Ankara University
Agricultural Machinery
Ondokuzuncu yüzyıl boyunca Osmanlı İmparatorluğu'nun yaşamış olduğu tüm dönüşümler, İstanbul'un kent dokusunda, nüfusunun bileşiminde, iktisadi faaliyetlerin gerçekleştirildiği meslek dallarının evriminde, imparatorluğun merkez... more
- by Merve Sağlam
Advances in technology, agricultural machinery are becoming more comfortable. Performing agricultural occupations, different machinery combinations can be used for performing same operation. Agricultural machinery users have begun to take... more
The operation of a power tiller is fatiguing work for the operators. Because of walking behind the machine on a tilled land for hours and environment conditions which make the work harder (air temperature, dust, field conditions etc.),... more
Agricultural occupations require much physical efforts and are widely affected from environmental conditions. Therefore, using of farm machinery is indispensable. Different equipment and machinery have been used while performing... more
Many different equipment and machinery have been used while performing agricultural operations. This equipments and machines can be used to perform same operation. Users take into consideration purchasing power, maintenance capability of... more
Özet: Tarımsal işletmelerde çalışanların alet ve makinaları kullanırken karşılaştıkları fiziksel yüklenmenin kişinin performans sınırının üzerine çıkması, zorlanmalara bağlı rahatsızlıkların oluşması nedeniyle kişilerin yaşam kalitesini... more
Tarımda çalıĢanların çalıĢma ortamları gereği karĢılaĢtıkları sağlık ve güvenlikle ilgili sorunlar; tarımın sürekli geliĢen ve değiĢen dinamik yapısı nedeniyle hem geliĢmiĢ ülkelerde ve hem de geliĢmekte olan ülkelerde önemini... more
In this study, blackberry fruits were dried in a pilot-scale hot-air dryer to identify the drying characteristics of the fruits. The air velocity was set as 1 m·s−1, and the temperature range was set as 54 to 75 °C. Fick’s law of... more
A significant reduction in nitrogen (N) losses from agricultural fields will make a positive impact on the environment. Managing nitrogen for the optimum application provides economic benefits as well as environmental protection. This... more
Classification of hazelnuts is one of the values adding processes that increase the marketability and profitability of its production. While traditional classification methods are used commonly, machine learning and deep learning can be... more
It is crucial to transport agricultural workers safely to the field or orchard to carry out agricultural activities. In our country, although it is not recommended in terms of security, transporting agricultural workers to field,... more
Companies and individual entrepreneurs which takes the milk from dairy storage points and dairy farms to distribute in the city centers, use milk cooling units mounted on pickup chassis. Cooling units are manufactured using stainless... more
Turkey is an important sugar beet producer in the world. Turkey has produced 15 488 332 tones of sugar beet from 3 219, 806 ha of production area and has also produced 2 061 000 tones of sugar in 2008. Sugar beet harvesting by machine is... more
The aim of this study was to determine the spatial variation in yield and protein content of wheat plant by utilizing the electrical conductivity of the soil. As a result of this study, significant relationships were determined. For all... more
Many different equipment and machinery have been used while performing agricultural operations. Some equipment and machines can be used to perform the same operation. When a user is purchasing equipment he often considers the power... more
Using classical design methods for a tillage machine does not completely show a safety results. The 3D finite element analysis method (FEM) is one of the technique that generally used for total deformation and equivalent stress analysis... more
Agricultural occupations require much physical efforts and are widely affected from environmental conditions. Therefore, using of farm machinery is indispensable. Different equipment and machinery have been used while performing... more
Çapa makinasıyla çalışmada operatörler, makinayı kullanmanın fiziksel yükü yanı sıra sıcaklık, çalışılan ortamın tozu ve makinadan alınan sürekli titreşimler gibi birçok olumsuz faktörün etkisi altındadır. Araştırma kapsamında operatörler... more
Lecithin is usually derived as a by-product of vegetable oil processing. It is also known as phosphotidycholine, it is important for its wide use in food manufacturing, product development as well as pharmaceutical products formulation.... more