Papers by Elif Gülçin Çelik
Ankara Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi, 2015
The aim of the present study is to compare social development, emotional-behavioural problems and... more The aim of the present study is to compare social development, emotional-behavioural problems and academic selfesteem of children who attain primary school at the age of five and six. A total of 618 children (girls=321, boys=297) who live in Ankara participated in the study. Data for the present descriptive study were collected at the beginning and end of academic terms. The Revised Conners' Parent Rating Scale-Long Form, The Revised Conners' Teacher Rating Scale-Long Form, Ages and Stages Questionnaires: Social-Emotional, Preschool Social Behaviour Scale-Teacher Form and Academic Self-Esteem Scale were utilized. Pre-post test findings demonstrated that five year olds experienced higher level of emotional-behavioural and social problems and exhibited lower level of academic self-esteem compared to their six year old peers. Findings are discussed in relation to educational implications and possible solutions.
Ege Eğitim Dergisi, 2016
In this study, the opinions of counseling students about the use of metaphors in the structured p... more In this study, the opinions of counseling students about the use of metaphors in the structured peer group supervision format, which used in counseling supervision process as a group supervision model, were investigated. The participants of the study were the senior students of the undergraduate program of Psychological Counseling and Guidance. A total of 21 students (13 female, 8 male) participated in this study. The participants were the students who took the course of "Individual Counseling Practicum" and participated in a six-week structured peer group supervision process. A survey form was used as a data collection instrument. The obtained qualitative data were analyzed through following the stages of consensual qualitative research. As a result of qualitative data analysis, the opinions of the participants about the use of metaphors in the structured peer group supervision were clustered under four domains. These domains are; contributions to counselors, impacts on counseling process, difficulties experienced in creating metaphors, and characteristics of the effective metaphors. The findings were discussed in the scope of supervision literature, and the metaphors were recommended as a pedagogical tool in counselor education and supervision process.
Bu calismada, ebeveynden algilanan kontrol ile ergen iyi olusu arasindaki iliskide empati ve duyg... more Bu calismada, ebeveynden algilanan kontrol ile ergen iyi olusu arasindaki iliskide empati ve duygusal ozerkligin araci etkisinin belirlenmesi amaclanmistir. Iliskisel tarama modelinde tasarlanan arastirmanin calisma grubunu, Ankara'nin 6 farkli ortaogretim kurumunda ogrenim goren 755 ogrenci olusturmaktadir. Arastirmanin verileri Kisisel Bilgi Formu, Leuven Algilanan Ana Babalik Olcegi/Ergen Surumu (Soenens, Beyers ve Goossens, 2004), Duygusal Ozerklik Olcegi (Steinberg ve Silverberg, 1986), Temel Empati Olcegi (Jolliffe ve Farrington, 2006) ve Varolussal Iyi Olus Olcegi (Şimsek ve Kocayoruk, 2013) kullanilarak elde edilmistir. Hiyerarsik regresyon analizi ile gerceklestirilen aracilik testi sonucunda hem anne hem de babadan algilanan psikolojik ve davranissal kontrol ile ergenin iyi olusu arasindaki iliskide duygusal ozerkligin kismi araci rol oynadigi ancak empatinin ebeveyn kontrolu ve ergen iyi olusu arasindaki iliskide benzer bir etkiye sahip olmadigi bulunmustur. Sonuc olarak arastirmada algilanan ebeveyn kontrolu arttikca ergenin kendini duygusal olarak ozerk hissetme duzeyinin azaldigi ve ergenin iyi olusunun bu durumdan olumsuz yonde etkilendigi belirlenmistir.AbstractThis study aimed to determine the mediator effect of empathy and emotional autonomy on the relation between perceived parental control and adolescent's well-being. The sample group of the study that is designed as correlational survey research which is consisted of 755 secondary school students from 8 different schools in Ankara. Data were collected by using Demografic Information Form, Leuven Perceived Parenting Scale (Soenens, Beyers ve Goossens, 2004), Emotional Autonomy Scale (Steinberg ve Silverberg, 1986), Basic Empathy Scale (Jolliffe ve Farrington, 2006), and Ontological Well-Being Scale (Şimsek ve Kocayoruk, 2013). The results of hierarchical regression analysis showed that emotional autonomy was a significant mediator on the relation between psychological and behavioral control perceived from both mother and father with adolescent's well-being, but empathy had no mediator role on this relation. Consequently, it has been determined that the more the perceived parental control, the lower the level of adolescent's feeling emotionally autonomous; and adolescent's well-being is affected negatively.
Amac: Bu arastirmanin temel amaci ilkokula farkli yaslarda baslayan cocuklar arasinda, duygusal d... more Amac: Bu arastirmanin temel amaci ilkokula farkli yaslarda baslayan cocuklar arasinda, duygusal davranissal sorunlar, akademik benlik saygisi ve sosyal davranislar acisindan hem egitim-ogretim doneminin basinda ve hem de egitim-ogretim doneminin sonunda farklilik olup olmadigini incelemektir.Yontem: Ankara il sinirlari icerisindeki ilkokullarin birinci siniflarina devam eden toplam 637 ogrenci arastirmaya katilmistir. Veriler 86 devlet ilkokulunun 279 subesinden toplanmistir. Yaslari 60-84 ay arasinda degisen ogrencilerin 321’i kiz (%51.9), 297’si (%48.1) erkektir. Arastirmada, Conners Ana-Baba Dereceleme Olcegi- Yenilenmis Uzun, Erken Gelisim Evreleri Sosyal Duygusal Gelisim, Conners Ogretmen Olcegi-Uzun Formu, Okul Oncesi Sosyal Davranis Olcegi-Ogretmen Formu ve Akademik Benlik Saygisi Olcegi’nden yararlanilmistir. Karsilastirmali istatistikler uc grup ile gerceklestirilmistir: 1) Kucuk Yas Grubu (KYG=60-69 ay) ile Normal Yas Grubunun (NYG=70-84 ay) 2) Bes yas grubu (BYG=5 yas 60-72 ay) ile Alti yas grubunun (AYG=6 yas 73-84 ay) ve 3) Yeni Kucuk Yas Grubu (YKG=60-66 ay) ile Eski Kucuk Yas Grubunun (EKG=69-72 ay) karsilastirildigi analizlerdir.Bulgular: Analizler, KYG’nun NYG’ndan, BYG’nun AYG’ndan ve YKG’un EKG’tan duygusal davranissal sorunlar, akademik benlik saygisi ve sosyal davranislar acisindan hem egitim-ogretim doneminin basinda, hem de egitim-ogretim doneminin sonunda daha fazla sorun yasadiklarini, olumlu davranislarin gelisimi acisindan yapilan analizler ise NYG’nun KYG’ndan, AYG’nun BYG’ndan ve EKG’un YKG’ndan daha fazla olumlu davranislar sergilediklerine isaret etmektedir. Bes ve alti yas grubu ogrencilerin ayri siniflarda okumalarinin, bes yasindaki cocuklarin yasadiklari sorunlarda bir farkliliga kaynaklik etmedigi bulunmustur.Sonuc: Arastirma sonuclari genel olarak kucuk yasta okula baslayan ogrencilerin, alti yasinda okula baslayanlara gore sosyal, duygusal, bilissel acidan egitim-ogretim ortaminda pek cok sorun yasadiklarina isaret etmektedir. Bulgular, diger pek cok ulkede oldugu gibi, ilkokula baslama yasinin alti olmasi ve bes yasindaki cocuklarin yasadiklari sosyal, duygusal, davranissal ve akademik sorunlarini azaltmak ve gelisimlerini her boyutuyla desteklemek amaciyla nitelikli ve erisilebilir okul-oncesi egitimin yayginlastirilmasi baglaminda tartisilmistir.AbstractAim: The main aim of the present study is to compare children who admitted to primary school at different age groups. The different age groups were compared in terms of emotional and behavioral problems, academic self-esteem and social behaviors both at the beginning and end of the academic term.Material and Method: A total of 637 children who attended first grade of primary schooling participated in the study. All were living in Ankara. The data were collected from 86 primary schools and 279 classes. Of these children 321 were female (51.9%) and 297 were males (48.1%). The age range of the children were 60 to 84 months. The Revised Conners’ Parent Rating Scale-Long Form; (Conners et al, 1998), Ages and Stages Questionnaires: Social-Emotional, (Squires, Bricker & Twombly, 2003), The Conners’ Teacher Rating Scale-Revised (Conners, 1997), Preschool Social Behavior Scale-Teacher Form (Crick & Grotpeter, 1996) and Academic Self-Esteem Scale (Cevher & Bulus, 2006) were utilized. Comparative statistics were completed with three age groups. 1) Young group (60-69 Mo) with Normal Age group (70-84 Mo), 2) Five-year-old group (60-72 Mo) with Six-year-old group (73-84 Mo) and 3) New Young group (60-66 Mo) with Previous Young group (69-72 Mo).Analyses and Results: The analyses demonstrated that Young Group, Five-year-old group and New Young Group had experienced more difficulties compared to Normal Age Group, Six-year-old Group and Previous Group respectively.Conclusion: Young children were found to experience social, emotional, behavioral and academic difficulties. Based on the findings, appropriate schooling age seems to be 6 years (72 Mo and over). Findings were discussed in relation to psycho-social problems at present and dissemination of preschool education for all young children were suggested.
This study aimed to determine the mediator effect of empathy and emotional autonomy on the relati... more This study aimed to determine the mediator effect of empathy and emotional autonomy on the relation between perceived parental control and adolescent's well-being. The sample group of the study that is designed as correlational survey research which is consisted of 755 secondary school students from 8 different schools in Ankara. Data were collected by using Demografic Information Form, Leuven Perceived Parenting Scale (Soenens, Beyers ve Goossens, 2004), Emotional Autonomy Scale (Steinberg ve Silverberg, 1986), Basic Empathy Scale (Jolliffe ve Farrington, 2006), and Ontological Well-Being Scale (Şimşek ve Kocayörük, 2013). The results of hierarchical regression analysis showed that emotional autonomy was a significant mediator on the relation between psychological and behavioral control perceived from both mother and father with adolescent's well-being, but empathy had no mediator role on this relation. Consequently, it has been determined that the more the perceived parental control, the lower the level of adolescent's feeling emotionally autonomous; and adolescent's well-being is affected negatively./ Bu çalışmada, ebeveynden algılanan kontrol ile ergen iyi oluşu arasındaki ilişkide empati ve duygusal özerkliğin aracı etkisinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. İlişkisel tarama modelinde tasarlanan araştırmanın çalışma grubunu, Ankara'nın 6 farklı ortaöğretim kurumunda öğrenim gören 755 öğrenci oluşturmaktadır. Araştırmanın verileri Kişisel Bilgi Formu, Leuven Algılanan Ana Babalık Ölçeği/Ergen Sürümü (Soenens, Beyers ve Goossens, 2004), Duygusal Özerklik Ölçeği (Steinberg ve Silverberg, 1986), Temel Empati Ölçeği (Jolliffe ve Farrington, 2006) ve Varoluşsal İyi Oluş Ölçeği (Şimşek ve Kocayörük, 2013) kullanılarak elde edilmiştir. Hiyerarşik regresyon analizi ile gerçekleştirilen aracılık testi sonucunda hem anne hem de babadan algılanan psikolojik ve davranışsal kontrol ile ergenin iyi oluşu arasındaki ilişkide duygusal özerkliğin kısmi aracı rol oynadığı ancak empatinin ebeveyn kontrolü ve ergen iyi oluşu arasındaki ilişkide benzer bir etkiye sahip olmadığı bulunmuştur. Sonuç olarak araştırmada algılanan ebeveyn kontrolü arttıkça ergenin kendini duygusal olarak özerk hissetme düzeyinin azaldığı ve ergenin iyi oluşunun bu durumdan olumsuz yönde etkilendiği belirlenmiştir.
Papers by Elif Gülçin Çelik