Oktay Bingöl
Oktay Bingöl is a retired Brigadier General from Turkish Armed Forces and holds two BA degrees; one from Turkish Military Academy and second one from University of Maryland’s Business Department. He acquired his first Master Degree on Security Studies from Turkish Army War College and an MBA from University of Chadwick in the USA. He completed a PhD Program on International Relations at Gazi University in Ankara. He served in NATO and Turkish military headquarters and units, and participated in international peacekeeping missions including Provide Comfort/Iraq, IFOR/SFOR and ISAF in Afghanistan between 1981-2011. Since 2013, Prof. Dr. Oktay Bingol has been teaching security studies, terrorism, conflict resolution, African politics and Asia-Pacific security at Başkent University in Ankara. He is also the president of Central Strategy Institute based in Ankara.
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Papers by Oktay Bingöl
The aim of Congress is to discuss, analyze and assess the present and future areas of concern and opportunities in Central Asia and the Caucasus. The Congress will be held in two days with successive five sessions. You can send abstract proposal to [email protected] until 27 April 2023.
The aim of Congress is to discuss, analyze and assess the present and future areas of concern and opportunities in Central Asia and the Caucasus. The Congress will be held in two days with successive five sessions. You can send abstract proposal to [email protected] until 27 April 2023.
Bu kitapta devletler neden başarısız olur? Başarısızlık ne tür sonuçlar üretir? sorularına yanıt aranırken, seçilen konular ve ülkeler bazında tarihin yüzlerce yıl derinliklerine gidilerek bugüne ait izler sürülmeye; toplumların kendi coğrafyaları, jeopolitikleri, sosyolojik yapıları, emperyalist güçler ve komşuları ile etkileşimleri keşfedilmeye; başarısızlığın çok boyutlu nedenleri ve sonuçları tespit edilmeye çalışılmıştır.