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103 votes

Why am I getting an “invalid active developer path” when attempting to use Git after upgrading to macOS Sequoia?

If you don't want to install nor use Xcode (I don't) you can install only command tools for Xcode (please see Edit) Preconditions: you have AppleID Solution Go to
michalczukm's user avatar
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79 votes

How do I uninstall the command line tools for Xcode?

Delete this one folder: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools This uninstall process is documented officially by Apple. If you have installed these tools another way or have prompts to upgrade them, ...
bmike's user avatar
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77 votes

Why am I getting an “invalid active developer path” when attempting to use Git after upgrading to macOS Sequoia?

For macOS High Sierra, just run the same command: xcode-select --install and everything will get back to work. 2019 UPDATE: This is needed for every new macOS version, so it'll work for Catalina as ...
diegoiglesias's user avatar
45 votes

How to install recent clang++ with Homebrew?

Now it's enough to run: brew install llvm The bottle now includes clang by default.
wieczorek1990's user avatar
42 votes

Why am I getting an “invalid active developer path” when attempting to use Git after upgrading to macOS Sequoia?

Here are the steps I needed to go through for Mojave: First xcode-select --reset. Next I needed to upgrade xcode tools to the latest version: sudo softwareupdate -ia --verbose (NB: this runs all ...
Erik Madsen's user avatar
28 votes

Why am I getting an “invalid active developer path” when attempting to use Git after upgrading to macOS Sequoia?

I tried the xcode-select --install but I was forced to install it from the App Store. Then all git stuff ran smoothly.
NoelAbey's user avatar
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26 votes

What replaces x86 intrinsics for C when Apple ditches Intel CPUs for their own chips?

Intel Intrinsics are really just a library that provides easier access to a number of Intel instructions sets - such as SSE (Streaming SIMD Extensions), AVX, etc. - for C programmers. The goal is to ...
jksoegaard's user avatar
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24 votes

How to take 9:41 am screenshots on an iOS Simulator and Device?

Starting with Xcode 11 beta 4, you can use the xcrun simctl command to set the time and battery in the Simulator. xcrun simctl status_bar <device> override --time "9:41" \ --...
robmathers's user avatar
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23 votes

Why is /usr/include missing? I have Xcode and Command Line Tools installed (Mojave)

You have to run another step after installing the command line tools: sudo installer -pkg /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/Packages/macOS_SDK_headers_for_macOS_10.14.pkg -target / Why? Apple have ...
Nicholas Smith's user avatar
22 votes

Why am I getting an “invalid active developer path” when attempting to use Git after upgrading to macOS Sequoia?

xcode-select --install and xcode-select --reset didn't work for me. I had to download it manually from Apple Developers website: Choose the Command line of your ...
Steffi's user avatar
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22 votes

/usr/include missing on macOS Catalina (with Xcode 11)

Set the CPATH environment variable in your shell (e.g., put this in your .zshrc assuming you're using zsh): export CPATH=`xcrun --show-sdk-path`/usr/include And then try to build your project again. ...
kkurian's user avatar
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21 votes

How to downgrade Composer via homebrew?

To check the versions available you can run this command: brew log composer Then install Composer and change the version directly via Composer command. brew install composer composer self-update 1.10....
Rafael Corrêa Gomes's user avatar
20 votes

Homebrew installed libraries, how do I use them?

For recent versions of Homebrew, installed libraries (for example, SDL) will be located in $(brew --prefix)/lib as symlinks. Their corresponding header files will be in $(brew --prefix)/include. ...
Menace's user avatar
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19 votes

Why am I getting an “invalid active developer path” when attempting to use Git after upgrading to macOS Sequoia?

The accepted answer is correct, but also note that git does not make it obvious if the error is coming from remote or from local. If you are running OS X on your remote, your install problem may be on ...
mirth23's user avatar
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15 votes

Separate environment for personal and development use under macOS

There are multiple options: The simplest would be to create two user accounts. Your first account is created during the first use of the Mac. Create a second account by clicking the Apple-menu in the ...
jksoegaard's user avatar
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13 votes

Can I compile .NET C# code on my Mac?

You can install it with homebrew: brew install mono Then you can use it with: mcs hello.cs mono hello.exe
Dorian's user avatar
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13 votes

C# programming on macOS

The Mono project maintains a cross-platform C#/.net environment which works well on macOS.
Russell Borogove's user avatar
13 votes

Why does my iPhone 16 Pro have iOS 18.0 but I can’t find a way to activate developer mode anywhere?

Here’s what I have found: My iPhone was on “Low Battery Mode.” I connected it to my Mac and opened “XCode > Window > Devices & Simulators.” Select “Allow” on my mac Select “Trust” on my ...
onzinsky's user avatar
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11 votes

Way for new Mac touch bar to behave the same as the Old keyboard

In the system preferences go to "Keyboard". Select the "Shortcuts"-tab. Select "Function Keys" in the left menu. Click the + and add the applications where you want the F-keys to always show. If you ...
Jörgen Lundberg's user avatar
11 votes

Is there a way to code sign ad-hoc iOS apps for longer than 7 days in Xcode?

Free developer membership apps require resigning to be functional after 7 days. Paid developer membership apps expire after 1 year. You can also submit an app for testing to TestFlight which signs ...
grg's user avatar
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11 votes

XCode : How to use cmd + x to either cut the current line (if no text is selected) or cut the selected text

That is correct. (Xcode 10) Add the entry for cut line and copy line in the IDETextKeyBindingSet.plist file Save the IDETextKeyBindingSet.plist Restart Xcode Set a key for the new command through ...
Francois's user avatar
  • 211
11 votes

Make shortcut to enable/disable JavaScript with Safari 17.0

There used to be the setting, but this seems to have disappeared sometime prior to Safari 17. As a substitute, we can use ...
JMY1000's user avatar
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10 votes

How to increase font size of Eclipse globally?

Solution for Eclipse Oxygen at MacOS High Sierra (Dec 2017) Open terminal and run commands: cd /Applications/ vim ...
liberborn's user avatar
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10 votes

Executable compiled in Xcode fails to run except from the terminal

Application Bundle The executable file needs to be placed within an application bundle – a special directory structure. The top-level directory has the extension .app. See Building OSX App Bundle for ...
Graham Miln's user avatar
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9 votes

Remove Safari web inspector ruler

Apparently there is a hidden button in the elements tab that toggles the rulers.
Saa's user avatar
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9 votes

What replaces x86 intrinsics for C when Apple ditches Intel CPUs for their own chips?

The Apple M1 supports Neon SIMD instructions but not SVE. You can use sse2neon which clones the x86-64 SIMD intrinsics (MMX, SSE, AES) with their Neon counterparts. Here are some benchmarks using this ...
user1677899's user avatar
8 votes

How to disable all caches in safari 11?

In the Web Inspector, under the Network tab, unselect ‘Use the resource cache when loading resources’. Blue means the cache is not used, black means the cache is used.                                 ...
grg's user avatar
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7 votes

How to take 9:41 am screenshots on an iOS Simulator and Device?

There are 2 ways to do this: 1. Clone, build and run SimulatorStatusMagic in your simulator. This will only work for your simulator. cd ~/...
Anil's user avatar
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7 votes

C# programming on macOS

For compiler only I recommend to use .net core with editor of choice. I use VS code quite a lot, but you can use Sublime, Atom, etc. As for IDE, I recommend to try JetBrains Rider instead of VS for ...
Aen Sidhe's user avatar
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