Institute for the History of Material Culture, Russian Academy of Sciences
Paleolithic Archaeology
The paper is a response to recent claims that the materials of Susiluola (Wolf cave) in Finland and Byzovaya in the northern Urals in Russia should be regarded as Middle Paleolithic and are thus indicative of the Neanderthal presence... more
Armed Violence in the Palaeolithic The paper deals with the question of the existence and intensity of armed violence at diff erent stages of the Palaeolithic. The fi rst two sections provide a review and analysis of the osteological... more
Our perception of visual images depends among other things on what we want and/or expect to see. The students of ancient art seem to be particularly prone to the danger of taking the illusion for the desired reality. The paper shows... more
Про уродов и людей (Falk D. The fossil chronicles: how two controversial discoveries changed our view of human evolution. Berkeley-Los Angeles-London: University of California Press, 2011. 259 р.)* Дин Фальк -профессор антропологии в... more
The Lower Paleolithic of Central Asia is represented by several sealed and more or less firmly dated Lower–Middle Pleistocene cave and open-air sites in the southeastern part and by more numerous surface occurrences throughout the region.... more
Up until the present the Bordes method has been widely accepted among researchers of the palaeolithic throughout the world. However, its relevance to the tasks for which it is usually applied has not been proved and, moreover, is very... more
The Stone Age materials described in this paper come from a number of surface occurrences in the southeastern part of Turkmenistan, which is usually referred to as Bathyz. They were collected by G. V. Ivanov (1944–2002) in 1977, 1978,... more
The origin of Homo sapiens: new facts and some traditional views (1990). In recent years science has provided many new thought-provoking facts. The author believes that we should reconsider some traditional notions on the origin of... more