Well it is party time and here is my post for Where Country Women Create. I do live in the country in a old farm house, over 100 year old. We have remodeled and built on to it several times. My space had never had any kind of theme or real organization about it. I just had a place to work and after mass creating it would turn into a mess. Most of the time I could not find things I needed. I do many different kinds of art so I needed several places to do different things. I have made many attempts at getting a space that was organized and made me feel good working in it. I tried many different plastic storage containers, just didn't do it for me. No offense to those of you who use them. They just were not what I wanted. I wanted a place that was primitive, shabby and vintage in decor. I needed a space that made me happy. My niece came over and said "you need to display your work in here" this is my space. The only thing is I don't keep a lot of my work. I did display a few dolls I have and thought I should display some of my beading. I wear my necklaces all the time but I thought I would display some of them, I have to many to put them all up. I am thinking about a small tree that I could put up more of my jewelry. This is still in thought process. I am not completely finished but, close. I painted the floor, desk(not finished), cabinets and the tables. I still want to make some rosettes for my table. I am also finishing some art for the walls. I hope to finish some more and post more pictures this week. I would love to know what you think of my space. Enjoy Hugs for now
Well we got some new babies a couple of weeks ago. A stray cat adopted us and we discovered a short time later she was expecting. Makayla my vet to be, fixed her up a box in the shed. One evening three weeks ago we watched her have 5 adorable fur balls. They are so cute and of course she wants to keep them all! About a month before that we got two brothers. We needed some outside cats to help keep the mice down in the barn and shed. So here is Dr Evil as I call him....stretched out in the yard on a hot afternoon. Mr Oliver was missing in action so he didn't get his picture posted this time. And last but not least my indoor cat Whiskey. And yes he is a bit undernourished! LOL !!
I love to create just about everything. I love making primitives,bringing a primitive doll to life is wonderful! I also love to bead an exquisite necklace. I play with dye and love to create fabric for a wonderful wearable. I also enjoy decorating my house. I love chippy paint, rusty old items and anything that might have a story to tell.
I belong to FibR and three wonderful ebay groups,BWBA, OPSG and SOATP. I also belong to Etsy groups OFG and MHA.