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Questions tagged [dark-mode]

Dark Mode is a feature introduced in macOS Mojave which utilizes a dark color scheme for background windows and controls while keeping your foreground windows focused so they stand out.

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Safari local PDF: Dark Mode with Dark Reader

How to Enable Dark Mode for Local PDFs in Safari Using Dark Reader? Problem: When I open PDF files in Safari, they load with a file:/// URL, which prevents Dark Reader from applying a dark theme. When ...
fatFeather's user avatar
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How to set macOS Sonoma Dark Mode to work to your schedule?

Using the “Auto” option for appearance switches from light to dark based on sunset and sunrise times. I want to set a custom schedule. For instance, time to time for light, otherwise it's dark. Or, ...
Kamil's user avatar
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How to set appearance settings for a specific screen?

Is there a way to display the app on a specific screen always in light mode while simultaneously ensuring that the app follows the system appearance settings when its window is moved to another screen ...
zhuxiaoxi's user avatar
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How to get Auto Dark Mode to work at sunset, not many hours later?

On Monterey 12.6.3 I have System Prefs > General > Appearance set to 'Auto'. This works, changing Dark to Light mode and back again automatically. But it does so some hours after sunset. I ...
JGC's user avatar
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Is there a way to force a macOS app to open in dark mode when the system is set to light mode?

Is there a way to open a specific app in dark mode while the rest of the system is set to light mode? I know the reverse can be done by setting NSRequiresAquaSystemAppearance=true for the app in ...
Bri Bri's user avatar
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Can night shift be untied from automatic dark mode?

I have "Appearance" set to auto, which makes dark mode kicking in at the sunset. I'd like to have night shift shifting to warmer colours at 10pm, shortly before I go to bed, not at the ...
Gerardo Furtado's user avatar
5 votes
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How can I force Dark theme on menu bar?

I am using macOS Monterey 12.3. From Desktop & Screen Saver => Desktop I have selected Dark (Still) under Big Sur. When I reboot the machine menu bar color is always light, as light blue, ...
alper's user avatar
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Make PDF dark-mode friendly in Adobe DC Acrobat Reader or alternative

I was looking for a way to read a PDF in "dark mode". Found this answer here However I was curios if there's a way to make Adobe Acrobat Reader more dark-mode friendly or if there exists an ...
M.Ionut's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Toggle system dark mode from Terminal

How can I toggle the system dark mode from Terminal without using AppleScript? I have already searched things like "zsh toggle dark mode" and "terminal set dark mode mac", but I ...
shreyasm-dev's user avatar
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MacOS dark mode not working

No matter how I try to change my Mac color to dark mode, it keeps changing to light.
Charlie Zhang's user avatar
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How turn on light mode for single app (Safari) on Big Sur 11.5.1

MacOS version is 11.5.1. In system preferences a dark appearance is selected. I want to apply a light appearance mode only to Safari. I did defaults write ...
AksenovAN's user avatar
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What is a program to display PDF's in a dark theme friendly fashion on MacOS?

I am trying to read all my PDF's in dark theme, to preserve my vision since I work at a computer all day. Adobe Acrobat reader offers this feature, in that you can go into accessibility and change the ...
Jacob Waters's user avatar
1 vote
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Theme setting missing in iPhone Gmail app

I want to turn off dark mode for the gmail app. It turned on yesterday without asking me. I know about the global iPhone dark mode setting and it’s set to dark mode but gmail should have its own ...
triplethreat78's user avatar
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Is there a way to force the dark mode of Mac third-party apps that do not have it?

I am a huge fan of dark mode, and I am wondering if there is a way to have dark mode on apps that have not implemented it yet.
Rick Sanchez's user avatar
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Always use dark mode, on Mojave

I have chosen Dark mode, under System Preferences > General > Appearance. Yet, it seems whenever starting up the computer, it switches back to Light. I am guessing there is some "switch ...
Steve Bennett's user avatar
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Why Auto-Dark-Mode doesn't work sometimes?

I'm using the 2020 Intel MacBook Pro and I'm facing the following problem. The Auto-Dark-Mode of MacOS is not as stable as iOS or iPadOS. If I'm using a single app in foreground (probably Safari) and ...
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How can I switch to/from dark mode depending on "darkness" instead of sunset?

On BigSur the Sunset-Detector works but it doesn't make sense, because in the real world darkness arrives a bit earlier than sunset. It hurts my eyes, because I stay focused on my work and don't ...
user avatar
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Numbers standard cell dark mode

In Numbers, is there any way to make all standard cells of all spreadsheets (including existing spreadsheets created by others) be displayed in dark mode (i.e. have a black background with white text)?...
XDR's user avatar
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How do you speed how often MacOS checks dark/light auto appearance

I often switch users on my Mac and leave hours between using my iMac and Macbook Pro. If I leave a Macbook Pro in the day when it's in light mode, then open it at night, it seems to take upwards of 15 ...
CafeHey's user avatar
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How to change syntax coloring for JavaScript files in Automator Dark Mode?

In Automator on macOS 10.15.7, Javascript code is too dark when using Dark Mode: Is there a way to change the colors?
OrigamiEye's user avatar
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When does macOS switch between light and dark mode?

MacOS Catalina added support for automatic light and dark mode switching. The support article linked above reads: Auto (available in macOS Catalina): Automatically use the light appearance during ...
Etheryte's user avatar
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Dark mode issues in iPhone 6s running iOS 13.6.1

Until yesterday, the Dark Mode on my iPhone was fine. But, I don’t know what happened to it just now. I’m talking about using it on WhatsApp and Settings app (only minor change in settings app). An ...
Manan's user avatar
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How to set dark mode appearance to auto in terminal

I found the way to set dark mode: defaults write -g NSRequiresAquaSystemAppearance -bool true But have no idea set it to Auto with defaults write. It could also be great to explain how you discovered ...
Will B Chang's user avatar
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Gmail Doesn't Respect Dark Mode System Preference on iOS 13

Given Dark Mode can really enhance battery life, I'm keen to implement it. Although all my other IOS/IPADOS 13.3 Apps seem to respect the "System Preferences" > "Display & Brightness" > "...
F1Linux's user avatar
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How to get permanent dark menu bar & dock, but still use light & dark mode?

I know how to get a dark menu bar and dock in light mode, but that option disables the use of the full dark mode on macOS completely. I'm wondering if it's possible at all to still use light and dark ...
Lennart Schoors's user avatar
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Dark mode of MacOS not working for Chrome

As specified here, I have enabled MacOS's dark mode however, the Chrome browser doesn't become dark. It's expected that webpages, toolbars, etc all become dark. I wanted to avoid third-party Chrome ...
Xameer's user avatar
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Run a script when Dark Mode changes

How does one register a script to run when the system appearance changes between dark and light? Is there a way to register a Launch Agent? Or have a daemon that gets a notification?
mnewt's user avatar
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Using dark mode as notification on iOS?

I’m wondering if its possible to use dark mode on Mac or iOS as a kind of notification. Like, connect it to an external trigger / api and activate / deactivate it quickly whenever an event happens. ...
LrnzLngg's user avatar
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Can I set Dark Mode dynamically on my iPhone like I can in macOS?

I have a Mac with Mojave installed and I can set my desktop background to be Dynamic: This means my desktop picture will change from a hot sunny desert picture to a cool dark night-time desert ...
Accountant's user avatar
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How to fix Dictionary look up text color in Dark mode?

In macOS Mojave dark mode, the Dictionary app became unusable because of coloring issues: in application itself some of the text is white on white, and in definition popup that appears if you right ...
Aldekein's user avatar
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How to change the appearance of volume & brightness overlay in dark mode?

As you all know, in MacOS Mojave Apple has released a thing called Dark Mode. My problem is that I got used to the previous appearance of dark mode, when there were only dark Dock and Menu Bar. I've ...
nikkorfed's user avatar
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Can I use the normal desert background image in Mojave dark mode?

I like most of dark mode in Mojave, however I much prefer the light mode 'desert' image to the blue-grey one that appears in dark mode. Is there a way I can use the light mode image when I turn on ...
drevicko's user avatar
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Mojave dark mode not reflected properly on search bar

As you can see in the picture, there's black text in search bar. I saw some pictures online but all of them shows white text in search bar when using Dark Mode. Is it some kind of color profile issue? ...
Axel's user avatar
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MacOS Mojave and Dark Theme - Preview for .png file with transparent background not white

Not surprisingly at all, with MacOS Mojave and Dark Theme OS Mode, Preview displays transparent background with gray. How can I set it to be white only for preview but keeping MacOS Dark Mode ? File ...
JKHA's user avatar
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iOS 13: Dark Mode not confirmed? [closed]

Am I correct that Dark Mode in iOS 13 has not been publicly confirmed? Thanks!
brachiator's user avatar
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macOS App Switcher, transparency and Dark Mode?

I recently switched to macOS Mojave Dark Mode, and I like many aspects of it. But there's one thing that really gives me trouble, i.e., using the App Switcher in front of a window that is mainly dark/...
GhostCat's user avatar
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How to disable Dark Mode in Google Chrome on macOS Mojave? [duplicate]

I have configured my installation of macOS Mojave to Dark Mode, because I prefer it over the Light Mode for some reasons. The thing is that with the recent update, Google Chrome also automatically ...
Gastón Saillén's user avatar
2 votes
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How do I stop Mojave Dark Mode turning itself on

I recently updated to macOS Mojave and, although I think the Dark Mode is cool and has its place, it frustrates me no end that it seems to be on some kind of schedule. It turns itself on every day at ...
Zac's user avatar
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How can I keep light mode for Google Chrome while using dark mode in Mojave?

I've just got my Google Chrome updated to Version 73.0.3683.86 and run it on macOS Mojave 10.14.3 with dark mode set. I prefer to use Chrome in light mode with some custom themes. Can I revert ...
Kamil's user avatar
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Keep note sheet as black text on white background while is in dark mode

I am enjoying dark mode in macOS Mojave. This includes the list boxes and sidebar in the Except, the note sheet itself is awkward with white-text-on-black-blackground. Is it possible to ...
Basil Bourque's user avatar
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Text-selection on PDF in Preview on Mojave too dark

Selected text on PDFs in Preview shows up in dark brown since upgrading to Mojave. When selecting text on a PDF with black text on light background, Preview uses the dark highlight that I assume is ...
jan's user avatar
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How can I remove 'Dark Mode' from Ms Office apps without disabling it across macOS?

I am running macOS Mojave and have Dark Mode set as my default appearance in Apple > System Preferences > General. I recently updated MS Office on my Mac and the latest MS Office update (i.e. version ...
Monomeeth's user avatar
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How can I set dark mode for Word documents

Microsoft recently released the Dark Mode for MS Office for Mac. While the Dark Mode sets the interface to dark color palette, the page area itself still remains white and the text is black. How can ...
ruslaniv's user avatar
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AppleScript to toggle dark mode with fading

I have a script to toggle dark mode using tell application "System Events" tell appearance preferences set dark mode to not dark mode end tell end tell However, this causes every ...
Jenny Shoars's user avatar
72 votes
4 answers

Red pixels on Mojave and Catalina Dark Mode

I purchased a new MacBook Pro 15 (2017) and immediately installed Mojave. I then started to see red pixels appearing on the same line as the top menubar. It happens very rarely, but has already ...
Azim Gadjiagayev's user avatar
12 votes
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MacOS Dark Mode toggles back to Light Mode

I have an issue were when I log into MacOS Dark mode seems to be toggling back to light mode.
ScottyG's user avatar
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How to turn on Dark Mode in Pages

I just updated to Mojave, and I am really enjoying Dark mode. Today I opened Pages for the first time. When opening Pages I see a splash screen that says what is new with Pages and Dark mode is listed,...
ScottyG's user avatar
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6 answers

Turn on dark mode at a certain time

After upgrading to macOS Mojave, I was wondering if there is a setting which would automatically turn on Dark Mode at a certain time of day? I only found the setting to turn it on and off manually.
jrn's user avatar
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101 votes
8 answers

Is there the dark mode (inverted colors) in the 'Preview' Application for PDF reading? [duplicate]

I am using the “Preview” application for reading a PDF file on a MacBook Pro. Is there any way in I can read it in dark mode? You can do it in Adobe Acrobat Reader by changing background and text ...
Anwar Shaikh's user avatar
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