the sport's domains. The authors conclude that the effective use of Public Relations in sport can generate conversion, facilitate sport representatives positioning, and maintain continued sport sustenance.
Theoretical background At the enterprise level, the price must not be approached only operational... more Theoretical background At the enterprise level, the price must not be approached only operationally, but also strategically, because it represents one of the marketing mix instruments, having the capacity to quantify the value offered to the costumers and to contribute to generating of the company financial results. From the marketing perspective, the price is defined permanently reported to the value associated to the product by the customers, depending on their expectations (Lambin, 1996). These are influenced by: the perception of a fair price, the prices paid in the past, the competition prices and the perception of quality. In the definition of the price is permanently followed its relation with the product, because without this the price becomes an abstract variable. Thus, the product must be viewed by the supplier as a set of utilities, objectives or perceptual, that might be offered to the customer; the price being the expression of the satisfaction resulted after the consumption or the utilization of the product. The concept of value, used in the marketing perspective, is somehow different comparing with the meaning assigned by the political economy, which operates with two notions: use value and exchange value. In a marketing view, the perceived value of acquisition represents the ratio between the perceived benefit (quality) offered by the product to the consumers and total sacrifice perceived by them as concerns the acquisition and the use of the product (Monroe, 2003). The price might be a major element of the marketing mix, but the decisions from this area must be thoroughly coordinated with the ones regarding the product, the promotion and the distribution. The framework for such coordination is designed by the segmentation and positioning strategies adopted by the organization, these constituting the general direction for the marketing mix setting. The strategic valences of the price are established on two dimensions: the degree of control and the flexibility of price. The limits between which the price is set are designated by the demand (the superior limit) and the costs (the inferior limit), during that competition and legislation influence the price evolution in the horizontal plan that take to
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the distinctive characteristics of the competitive me... more The purpose of this paper is to investigate the distinctive characteristics of the competitive mechanism in the digital economy and information product markets. Specific properties of digital goods and information markets are considered. We review evidence that Internet markets are more efficient than conventional markets with respect to price levels, menu costs, and price elasticity. However, several studies find substantial and persistent dispersion in prices on the Internet. This price dispersion may be explained, in part, by heterogeneity in retailer-specific factors such as trust and awareness. In addition, we note that Internet markets are still in an early stage of development and may change dramatically in the coming years with the development of cross-channel sales strategies, infomediaries and shop bots, and improved supply chain management.
In our days society confronts itself with an important series of transformations, in what involve... more In our days society confronts itself with an important series of transformations, in what involves the manner in which organizations can communicate with their target public. We can discuss about radical changes that appear in the way of transmitting messages to the stakeholders, taking into account the importance and the role of public relations, especially of marketing events concomitant with lowering of the advertising power. In Europe, a larger number of companies are starting to implement activities of marketing events. The Marketing of events has an impact on the environment in which the company is developing: the internal public of the company (employees, the management team, shareholders) but also on the external public of the company (contractors, clients, competitors, state organizations, the press, nongovernmental organizations). The appearance and evolution of marketing events It can be said on a good motivation that the events appeared at the same time with the forming of tribes, and even if they were preparing to hunt, to fight, to celebrate different occasions, they evolved and expanded together with humanity. In what involves the public communication we have as historic reference points from the times of Greece and Ancient Rome when the sports and cultural events were used in political purposes, at which assisted over 50 thousands people at the Colosseum and 250 thousands at Circus Maximus, the product being the offering of amusement to the mass of people, but the objective was to attract the votes and sympathy of the people. So the Roman emperors offered the crowd " panem et circenses " upgrading the ludic need to the rank of primary need; with an old tradition of 2000 years in China, the Dragon Boat festival, which commemorates the poet and minister of the state Chu, from the first feudal dynasty of China, Qu Yuan (340 – 278 B.C.), but it represents at the same time a chance for the Chinese people to chase away the diseases and to strengthen their bodies, it is celebrated every year on the fifth day of the fifth month, and it still remained even in our days one of the most important festivals. The races represent the most exciting parts of the festival, the boats were painted in lively colors and they are called dragon boats because the front sides as well as the back side have the shape of a traditional Chinese dragon.
The purpose of this paper is to identify the main opportunities and limitations of corporate soci... more The purpose of this paper is to identify the main opportunities and limitations of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in the Romanian business environment. The contributions of this paper consist of the following three aims. First, it challenges a new thinking about CRS in Romania, because the prevailing approaches to this concept are so disconnected from business as to obscure many of the greatest opportunities for companies to benefit society. Second, it proposes that an affirmative corporate social agenda moves from mitigating harm to reinforcing corporate strategy through social progress. Third, it highlights that typically the more closely tied a social issue is to a company's business, the greater the opportunity to leverage the firm's resources and benefit society. The paper ends with some conclusions about the Romanian CSR practices and initiatives.
In this paper I focus how concepts of corporate strategy have changed. I deal with corporate stra... more In this paper I focus how concepts of corporate strategy have changed. I deal with corporate strategy and competitive styles and explain the effects of new concepts of competitive advantage. This study represents an attempt to survey current knowledge concerning the issue of competitive advantage and propose some directions of action.
The presented article had the main purpose to demonstrate that it is more effective to use contin... more The presented article had the main purpose to demonstrate that it is more effective to use continuous research in advertising communication for all the products to increase consumers' comprehension of the new product's benefits than not to use studies. We discuss these findings and outline directions for future research. The results highlight the importance of the studies concerning the pre-testing and the post-testing of the advertising communication system's elements.
In consumer marketing, brands often provide the primary points of differentiation between competi... more In consumer marketing, brands often provide the primary points of differentiation between competitive offerings, and as such they can be critical to the success of companies. Hence, it is important that the management of brands is approached strategically. Brands play a critical role in a firm's international expansion. A coherent international brand architecture is a key component of the firm's overall international marketing strategy as it provides a structure to leverage strong brands into other markets, assimilate acquired brands, and rationalize the firm's international branding strategy. This paper is a review of the brand literature and his aim is to examine the brand concepts developed by management and the dynamic nature of brands in terms of changing brand strategy and increasing consumer sophistication.
Public relations help our complex, pluralistic society to reach decisions and function more effec... more Public relations help our complex, pluralistic society to reach decisions and function more effective by contributing to mutual understanding among groups and institutions. It serves to bring private and public policies into harmony. Public relations serve a wide variety of institutions in society such as businesses, trade unions, government agencies, voluntary associations, foundations, hospitals, schools, colleges, and religious institutions. The managements of institutions need to understand the attitudes and values of their publics in order to achieve institutional goals. The goals themselves are shaped by external environment. The public relations practitioner acts as a counselor to management and as a mediator, helping translate private aims into reasonable, publicly acceptable policy and action.
Scopul principal al activitãþii de benchmarking în domeniul relaþiilor publice este acela de a ge... more Scopul principal al activitãþii de benchmarking în domeniul relaþiilor publice este acela de a genera informaþii utile în efortul organizaþiei de a-ºi îmbunãtãþi performanþa. Este important sã se verifice dacã promovarea în benchmarking este o acþiune necesarã sau relevantã, ca urmare a cercetãrii atente a necesarului de informaþii ºi a provocãrilor cu care se confruntã departamentul de relaþii publice al organizaþiei. Nevoia de benchmarking în relaþii publice pare sã fie asociatã, în mod fericit, cu dorinþa liderului organizaþiei de a opera schimbãri strategice sau operative, de a oferi dovezi categorice cu privire la efectele sale asupra performanþei în relaþii publice ºi-sau cu privire la dimensiunea diferenþelor de performanþã percepute, la nivelul departamentelor de relaþii publice, între diferite organizaþii din aceeaºi ramurã industrialã.
In this paper we focus how the companies have started to examine their advertising system, includ... more In this paper we focus how the companies have started to examine their advertising system, including their media plannig, to find the potential leverage the ad's brand has for extending into other categories or for building marketing relationships with other brands.
This paper reports findings of the competitive advantage of supply chain integration and the cruc... more This paper reports findings of the competitive advantage of supply chain integration and the crucial role of integrated e-business to deliver those benefits. However, adoption of e-business in supply chains has been slower than expected, particularly in small to medium sized enterprises (SMEs). Differences between firms in supply chains and between supply chains are examined. Across industries, firms have adopted e-business initiatives to better manage their internal business processes as well as their interfaces with the environment. The authors' findings provide the foundation for a more rigorous study of e-business.
Books by Daniel Serbanica
Papers by Daniel Serbanica
Books by Daniel Serbanica