ARCHAEOLOGY by Ivan Stasjuk
The Udosolovo burial ground is located in the Far North-West of Russia, south of the coast of the... more The Udosolovo burial ground is located in the Far North-West of Russia, south of the coast of the Gulf of Finland on the western outskirts of the Izhora plateau. The site belongs to the culture of stone burial grounds and dates from the end of the 1st millennium BC to the 6th/7th centuries AD. In 2008—2013, it was intensively destroyed as a result of treasure hunting and agricultural activity, so in 2013 and 2016—2017, the authors led there rescue excavations. Several stages in the functioning of the burial ground have been identified. The burials of the pre-Roman Iron Age are represented by corpses in stone boxes (“cysts”), made on a stone layer and partly circled in a boulder fence 1. Burials are directed with the heads of the skeletons to the north. The Roman Iron Age burials include a slanting rectangular fence 2 with a blade filling, typical for the Tarandgräber culture. The major rite of this period was cremation; however, in a layer with the destruction of the fence, no burned items were found. After the partial destruction of the fence, an inhumation directed to the south was made on its limestone pavement. Finds of the middle — the third quarter of the 1st mil. AD come from a layer of crushed stone covering both fences. They are probably associated with the rite of dispersed cremations. Analogs studied by the burial structures and found objects (brooches, rings, bracelets, knives-kosari, belt buckles) are known in the archaeological sites in Estonia, northern Latvia, southern Finland, and the western part of Leningrad region in Russia.
The article discusses controversial issues of the genesis of Vadja, the indigenous people in nort... more The article discusses controversial issues of the genesis of Vadja, the indigenous people in northwest Russia. It analyzes the Russian, Soviet, Estonian, and Finnish historiographies on the origins and settlement of the Vadja in the Iron Age and the Middle Ages. Archaeological sites of the 13 th-18 th centuries, such as Valgovitsy, Velikino, and Verdia in the lower Luga were confirmed as undoubtedly Votic burial grounds. The population who left them are direct ancestors of the ethnographic Votians of the 18 th-19 th centuries. Before the 13 th century and the formation of this antiquity horizon, the burial grounds with cremations and inhumations of Zalakhtovye-Ratchino type were the main funeral monuments of the Votians and parts of the eastern Ests. All the monuments of the 10 th-12 th centuries from the large territory of northeastern Estonia, the Gdov region, and the Izhora plateau are similar in their type and form a unified cultural province. It is impossible to separate the archaeological antiquities of the ancestors of the Vod' people from those of northeastern Estonians. Molecular genetic data testify to the kinship of the Baltic-Finnish population in this area. The decisive factors that separated the Voda ancestors from other groups of northeastern Estonians were the Old Russian colonization of the Izhora Plateau and the northeastern Prychudy, the Crusader conquest of Estonia, and the formation of the Narva frontier. Based on archeology and molecular genetics data, the author concludes that the lower Luga and Izhora plateau territories belong to the ancient Votic area. Whether the southern tribal grouping of the Vodo in the Gdov Prichudye ever existed remains debatable. There is no convincing evidence to support its reality.
Настоящее издание представляет собой сборник тезисов докладов, подготовленных к Всероссийской нау... more Настоящее издание представляет собой сборник тезисов докладов, подготовленных к Всероссийской научной конференции с международным участием «Археология погребений: современные теоретические и методические подходы» (Москва, 16-18 ноября 2022 г.). Конференция посвящена памяти выдающегося ученого Валерия Ивановича Гуляева (1938-2022). В докладах и сообщениях освещаются теоретические проблемы интерпретации погребального обряда, рассматриваются современные методические подходы к полевому изучению погребальных памятников, актуальные теоретические и практические аспекты в изучении погребального обряда с точки зрения археологии. Значительное количество докладов посвящено разнообразным методам естественных наук, используемых при анализе погребального обряда (палеоантропология, палинология, археоботаника, палеогенетика, микробиология и другие дисциплины). Сборник представляет интерес для археологов, историков, краеведов и для всех, кто интересуется современными археологическими методами и процедурами. УДК 902/904 ББК 63.4
In the last quarter of the 1st — beginning of the 2nd millennium AD, three expansive groups of bu... more In the last quarter of the 1st — beginning of the 2nd millennium AD, three expansive groups of burial antiquities are recorded in North-Western Russia: culture of the Pskov Long Barrows, Novgorod sopki and kurgans of the south-eastern Ladoga region. When mapping their areas, the space encircled by them becomes more distinct. The mediaeval antiquities from this region still have received no commonly accepted cultural and chronological attribution. The region under consideration encompasses the areas to the south of the Gulf of Finland and Neva, between
the Narva and Volkhov Rivers, northwards from the middle reaches of the Luga River. Of note is the presence of a separate horizon of antiquities here. Its signicant archaeological features have been distinguished (burial rite, material culture) and the regularities of their development have been traced including the dynamics of the rite and the set of grave goods, as well as the continuity from the precedent and subsequent antiquities. By now, about fifteen sites with cremation burials of the Viking Age are known in this area. They are concentrated in the Narva River region, at the outskirts of the Izhora Plateau, and two sites are found in the southern Neva region. In all the cases registered, the cremation was performed aside from the place of interment, the condition of the bones and partly
melted metal objects corresponds to the 4th–5th degrees of burning (650–960 °C or greater). It was soft-tissue bodies that were cremated, apparently, soon after the death of the individual. The interment of the cremated remains was performed close to the surface: either in shallow ground pits or immediately on the surface horizon. Burials scattered
on the surface also are found. A characteristic feature of the rite is the ritual spoiling of the items of the grave offerings: weapons, sickles and scythes. The set of weaponry is typical for North Europe; the ornaments have parallels among antiquities from Estonia, Karelia, Finland and south-eastern Ladoga region. The horizon of cremations was dated to within the 10th— thirst half of the 11th cen. In the middle of the 11th cen., a transition to the inhumation rite is recorded, and from the 11th–12th cen., the spread of the tumulus rite is observable. It is concluded that the horizon under study is related with the origin of the mediaeval Vod'.
ББК 63.3(2Рос-4Лен-2Старая Ладога)я43 Л15 Государственное бюджетное учреждение культуры Ленинград... more ББК 63.3(2Рос-4Лен-2Старая Ладога)я43 Л15 Государственное бюджетное учреждение культуры Ленинградской области «СТАРОЛАДОЖСКИЙ ИСТОРИКО-АРХИТЕКТУРНЫЙ И АРХЕОЛОГИЧЕСКИЙ МУЗЕЙ-ЗАПОВЕДНИК» Директор-Л. А. Губчевская Ответственный редактор-А. А. Залогина Ладожские чтения. История, археология, искусство. Выпуск 1. Научное издание-Старая Ладога: Староладожский историко-архитектурный и археологический музейзаповедник, 2022.-162 с. + 36 с. вкл.
In autumn 2020, as part of the development of a comprehensive restoration project of the Trinity ... more In autumn 2020, as part of the development of a comprehensive restoration project of the Trinity Cathedral, archaeological pits were carried out along the perimeter of the building. The purpose of the work was to study the technical condition of the foundations and identify their design features. It was found that in all the pits the clay lock along the perimeter of the cathedral building is absent and the lack of waterproofing under the conditions of heavy precipitation causes active maceration of flagstone, from which the foundation of the gallery and buttresses are composed, its intense frost and chemical destruction at levels close to the surface, and lime-sand mortar leaching. Moreover, the outer walls stand directly on the early medieval cultural layer, and there is a cavity in one area, most likely provoked by a watercourse collected by the roof of the cathedral. These circumstances can explain a significant part of the problems with the cathedral foundation movement in its southern part. Undisturbed anthropogenic deposits of the early Middle Ages reaching the thickness of more than 1 m. were recorded along the entire perimeter of the object. The remains of the stone ovens were covered with a thick layer of wood chips, presumably associated with the construction of the 1st Trinity Cathedral.
Распространение курганного обряда на Ижорском плато в историографии рассматривалось либо как свид... more Распространение курганного обряда на Ижорском плато в историографии рассматривалось либо как свидетельство древнерусской земледельческой колонизации, либо как восприятие древнерусской культуры местными прибалтийско-финскими коллективами. Установлено, что имели место оба явления. Изучение обряда, вещевого набора, генофонда курганного и предкурганного населения показало как приток в регион новых групп, принесших курганный обряд, так и заимствование его автохтонными коллективами.
Территория в бассейне реки Славянки, находится на границе зоны средневекового расселения на Ижорс... more Территория в бассейне реки Славянки, находится на границе зоны средневекового расселения на Ижорском плато. Однако, здесь, в Юго-западном Приневье, объекты этого времени почти не известны (Сорокин 2008). Могильник, интерпретированный как ижорский XIVB. был исследован в г. Гатчине в l934 г. В.И. Равдоникасом (Равдоникас 1934). В 2001 г. безинвентарный грунтовый могильник был выявлен Санкт-Петербургской археолоfической экспедицией в среднем течении р. Славянки в районе Мариентальского замка (г. Павловск). Новые находки средневекового времени были сделаны слуrайно при земляных работах в двух деревнях-Покровская и Поричы, расположенных между Гатчиной и Павловском на удzLлении З км друг отдруга (Рис. l, З, 25, 1, 2). Могильцик Покровская 1. В октябре 2012 r, при прокладке газопровода на левом берегу р. Славянки в д. Покровская Гатчинского района Ленинградской области на }^{астке частного дома рабочими в траншее были обнаружены многочисленные человеческие останки. В ходе осмотра места находки сотрудниками полиции и членами поискового отряда были собраны метzL,Iлические предметы и фрагменты керамики, позднее переданные в музей-усадьбу Н. К. Рериха в Изваре. Однако значительно большее количество вещей было собрано местными жителями. Установить местонахождение этих предметов в настоящее время невозможно, но сохранились фотографии некоторых находок. Собранные костные останки поступили в МАЭ РАН, где изучены И. Г. Широбоковым (Широбоков 20l6). Памятник осматривался нами с целью постановки на учёт совместно со спе-циtLтIистами !,епартамента государственной охраны, сохранения и использования памятников истории и культуры Ленинградской области 5 июля 20l 3 г. В это время все земляные работы 1u<е были завершены, траншея газопровода засыпана, поэтому выводы о способе совершения захоронений мы можем делать искlIючительно на основании свидетельств очевидцев, присугствовавших при земляных работах. Так, установлено, что потревоженные захоронения были совершены по обряду трупоположения в вытян}"том положении на спине, близко друг к друry, в ямах на глубине 0,4-1,0 м. Часть из них, возможно, имела меридиональную
В ходе исследований Городецкого могильника в 1953 г. И.А. Кирьяновым найдена нетипичная для регио... more В ходе исследований Городецкого могильника в 1953 г. И.А. Кирьяновым найдена нетипичная для региона Поволжья круглая массивная финская фибула поздней эпохи викингов - начала эпохи крестовых походов. Родиной данного типа является Финляндия. Фибула относится к древнейшему периоду истории Городца и может быть датирована серединой-третьей четвертью XII века.
The monastery of St. Paraskeva and St. Miracle workers Kosma and Damian was located at the end of... more The monastery of St. Paraskeva and St. Miracle workers Kosma and Damian was located at the end of the 16th – 17th centuries on the road connecting the fortresses of Yam and Ivangorod. It was founded between 1577–1581 and at the same time the stone Pyatnitsky Church was built. By the end of the 17th century, the monastery complex was
abandoned. In the middle of the 18th century. the church was restored as a parish one and consecrated in honor of the Archangel Michael. At the beginning of the 20th century, a bell tower was added to it. The church was completely destroyed at the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. The preserved foundations of the Northern part of the church with
the bell tower were investigated by archaeological excavations in 2018–2019. The article provides information from the history of the monastery and the church and presents the excavation results. The church a is three-apse, four-column one, built of limestone. Presumably, it can belong to Pskov architectural school.
The DNA of 17 individuals of the 12th—15th centuries from the burial grounds of Teglitsa I and II... more The DNA of 17 individuals of the 12th—15th centuries from the burial grounds of Teglitsa I and II, Ratchino I, Velikino was studied. There were identified Y-chromosomal haplogroups of 12 males, mitochondrial haplogroups of 12 males and females. In the genetic structure of the population of the Izhora plateau, the presence of three Y-chromosomal haplogroups, confined to certain sites, was identified. Individuals from Teglitsa I belong to haplogroup E1b1b1a1b (V13), from the Teglitsa
II to R1a1a1b1a (Z282), individuals with haplogroup N1a1 (M46) have been identified in Velikino. In Ratchino I, three haplogroups were identified: N1a1 (M46), N1a1a1a1a (CTS2929), E1b1b1a1b (V13). Phylogenetic networks built on the basis of STR haplotypes of the Y chromosome for haplogroup N1a (M46) showed the genetic proximity of the medieval collectives from Ratchino I and Velikino to the modern populations of the Baltic-Finnish peoples. A surprise was the good
representation in Teglitsa and Ratchino of the haplogroup E1b1b1a1b (V13), which has a predominantly Carpathian-Balkan distribution. The study of mitochondrial DNA showed a high diversity of female lines and the absence of their confinement to certain sites. Among the mt-DNA haplogroups of archaeological individuals of the Izhora plateau, there are Western Eurasian and Eastern Eurasian haplogroups, however, most haplogroups belong to Western Eurasian — H2a2a1, U5a, U5b, J1c, J1b1a, T2b, K1, and only two Eastern Eurasian — W6 and D4g2.
Archaeological News, 2021
Decorations made from nonferrous metals have, as a rule, regional specifics. They are often consi... more Decorations made from nonferrous metals have, as a rule, regional specifics. They are often considered in historiography as ‘ethnic markers’. However the finds from sites of northern and eastern Baltia demonstrate that, in the 9th–13th century, the ornaments, sometime provenient from very remote regions and belonging to a foreign culture, were included into the composition of the local set of decorations and were neighbouring with the local kinds of ornaments. In particular, objects characteristic of the Volga-Ural region are distinguishable. These include Kama imports (zoomorphic plastics, pendants-riders, a crutch with the figure of a hare), Volga imports (‘openwork’
zoomorphic ornaments, round brooches, diverse objects decorated with volutes and ‘plaits’, pendants in the form of relief horizontal pipes with appended paws or little bells), as well as objects characteristic of the Volga-Kama region in general (pendants of conical, arched, triangular or globular shape with rattling appendages). In the 12th–13th century, a convergence is observed between the artistic traditions of the Volga-Kama area, north-western Rus’ and the Baltics which was expressed in the appearance of a group of syncretic objects combining the figurative motifs and
jewellery techniques of the mentioned regions. These finds include needle cases with arched openwork backs, some variants of arched pendants with rattling appendages and round brooches. The present authors have examined 128 objects of the 9th–13th century with the provenience related directly or indirectly with the Volga-Kama region. The geography of the Baltic finds of Volga-Kama imports and syncretic objects is fairly expansive but two centres of their concentration are distinctly distinguishable: kurgans of the south-eastern Ladoga region and Novgorod; moreover, finds of the earliest age are characteristic of the Ladoga area, while in the urban strata of Novgorod, predominantly objects of the advanced Old-Russian period are concentrated. Staraya Ladoga can be considered as the third centre, which is although of less importance but also remarkable one.
Пятницкий монастырь располагался в конце XVI – XVII в. на дороге между крепостями Ям и Ивангород.... more Пятницкий монастырь располагался в конце XVI – XVII в. на дороге между крепостями Ям и Ивангород. Каменный монастырский храм, выстроенный между 1577 и 1581 гг., был заброшен в конце XVII в., а в 1780 г. восстановлен и освящен в честь Архистратига Михаила. Функционировал в качестве приходского до 1938 г., разрушен в ходе боевых действий и немецкой оккупации в 1941 г. В 2018–2019 гг. раскопками исследованы фундаменты сохранившейся северной части храма.Южная часть полностью уничтожена карьером. Реконструирована строительная история храма в конце XVI – начале XX в. Раскрыты очертания древнего каменного трехапсидного четырехстолпного храма, фундаменты которого сложены из плиты на растворе. Этот храм последней
трети XVI в. предположительно построен псковскими мастерами.
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Осенью 2019 г. и весной 2020 г. сотрудниками Отдела охранной археологии ИИМК РАН были об следован... more Осенью 2019 г. и весной 2020 г. сотрудниками Отдела охранной археологии ИИМК РАН были об следованы два случайно обнаруженных в ходе хозяйственных работ средневековых грунтовых мо гильника, расположенных в центральной части Ижорс кого плато на территории Волосовского района Ленинградской области (рис. 1). Для обоих вновь выявленных объектов подготовлены и направлены в Комитет по культуре Ленинградской области документы для постановки их на государственный учет и охрану.
ARCHAEOLOGY by Ivan Stasjuk
the Narva and Volkhov Rivers, northwards from the middle reaches of the Luga River. Of note is the presence of a separate horizon of antiquities here. Its signicant archaeological features have been distinguished (burial rite, material culture) and the regularities of their development have been traced including the dynamics of the rite and the set of grave goods, as well as the continuity from the precedent and subsequent antiquities. By now, about fifteen sites with cremation burials of the Viking Age are known in this area. They are concentrated in the Narva River region, at the outskirts of the Izhora Plateau, and two sites are found in the southern Neva region. In all the cases registered, the cremation was performed aside from the place of interment, the condition of the bones and partly
melted metal objects corresponds to the 4th–5th degrees of burning (650–960 °C or greater). It was soft-tissue bodies that were cremated, apparently, soon after the death of the individual. The interment of the cremated remains was performed close to the surface: either in shallow ground pits or immediately on the surface horizon. Burials scattered
on the surface also are found. A characteristic feature of the rite is the ritual spoiling of the items of the grave offerings: weapons, sickles and scythes. The set of weaponry is typical for North Europe; the ornaments have parallels among antiquities from Estonia, Karelia, Finland and south-eastern Ladoga region. The horizon of cremations was dated to within the 10th— thirst half of the 11th cen. In the middle of the 11th cen., a transition to the inhumation rite is recorded, and from the 11th–12th cen., the spread of the tumulus rite is observable. It is concluded that the horizon under study is related with the origin of the mediaeval Vod'.
abandoned. In the middle of the 18th century. the church was restored as a parish one and consecrated in honor of the Archangel Michael. At the beginning of the 20th century, a bell tower was added to it. The church was completely destroyed at the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. The preserved foundations of the Northern part of the church with
the bell tower were investigated by archaeological excavations in 2018–2019. The article provides information from the history of the monastery and the church and presents the excavation results. The church a is three-apse, four-column one, built of limestone. Presumably, it can belong to Pskov architectural school.
II to R1a1a1b1a (Z282), individuals with haplogroup N1a1 (M46) have been identified in Velikino. In Ratchino I, three haplogroups were identified: N1a1 (M46), N1a1a1a1a (CTS2929), E1b1b1a1b (V13). Phylogenetic networks built on the basis of STR haplotypes of the Y chromosome for haplogroup N1a (M46) showed the genetic proximity of the medieval collectives from Ratchino I and Velikino to the modern populations of the Baltic-Finnish peoples. A surprise was the good
representation in Teglitsa and Ratchino of the haplogroup E1b1b1a1b (V13), which has a predominantly Carpathian-Balkan distribution. The study of mitochondrial DNA showed a high diversity of female lines and the absence of their confinement to certain sites. Among the mt-DNA haplogroups of archaeological individuals of the Izhora plateau, there are Western Eurasian and Eastern Eurasian haplogroups, however, most haplogroups belong to Western Eurasian — H2a2a1, U5a, U5b, J1c, J1b1a, T2b, K1, and only two Eastern Eurasian — W6 and D4g2.
zoomorphic ornaments, round brooches, diverse objects decorated with volutes and ‘plaits’, pendants in the form of relief horizontal pipes with appended paws or little bells), as well as objects characteristic of the Volga-Kama region in general (pendants of conical, arched, triangular or globular shape with rattling appendages). In the 12th–13th century, a convergence is observed between the artistic traditions of the Volga-Kama area, north-western Rus’ and the Baltics which was expressed in the appearance of a group of syncretic objects combining the figurative motifs and
jewellery techniques of the mentioned regions. These finds include needle cases with arched openwork backs, some variants of arched pendants with rattling appendages and round brooches. The present authors have examined 128 objects of the 9th–13th century with the provenience related directly or indirectly with the Volga-Kama region. The geography of the Baltic finds of Volga-Kama imports and syncretic objects is fairly expansive but two centres of their concentration are distinctly distinguishable: kurgans of the south-eastern Ladoga region and Novgorod; moreover, finds of the earliest age are characteristic of the Ladoga area, while in the urban strata of Novgorod, predominantly objects of the advanced Old-Russian period are concentrated. Staraya Ladoga can be considered as the third centre, which is although of less importance but also remarkable one.
трети XVI в. предположительно построен псковскими мастерами.
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the Narva and Volkhov Rivers, northwards from the middle reaches of the Luga River. Of note is the presence of a separate horizon of antiquities here. Its signicant archaeological features have been distinguished (burial rite, material culture) and the regularities of their development have been traced including the dynamics of the rite and the set of grave goods, as well as the continuity from the precedent and subsequent antiquities. By now, about fifteen sites with cremation burials of the Viking Age are known in this area. They are concentrated in the Narva River region, at the outskirts of the Izhora Plateau, and two sites are found in the southern Neva region. In all the cases registered, the cremation was performed aside from the place of interment, the condition of the bones and partly
melted metal objects corresponds to the 4th–5th degrees of burning (650–960 °C or greater). It was soft-tissue bodies that were cremated, apparently, soon after the death of the individual. The interment of the cremated remains was performed close to the surface: either in shallow ground pits or immediately on the surface horizon. Burials scattered
on the surface also are found. A characteristic feature of the rite is the ritual spoiling of the items of the grave offerings: weapons, sickles and scythes. The set of weaponry is typical for North Europe; the ornaments have parallels among antiquities from Estonia, Karelia, Finland and south-eastern Ladoga region. The horizon of cremations was dated to within the 10th— thirst half of the 11th cen. In the middle of the 11th cen., a transition to the inhumation rite is recorded, and from the 11th–12th cen., the spread of the tumulus rite is observable. It is concluded that the horizon under study is related with the origin of the mediaeval Vod'.
abandoned. In the middle of the 18th century. the church was restored as a parish one and consecrated in honor of the Archangel Michael. At the beginning of the 20th century, a bell tower was added to it. The church was completely destroyed at the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. The preserved foundations of the Northern part of the church with
the bell tower were investigated by archaeological excavations in 2018–2019. The article provides information from the history of the monastery and the church and presents the excavation results. The church a is three-apse, four-column one, built of limestone. Presumably, it can belong to Pskov architectural school.
II to R1a1a1b1a (Z282), individuals with haplogroup N1a1 (M46) have been identified in Velikino. In Ratchino I, three haplogroups were identified: N1a1 (M46), N1a1a1a1a (CTS2929), E1b1b1a1b (V13). Phylogenetic networks built on the basis of STR haplotypes of the Y chromosome for haplogroup N1a (M46) showed the genetic proximity of the medieval collectives from Ratchino I and Velikino to the modern populations of the Baltic-Finnish peoples. A surprise was the good
representation in Teglitsa and Ratchino of the haplogroup E1b1b1a1b (V13), which has a predominantly Carpathian-Balkan distribution. The study of mitochondrial DNA showed a high diversity of female lines and the absence of their confinement to certain sites. Among the mt-DNA haplogroups of archaeological individuals of the Izhora plateau, there are Western Eurasian and Eastern Eurasian haplogroups, however, most haplogroups belong to Western Eurasian — H2a2a1, U5a, U5b, J1c, J1b1a, T2b, K1, and only two Eastern Eurasian — W6 and D4g2.
zoomorphic ornaments, round brooches, diverse objects decorated with volutes and ‘plaits’, pendants in the form of relief horizontal pipes with appended paws or little bells), as well as objects characteristic of the Volga-Kama region in general (pendants of conical, arched, triangular or globular shape with rattling appendages). In the 12th–13th century, a convergence is observed between the artistic traditions of the Volga-Kama area, north-western Rus’ and the Baltics which was expressed in the appearance of a group of syncretic objects combining the figurative motifs and
jewellery techniques of the mentioned regions. These finds include needle cases with arched openwork backs, some variants of arched pendants with rattling appendages and round brooches. The present authors have examined 128 objects of the 9th–13th century with the provenience related directly or indirectly with the Volga-Kama region. The geography of the Baltic finds of Volga-Kama imports and syncretic objects is fairly expansive but two centres of their concentration are distinctly distinguishable: kurgans of the south-eastern Ladoga region and Novgorod; moreover, finds of the earliest age are characteristic of the Ladoga area, while in the urban strata of Novgorod, predominantly objects of the advanced Old-Russian period are concentrated. Staraya Ladoga can be considered as the third centre, which is although of less importance but also remarkable one.
трети XVI в. предположительно построен псковскими мастерами.
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The article discusses the main problems of historiography and the current state of the archaeological study of the
formation of the old Russian “barrow culture” on the territory of the Vod’ land of Veliky Novgorod. This process is traditionally
regarded as Old Russian agricultural colonization and is associated with the massive influx of the Slavic-Russian population into
the Izhora Plateau at the turn of the 11th—12th centuries. The origin of this population, the interaction of local Baltic-Finnish
and alien Slavic-Russian groups, the difference in the historical fate of Finnish communities on the watershed Izhora Plateau
and surrounding lowlands are not completely clear. The origin of the ritual of burial in a sitting position, the most common in
this region in the 12th—13th centuries, is also not completely clear. The discussion questions include ethnogenesis and the
area of the Vod’, the question of the meaning of the terms “Vod”, “Vozhane”, “Chud”, “Chudtza” and the allocation of the
corresponding antiquity groups. We suggest expanding the traditional circle of historical sources by attracting population
genetics data. The authors introduce the first results of studying the genetic diversity of the medieval population of the Izhora
Plateau from archaeological sites associated with the Old Russian and Baltic-Finnish groups
foot and on the slope of Kukisvumchorr Mountain, but the rare red vole Myodes rutilus was caught only in a mixed birch forest with juniper on the slope. Streaming video recording using camera traps showed that gray voles Microtus sp. prefer the moist forest areas at the foothills, whereas lemming Lemmus lemmus is most abundant in the mountain tundra.
and long-term fluctuations in the number of voles and Norwegian lemming Lemmus lemmus (Linnaeus, 1758) has been recived. The species composition of rodents in the southern part of the Khibiny has been specified. We received data on the number of shrews (Sorex araneus
Linn., 1758) and voles (gen. Myodes Pallas, 1811; gen. Microtus Schrank, 1798) in the vicinity of the town of Kirovsk, Murmansk region. It was found that the mountain tundras of the Khibiny are very promising for field studies of the ecology of the Lemmus lemmus.
depression to a new outburst in 2019 was recorded. A similar trend was recorded for the voles Myodes sp. It is concluded that the proposed method is effective for monitoring the relative abundance of lemmings. A number of limitations and difficulties in using DVRs were also noted.
Key words: methods of field researches, streaming videorecording, protected areas, rodents, Lemmus lemmus, Myopus schisticolor, Myodes, Kola Peninsula, Lapland Reserve
The article is devoted to the developing methodology of rodent field research and, above all, the experience of using video recording systems. Provides details of the monitoring observations at the sites in Lapland, Kandalakshsky nature reserves, nature reserve «Kivach».
evolution of the system of pogosts, gubas, uyezds and medieval settlement in the Pskov land. The article covers B. N. Kharlashov’s contribution to the study of medieval village and rural settlement of the X–XVIIth centuries in comparison with other regions of Northern Rus’.