Papers by Dan Aparaschivei
LIMES XXIIII Proceedings of the 24th International Congress of Roman Frontier Studies, 2nd − 9th September 2018 Viminacium − Belgrade, Serbia VOLUME I, 2023
The phenomenon of Christian pilgrimage in Antiquity has been studied from theological, historical... more The phenomenon of Christian pilgrimage in Antiquity has been studied from theological, historical and archaeological
perspectives, but also from art history perspective and from the point of view of its socio-economic
implications. The pilgrims who traveled to the holy places or the martyrs' sanctuaries returned home, carrying
sanctified water, blessed oil, or earth (manna) from the holy places visited in small vessels called ampoules.
The origin of these objects, included in the category of eulogiae, could be identified according to their form, the
material from which they were made, and also on the iconography.
The subject of this paper is an ampoule of the Micro-Asiatic type, discovered in relatively good conditions,
and which has on both sides represented two characters of the Christian pantheon. The find originates from the
systematic archaeological research in the Late Roman fortress of Ibida, Scythia province (Slava Rusă, Tulcea
County, Romania) during the campaign in 2016. The discovered ampulla has few analogies in the Lower Danube
area but is unique in terms of iconography. Its shape, fabric and its analogies identified in the Asia Minor region
make it possible to establish its origin in the Ephesus region. It is quite possible that it was purchased from the
Basilica of St. John the Evangelist, a famous pilgrimage site during Late Antiquity.
Moreover, the Ibida archaeological complex is dotted with numerous other finds testifying for a very active religious
life, especially in the second half of 6th century, when the present piece is dated. This is argued for also by
the monastic complex near the fortress, but also the intra-mural basilica from which only architectural fragments
are preserved. The ampoule analyzed here confirms that the inhabitants of the fortress had an active Christian
life and demonstrated their faith also by traveling to the holy places of Christendom.
Varia Archaeologica III, 2023
The paper presents the interdisciplinary results of three ceramic fragments from dolia‑type vesse... more The paper presents the interdisciplinary results of three ceramic fragments from dolia‑type vessels, discovered in the archaeological excavations from Curtain X area of the late Roman citadel of Ibida. The samples were analyzed by OM, SEM‑EDX and μ‑FTIR techniques in order to identify some archaeometric characteristics, related to the nature of the materials and pyrotechnological processes. Thus, from a mineralogical point of view, the presence of local geological elements was established and illustrates the manufacturing of the containers with a clay located near the settlement, and the compositional analysis shows the use of the same clay source for the production of all the analyzed vessels. From a technological perspective, two ways of vessels manufacturing techniques were observed in terms of paste processing as well as firing temperatures
Volum omagial C.C. Petolescu, , 2023
Remodelarea sistemului de fortificații Ibida (provincia Scythia) în secolul al VI-lea p. Chr. În ... more Remodelarea sistemului de fortificații Ibida (provincia Scythia) în secolul al VI-lea p. Chr. În primele decenii ale secolului al XX-lea, Vasile Pârvan făcea conexiunea dintre situl arheologic identificat în satul Slava Rusă (jud. Tulcea) cu Ἰβιδὰ πόλις, care apare la Procopius din Caesarea printre cetățile refăcute de către Justinian. Complexul arheologic Ibida este compus din trei elemente, respectiv cetatea mare, fortificația colinară și un fort instalat pe dealul cel mai înalt din zonă. Cert este că cetatea mare a fost ridicată în secolul al IV-lea, probabil până la mijlocul acestuia. În urma cercetărilor arheologice au fost surprinse mai multe intervenții la incintă cu rol de reparații din secolului al Vlea, dar scopul materialului de față este prezentarea unor elemente ale revizuirii generale a elementelor de fortificare desfășurate în secolul al VI-lea, foarte posibil în cadrul proiectului strategic dezvoltat de Justinian și evocat de Procopius din Caesareea. Avem în vedere intervențiile din sectoarele Curtina G-Turnul 8, respectiv Curtina X în conexiune directă cu partea de fortificație anexă de care se leagă. Pentru primul sector constatăm o regândire a sistemului de apărare, cu retragerea fronturilor turnului de secolul al VI-lea dispus pe curtina respectivă, față de cel din secolul al IV-lea, rezultând un "turn în turn". De asemenea, au loc tot acum blocarea unei portițe de acces în cetate, precum și intervenții de substanță la incintă. La sectorul Curtina X-fortificația colinară remarcăm complexitatea şi varietatea tehnică a intervențiilor la incintă, prin anularea sistemului de trepte de acces pe curtină prevăzut încă din secolul al IV-lea. Situații arheologice interesante avem la joncțiunea dintre Curtina X a fortificației mari și fortificația colinară. De asemenea, cercetarea, aflată încă în curs, a turnului I din fortificația colinară (F) ne-a oferit informații utile în identificarea ultimei etape de funcționare a cetății Ibida. Cuvinte cheie: Ibida, secolul al VI-lea p. Chr., Iustinian I, sectorul Curtina G-turnul 8, sectorul Curtina Xfortificația colinară.
Revue des Etudes Anciennes, 2021
* Nous remercions la Fondation Académique "Menachem H. Elias" pour l'opportunité d'étudier dans l... more * Nous remercions la Fondation Académique "Menachem H. Elias" pour l'opportunité d'étudier dans les bibliothèques de Vienne, Autriche. Egalement, on remercie les collègues Prof.
Facilities and Medical Staff of the Lower Danubian Limes, COLLOQUIA ANTIQUA, 25, Leuven 2019, 2019
The rigorous organisation of the Roman army during the Principate brought forward the issue of ca... more The rigorous organisation of the Roman army during the Principate brought forward the issue of caring for the health of its soldiers. The state's intention to treat wounded soldiers as soon as possible and have them in optimal physical and mental condition led to the construction of military hospitals within castra, as well as the training of specialist medical staff. The objective here is to identify the period during which this system was implemented on the Lower Danubian limes, as well as the medical facilities available to the armies of the provinces of Moesia Superior, Moesia Inferior and Dacia. Besides the valetudinarium of Novae, we bring arguments for the existence of other such constructions in legionary or auxiliary castra in the region, as well as a possible connection with the general strategy of the army in its deployment in critical areas of the empire. The density of military units garrisoned on the Lower Danubian limes allows us to outline the interesting diversity of the physicians who served both the legions and the auxiliary and naval units. Based on the epigraphic sources, physicians with different appellations were identified, some of these being unique within the empire. 8 Hyginus Gromaticus Mun. Castr. 4. Archaeologically there are about 30 such edifices attested on the Rhenish-Danubian limes, with a particularly large number in Britannia (Dycek 2004, 159; Baker 2004, 90, who express also reservations about the attribution of such structures in the castra). The necessity of such facilities in the army is argued for even by contemporary sources, which remark that, often, the number of soldiers unavailable due to illness equalled that of the soldiers killed in battles (
Arheologia Moldovei, 2019
Redactor (Editura Academiei Române): MIHAI POPA, ADRIAN MIRCEA DOBRE Tehnoredactare computerizată... more Redactor (Editura Academiei Române): MIHAI POPA, ADRIAN MIRCEA DOBRE Tehnoredactare computerizată: GEORGE BILAVSCHI, CĂTĂLIN HRIBAN Desenele care ilustrează volumul au fost executate în cea mai mare parte de către ROMEO IONESCU Proiect aprobat și finanțat de Consiliului Județean Suceava Revista "Arheologia Moldovei" apare o dată pe an. La revue "Arheologia Moldovei" paraît une fois par an. În țară revista se poate procura prin poștă pe bază de abonamente la: Les lecteurs de l'étranger peuvent s'abonner par:
Festschrift C. Chiriac 2022, 2022
dans l'un des sites archéologiques du IVème siècle ap. J. Chr. appelé "Râpile lui Filip" ("les ra... more dans l'un des sites archéologiques du IVème siècle ap. J. Chr. appelé "Râpile lui Filip" ("les ravins de Philippe"), plusieurs artéfacts ont été identifiés durant les recherches de surface déroulées en 2020. Parmi ceux-ci, notre attention a été attirée par une fibule en argent de type mit umgeschlagenem Fuß. Cet accessoire vestimentaire était confectionné de deux pièces de métal et il avait le pied trapézoïdal. C' est une pièce qui a de nombreuses correspondances surtout dans les territoires des Sarmates du Nord de la Mer Noire. En Roumanie il y a encore quelques exemples similaires, principalement en Munténie, mais aussi en Moldavie, sur le site de Poieneşti. Dans la zone de la découverte de la pièce, à Dobrovăţ, une recherche archéologique intrusive a également été déroulée dans la même année. Les fouilles ont révélé un complexe archéologique qui a été identifié comme un logement en terre crue. Celui-ci a permis aussi une datation pour la fibule, à la fin du IIIème siècle ou dans les premières décennies du siècle suivant.
Revue des Etudes Anciennes, 2021
Hugo chAusserie-LAprée, Le roi en son choeur : un autre regard sur les monarchies hellénistiques ... more Hugo chAusserie-LAprée, Le roi en son choeur : un autre regard sur les monarchies hellénistiques 507 Patrick robiAno, La représentation de Grecs d'Égypte à l'époque impériale : les Naucratites .. au miroir de Philostrate et d'Héliodore d'Émèse .
D. Aparaschivei, Some chest hasps of Ibida, in Studia in memoriam Octaviani Bounegru, 2021
The so-called `small finds` play an important role in the reconstruction of daily life in Ibida, ... more The so-called `small finds` play an important role in the reconstruction of daily life in Ibida, a walled town in the province of Moesia Inferior that became part of the province of Scythia as early as the 4 th century AD. In this paper we refer to 15 metal items that are elements of the locking mechanisms used for room doors or for various pieces of furniture, boxes, chests, etc. There are 11 keys and four deadbolts discovered in the Ibida fortress or in its hinterland. The items were made of bronze and iron, probably in workshops in the province, with rather numerous analogies in the Roman settlements in the Lower Danube area. The study of the role of keys and protection systems in general in an urban community such as Ibida can lead to certain conclusions, bearing on the intensity of economic activities carried out in a certain period of the city's existence, the prosperity of the community, and also provide interesting details about the evolution of social life in the province in general. Rezumat: Un rol important în reconstituirea vieții cotidiene de la Ibida, cetate din provincia Moesia Inferior, iar din sec. al IV-lea parte a provinciei Scythia, îl dețin artefactele de tip "small finds". În materialul de față facem referire la 15 piese metalice, reprezentând elemente ale sistemelor de închidere folosite la uși de acces în încăperi, dar și de la diferite obiecte de mobilier, casete, cufere etc. Sunt 11 chei și patru componente de încuietori-bolturi-descoperite în cetatea Ibida sau în arealul dependent de aceasta. Piesele au fost confecționate din bronz și din fier, probabil chiar în ateliere din provincie, cu similitudini destul de numeroase în așezările romane din zona Dunării de Jos. Cercetarea rolului cheilor și a sistemelor de protecție, în general, într-o comunitate urbană precum Ibida poate să conducă spre anumite concluzii și relativ la intensitatea activităților economice desfășurate într-o anumită perioadă din existența cetății, la prosperitatea comunității, dar și la detalii interesante despre evoluția vieții sociale din provincie, în general.
Transylvanian Review, 2010
Dynamics of a Society: Geography, Space, Infrastructure, Travel and Mobility in the Roman Empire ... more Dynamics of a Society: Geography, Space, Infrastructure, Travel and Mobility in the Roman Empire and Dacia Florin Fodorean Un aspect de la vie quotidienne reflété par l'archéologie dans la province Mésie Inférieure: l'intérêt pour la santé collective et individuelle1 Dan Aparaschivei I.2. Mapping Differences Topography, Digital Cartography and Gis In Archaeology: Debates On Research Methods And Perspectives Florin Fodorean, Ioan Fodorean Geophysical Survey on sites in Dacia. Main Features George Cupcea, Felix Marcu La cité palimpseste: l'habitat urbain de l'antiquité romaine à l'antiquité tardive au Bas Danube Irina Adriana Achim Structures de pouvoir et populations au Nord du Danube aux X e-XIII e siècles reflétées par les découvertes funéraires Adrian Ioniþã • II. The W ritten and the Unwritten 119 II.1. Artifact, Message and Impact Anthropomorphic Representations on the Ceramic Ware of Cucuteni-Cetãþuia Mãdãlin-Cornel Vãleanu Between Axe and Dagger: Early Bronze Age Weaponry in the Lower Danube Area Radu Bãjenaru Silver artefacts of the third and second millennia BC at the Lower and Middle Danube Anca-Diana Popescu Telling Myths, Explaining the Ritual 183 Sorin Nemeti II.2. Sources, Stories and Facts Sur les statères en or de type Koson Aurel Vîlcu The Relevance of tile-stamps in the history of Dacia
Arheologia Moldovei, 2009
În partea central-nordică a Dobrogei, în satul Slava Rusă (comuna Slava Cercheză, judeţul Tulcea)... more În partea central-nordică a Dobrogei, în satul Slava Rusă (comuna Slava Cercheză, judeţul Tulcea), a fost localizat unul dintre cele mai întinse complexe fortificate romano-bizantine din regiunea Dunării de Jos. Pomenită de Procopius din Caesarea, între cetăţile refăcute de Justinian sub denumirea de Ibida 2 şi apoi, posibil, de către Theophylactus Simocata 3 , cu un apelativ diferit, probabil (L?)Ibida 4 , aşezarea prezintă un potenţial arheologic remarcabil. Primele cercetări arheologice au fost iniţiate de către D. C. Butculescu, în 1853 5. După aproape o jumătate de secol, P. Polonic, din însărcinarea lui Gr. Tocilescu, reuşea să creioneze un plan al fortificaţiilor 6. La începutul secolului al XX-lea, R. Netzhammer a vizitat regiunea 7 , dar săpături arheologice efective au fost realizate de către G. G. Mateescu, în 1926 şi apoi în 1953, de o echipă de cercetare venită de la Histria 8. În anii '70, Al. S. Ştefan, folosind fotogrametria în cercetarea arheologică, a redactat planul zonei arheologice de la Slava Rusă, care a rămas de referinţă până astăzi (pl. 1).
Arheologia Moldovei, 2004
Arheologia Moldovei, 2014
In the Roman classical time, as well as during the Christian period, the very young age of marria... more In the Roman classical time, as well as during the Christian period, the very young age of marriageable girls indicates that their passage from childhood to adulthood was somewhat enforced. Our study aims to observe and comment on several aspects regarding the de jure and de facto marriageable age and consequently the age of passage from childhood to adulthood between the 1 st and the 6 th centuries AD in the area corresponding to the late Roman province Scythia Minor. The importance of marriage and childbearing in the Roman world is revealed, also, by the sources that refer to the premature death of young people, before their marriage. Analyzing the symbolic meaning of funeral inventory in graves of marriageable girls is another objective of this study. The clothing, the jewels and the rest of the funeral inventory, together with the specific rituals might reveal unmarried status of the deceased young woman, but also her nulliparial status and consequently her symbolic "childhood".
(abstract) Facilities and Medical Staff of the Lower Danubian Roman Army , 2019
ArchAeologicAlSmAll FindSAndTheir SigniFicAnce, 2019
Quaderni Friulani di Archeologia, 2015
Papers by Dan Aparaschivei
perspectives, but also from art history perspective and from the point of view of its socio-economic
implications. The pilgrims who traveled to the holy places or the martyrs' sanctuaries returned home, carrying
sanctified water, blessed oil, or earth (manna) from the holy places visited in small vessels called ampoules.
The origin of these objects, included in the category of eulogiae, could be identified according to their form, the
material from which they were made, and also on the iconography.
The subject of this paper is an ampoule of the Micro-Asiatic type, discovered in relatively good conditions,
and which has on both sides represented two characters of the Christian pantheon. The find originates from the
systematic archaeological research in the Late Roman fortress of Ibida, Scythia province (Slava Rusă, Tulcea
County, Romania) during the campaign in 2016. The discovered ampulla has few analogies in the Lower Danube
area but is unique in terms of iconography. Its shape, fabric and its analogies identified in the Asia Minor region
make it possible to establish its origin in the Ephesus region. It is quite possible that it was purchased from the
Basilica of St. John the Evangelist, a famous pilgrimage site during Late Antiquity.
Moreover, the Ibida archaeological complex is dotted with numerous other finds testifying for a very active religious
life, especially in the second half of 6th century, when the present piece is dated. This is argued for also by
the monastic complex near the fortress, but also the intra-mural basilica from which only architectural fragments
are preserved. The ampoule analyzed here confirms that the inhabitants of the fortress had an active Christian
life and demonstrated their faith also by traveling to the holy places of Christendom.
perspectives, but also from art history perspective and from the point of view of its socio-economic
implications. The pilgrims who traveled to the holy places or the martyrs' sanctuaries returned home, carrying
sanctified water, blessed oil, or earth (manna) from the holy places visited in small vessels called ampoules.
The origin of these objects, included in the category of eulogiae, could be identified according to their form, the
material from which they were made, and also on the iconography.
The subject of this paper is an ampoule of the Micro-Asiatic type, discovered in relatively good conditions,
and which has on both sides represented two characters of the Christian pantheon. The find originates from the
systematic archaeological research in the Late Roman fortress of Ibida, Scythia province (Slava Rusă, Tulcea
County, Romania) during the campaign in 2016. The discovered ampulla has few analogies in the Lower Danube
area but is unique in terms of iconography. Its shape, fabric and its analogies identified in the Asia Minor region
make it possible to establish its origin in the Ephesus region. It is quite possible that it was purchased from the
Basilica of St. John the Evangelist, a famous pilgrimage site during Late Antiquity.
Moreover, the Ibida archaeological complex is dotted with numerous other finds testifying for a very active religious
life, especially in the second half of 6th century, when the present piece is dated. This is argued for also by
the monastic complex near the fortress, but also the intra-mural basilica from which only architectural fragments
are preserved. The ampoule analyzed here confirms that the inhabitants of the fortress had an active Christian
life and demonstrated their faith also by traveling to the holy places of Christendom.
Se vor regăsi în paginile acestei cărți 15 studii, redactate în limba română și în limba engleză, care abordează o paletă variată de subiecte referitoare la trecutul comunităților umane din preistorie până în perioada medievală și modernă.
Volumul de față, al treilea din această serie, reunește textele comunicărilor prezentate la Conferința anuală a Institutului de Arheologie din Iași, care s‑a desfășurat în intervalul 19–22 octombrie 2022, în cadrul seriei de activități științifice dedicate „Zilelor Academice Ieșene”, ediția a XXXVII‑a. Lucrările Conferinței au fost găzduite în Aula Academiei Române‑Filiala Iaşi și au adunat 40 de comunicări științifice ale unor cercetători, profesori, doctoranzi, masteranzi şi studenţi din peste
15 centre de cercetare și de învățământ superior din România și Republica Moldova.
Schineni – ‘La Islaz’ (2017-2020), a multi-layered site was identified, dated from the Bronze Age to the Middle Ages. The aim of this paper is to present the coin finds from the 2nd-4th century AD settlement. Five Roman imperial denarii were discovered inside three houses (H6, 17, 20). All coins came exclusively from the earliest habitation level of the site (ca. AD 106-170), which is divided into two chronological phases. The earliest issue (denarius of Vespasian, H17) belongs to the first occupation phase of the site (ca. AD 106-150). The remaining denarii (of Domitian – H17, Hadrian – 2 pcs. – H6 and H17 and Marcus Aurelius / Lucius Verus – H20) were discovered in the upper layer, which represents the second habitation phase of the site (ca. AD 150-170). Some of these relics even bear the traces of the fire that led
to the destruction of the housing complexes and the cessation of the first habitation level. Among this small coinage batch, there are some very particular issues, such as: a denarius subaeratus (of Vespasian) and two pierced denarii (of Domitian and Hadrian). So far, most of the Roman coins from a ‘Free Dacian’ site have been discovered in the settlement of Schineni. The fact they were found in clear, well-dated archaeological contexts contributes to the understanding of the chronology of Roman coin finds in this part of the Barbaricum. The imperial denarii arrived in Western Moldavia in already formed hoards likely since the first half of the 2nd century AD. Starting with this early period, the local population, of ‘Geto-Dacian’ origin, reworked and awarded them with new functions, different from those held within the Empire.
Session 19: Late Antique defensive construction programmes, theorisation, design, financing, implementation and combat testing… Late Antiquity as an apotheosis of poliorcetics
If there is one field where the transition from the High to the Late Roman Empire is significantly visible, it is the field of military architecture. Even though its evolution is gradual, the 3rd – 5th century AD interval (in the Western Empire), or the 3rd-7th century one (in the Eastern Empire), we can nevertheless witness a large number of adaptations of previous paradigms to the new realities. This is also a period of innovations and inventions, in which various technical and functional particularities are emerging, in many areas. Their implementation responds to needs and programs launched at different administrative levels, from the imperial court for the most important ones to the most local initiatives, via diocesan or provincial officials. Some of these projects are the result of programs carefully calibrated before their execution, others are the result of more or less marked empiricism.
The study of Late Antiquity fortifications has for long highlighted some regional specifications, such as the use of consistent fortification plans, the association of various tower forms according to regular patterns, or clear predominances of some architectural shapes. The present session aims to bring together researchers who wish to present and review some of these particularities, while seeking, as far as possible, to place them in a framework based on the decision-making level : Imperial, diocesian, provincial, local. A gathering of all these information could to be bring to light a clearer vision in the process of building at that times. Indeed, comparisons could be made between different kinds of building programs or simply between various periods of Late Antiquity. To what extent one can identify the various decision makers, the institutions or persons in charge of the implementation? Is it possible to draw organisational patterns of late Roman authority in the field of territorial defence? Are these patterns homogeneous, and how do they evolve in space and time? Can one establish links between the construction of fortifications, on any scale, and the organisation of the military administration?
These are all the questions we would like to address by intersecting and converging the views of scholars from a variety of geographical and chronological backgrounds, including historians, archaeologists, epigraphists and architects…
The LIMES XXVI Scientific Committee is pleased to invite you to submit proposals for conference papers as well as posters.
Proposals should preferably use the available Limes Congress call for papers form (attached document in pdf)
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For a better overview, the sessions have been grouped in general themes in the table below, but these are preliminary and need not be stated in the paper proposal.
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The proposals will be forwarded to the relevant session organisers. Please note that it has been decided that a minimum of four (4) paper proposals are mandatory for a session to be implemented during the 26th Limes Congress. Also, as organizers, we also reserve the right to suggest the merging of sessions, if they are related and the number of paper proposals should be low.
Deadline: The deadline for the submission of paper/poster proposals is 30 September 2023 at the latest.
Questions? Please contact us at: [email protected]