This is my LAST official month of doing the monthly card kit club. It is something I've been contemplating for a while now but couldn't pull the plug because I just love it so much. But now that we are moved and settled in.... life has been kicking me in the butt! My childcare is in full-swing now, thank heavens, and I need to be available "after hours" for my family. My girls are growing up at lightning speeds and I just don't want to have any regrets. I hope that makes sense. Anyway.... on a fun note.... because I won't be doing the card kits that have been taking up any extra "creative" time... this means I get to "play" for fun and "make things" like I used to! LOL So that part I am looking forward to when life allows for it. Probably nap times. :)
Sooooo.... here's my last Peek ever of the monthly card kits. October. it has three fun Christmas cards in it. I love them. I'm thinking I should have about 6 extra kits this month. If you want one then please shoot me an email..... [email protected] Thanks!♥