Papers by farooqkhan pattan

Journal of Applied and Natural Science
Accurate assessment of genetic diversity facilitates the strategic identification of superior gen... more Accurate assessment of genetic diversity facilitates the strategic identification of superior genotypes, enabling the development of high-yielding, climate-resilient cultivars and promoting effective crop improvement strategies. The present study was carried out with 48 different genotypes of Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench) during (Jan-April 2022) to investigate their genetic diversity. The analysis of genetic divergence using D2 statistics revealed substantial variation among genotypes for the twelve traits studied. The 48 genotypes were grouped into nine clusters, with cluster IV having the highest representation of 24 genotypes, followed by cluster II with 12 genotypes, cluster I with 4 genotypes, cluster III with 3 genotypes, and the remaining clusters with one genotype each. The intra and inter-cluster D2 values ranged from 0 to 95.29 and 103.00 to 588.71, respectively. The highest intra-cluster distance was observed in Cluster III (95.29), and highest inter-cluster d...

International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods (IJARESM), 2020
The heterosis increase yield, reproductive activity, biotic and abiotic resistance general vigour... more The heterosis increase yield, reproductive activity, biotic and abiotic resistance general vigour and quality. Decrease in the fitness and vigour inbreeding effect that is in breeding depression. Continuous selfing increase homozygosity in genotype. This is due to because of undesirable recessive gene. But in heterosis some servable dominant gene of a parent are dominant over recessive gene of other parents. Selection of the character is easy when the heritability of the character is very high. Variation is produced by genotype or additive effect this is due to the very close correspondence between genotype and phenotype having a little contribution of the environmental effect. The study of heterosis is done in okra many characters are taken in the study like flowering, resistance to stress, yield, etc. current research explicitly revealed the scope for improving okra productivity through heterosis breeding. As okra an often-cross-pollinated crop, it responds very good to heterosis breeding.
The Pharma Innovation journal, 2022
Heterosis for yield and its component traits were studied in 9 genotypes and their 36 F1`s in whe... more Heterosis for yield and its component traits were studied in 9 genotypes and their 36 F1`s in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). The magnitude of heterotic effects was high for number of effective tillers per plant, number of spikelets per spike and Days to maturity; moderate for number of grains per spike, Days to 50% heading, harvest index, chlorophyll content, grain yield per plant and spike length; and low for biological yield per plant, plant height and protein content. The highest, positive and significant heterobeltiosis for grain yield per plant and some of its component traits were recorded in the crosses, IC

Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 2023
Accurate assessment of genetic diversity facilitates the strategic identification of superior gen... more Accurate assessment of genetic diversity facilitates the strategic identification of superior genotypes, enabling the development of
high-yielding, climate-resilient cultivars and promoting effective crop improvement strategies. The present study was carried out with 48 different genotypes of Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench) during (Jan-April 2022) to investigate their genetic diversity. The analysis of genetic divergence using D2 statistics revealed substantial variation among genotypes for the twelve traits studied. The 48 genotypes were grouped into nine clusters, with cluster IV having the highest representation of 24 genotypes, followed by cluster II with 12 genotypes, cluster I with 4 genotypes, cluster III with 3 genotypes, and the remaining
clusters with one genotype each. The intra and inter-cluster D2 values ranged from 0 to 95.29 and 103.00 to 588.71, respectively. The highest intra-cluster distance was observed in Cluster III (95.29), and the highest inter-cluster distance was observed between Cluster V and IX (588.71). This range clearly demonstrated that the inter-cluster distance was greater than the intra-cluster distance indicating wide diversity across the groups. Cluster VII showed a high mean for traits plant height (112.53),
peduncle length (3.14), fruit length (20.03), and number of locules (7.87). Cluster V showed the highest mean for the number of
fruits (39.33) and yield per plant (1.18). The analysis of all characters' relative contributions showed that the number of fruits per
plant and the number of locules per fruit contributed most to genetic divergence. High heterotic effects and desired transgressive segregants are anticipated when different genotypes from clusters with the greatest inter-cluster distance are used for hybridization.

Environment and Ecology , 2023
Okra or Bhendi is a crucial vegetable farmed in India. The state of Tamil Nadu contains a smaller... more Okra or Bhendi is a crucial vegetable farmed in India. The state of Tamil Nadu contains a smaller cultivable area and less okra production. As a result, the investigative study was conducted at Sivapuri, Chidambaram, Tamil Nadu to estimate variability metrics such as PCV, GCV, and GA% mean for crop advancement studies. The experiment involved 48 okra genotypes and 12 qualitative variables. In accordance with ANOVA, the mean sum of squares of 48 genotypes was highly significant for all parameters tested. For the twelve studied traits, values of PCV was higher than values of GCV by a little margin, showing the influence of environmental influences on genotypes. High heritability was found in all characters except days to 50% flowering and days to first harvest. High genetic advance % of mean was perceived in all the traits except for days to the 50% flowering, the harvest period and days to first harvest. High heritability combined with high GA was recorded in traits like primary branches per plant, fruit girth, no. of fruits per plant, fruit length, and fruit yield per plant. If genotypes are chosen based on these traits, selection for genetic improvement programs would be highly efficient.
Papers by farooqkhan pattan
high-yielding, climate-resilient cultivars and promoting effective crop improvement strategies. The present study was carried out with 48 different genotypes of Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench) during (Jan-April 2022) to investigate their genetic diversity. The analysis of genetic divergence using D2 statistics revealed substantial variation among genotypes for the twelve traits studied. The 48 genotypes were grouped into nine clusters, with cluster IV having the highest representation of 24 genotypes, followed by cluster II with 12 genotypes, cluster I with 4 genotypes, cluster III with 3 genotypes, and the remaining
clusters with one genotype each. The intra and inter-cluster D2 values ranged from 0 to 95.29 and 103.00 to 588.71, respectively. The highest intra-cluster distance was observed in Cluster III (95.29), and the highest inter-cluster distance was observed between Cluster V and IX (588.71). This range clearly demonstrated that the inter-cluster distance was greater than the intra-cluster distance indicating wide diversity across the groups. Cluster VII showed a high mean for traits plant height (112.53),
peduncle length (3.14), fruit length (20.03), and number of locules (7.87). Cluster V showed the highest mean for the number of
fruits (39.33) and yield per plant (1.18). The analysis of all characters' relative contributions showed that the number of fruits per
plant and the number of locules per fruit contributed most to genetic divergence. High heterotic effects and desired transgressive segregants are anticipated when different genotypes from clusters with the greatest inter-cluster distance are used for hybridization.
high-yielding, climate-resilient cultivars and promoting effective crop improvement strategies. The present study was carried out with 48 different genotypes of Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench) during (Jan-April 2022) to investigate their genetic diversity. The analysis of genetic divergence using D2 statistics revealed substantial variation among genotypes for the twelve traits studied. The 48 genotypes were grouped into nine clusters, with cluster IV having the highest representation of 24 genotypes, followed by cluster II with 12 genotypes, cluster I with 4 genotypes, cluster III with 3 genotypes, and the remaining
clusters with one genotype each. The intra and inter-cluster D2 values ranged from 0 to 95.29 and 103.00 to 588.71, respectively. The highest intra-cluster distance was observed in Cluster III (95.29), and the highest inter-cluster distance was observed between Cluster V and IX (588.71). This range clearly demonstrated that the inter-cluster distance was greater than the intra-cluster distance indicating wide diversity across the groups. Cluster VII showed a high mean for traits plant height (112.53),
peduncle length (3.14), fruit length (20.03), and number of locules (7.87). Cluster V showed the highest mean for the number of
fruits (39.33) and yield per plant (1.18). The analysis of all characters' relative contributions showed that the number of fruits per
plant and the number of locules per fruit contributed most to genetic divergence. High heterotic effects and desired transgressive segregants are anticipated when different genotypes from clusters with the greatest inter-cluster distance are used for hybridization.