Papers by Bahodirjon Nosirov
In the context of economic liberalization, the development of a comprehensive implementation of a... more In the context of economic liberalization, the development of a comprehensive implementation of arrangements to radically improve the reclamation of lands to increase economic productivity is a very important issue. The state should be the chief executive in solving this problem. If this important measure is fully entrusted to farms, it will inevitably fail. Because they do not have enough technical and economic power. The state has huge technical and economic potential. To improve the reclamation of farmlands, it is necessary to establish economic relations in which the state joint-stock companies of irrigation and land reclamation will serve and receive their dues.
The development of walnut production, which is in great demand in Uzbekistan, will allow some con... more The development of walnut production, which is in great demand in Uzbekistan, will allow some consumers to buy walnuts at relatively low prices, saving on transportation costs. In general, the organization of walnut cultivation in our country using the cluster method can be a solution to meet the needs of the processing industry in raw materials. Convenience of climatic conditions gives a great advantage in this direction
Sustainable agriculture, 2020
Large industrial walnut orchards in Uzbekistan can be created on a cooperative basis. An example ... more Large industrial walnut orchards in Uzbekistan can be created on a cooperative basis. An example of this approach is the experience of entrepreneurs who combine efforts to grow and use walnuts, acquiring 2 hectares of land for agricultural entrepreneurship. Procurement points will be able to form bulk batches of nuts, sell them on the domestic market or export them, acting in the form of service cooperatives.
Large industrial walnut orchards in Uzbekistan can be created on a cooperative basis. An example... more Large industrial walnut orchards in Uzbekistan can be created on a cooperative basis. An example of this approach is the experience of entrepreneurs who combine efforts to grow and use walnuts, acquiring 2 hectares of land for agricultural entrepreneurship. Procurement points will be able to form bulk batches of nuts, sell them on the domestic market or export them, acting in the form of service cooperatives
RESUME of dissertation for obtaining the scientific degree of the PhD in Economics on specilality 08.00.12-Regional economics, 2004
Key words: classification of the regional markets, regional food market, agriculture, market of m... more Key words: classification of the regional markets, regional food market, agriculture, market of meat and milk products, market of fruits and vegetables, concept of development of the food market, monitoring, management of the regional food market. Subjects of the inquiry: organizational and economic gears of formation of regional food market, basis formed on agrarian sector of economy of the Andijan region. Aim of inquiry: the development of the scientific-methodical bases and practical recommendations for development of the regional food market of the Andijon region. Method of inquiry: economic-statistical grouping, abstract-logic thinking, comparative analysis, balance of a supply and demand, forecasting of development of the market. The results achieved and their novelty: analysed the essence, place, significance, the forms, specific features and factors of the regional food market; justified scientifically the order and parameters of the analysis and forecasting of the food market; on the basis of the analysis of agrarian sector problems of supply and demand in the food market of the Andijon region are identified; the positive and negative factors are revealed; using balance accounts method, forecasting parameters of the regional food market in a kind of main commodity sections are sci-entically justified; the particular recommendations for a organizational-economic gear of development of the food market are developed. Practical value: the received results, recommendation for development of the regional food market can be used at development of strategic directions of development of the food market of the Andijon region; at management of regions and sectors, as well as development of the target programs and forecasting of parameters. Degree of embed and economic efficiency: Main conclusions and the proposals of the dissertation were reported on republican and international scientific-practical conferences and have received the positive approval. The recommendations and proposal by results of research were accepted and used by regional departaments of Economy, Agricultural and water resources .
Iqtisodiyotda innovastsiyalar INNOVATIONS IN ECONOMY ИННОВАЦИИ В ЭКОНОМИКЕ, 2020
The development of walnut production, which is in great demand in Uzbekistan, will allow
some con... more The development of walnut production, which is in great demand in Uzbekistan, will allow
some consumers to buy walnuts at relatively low prices, saving on transportation costs. In general,
the organization of walnut cultivation in our country using the cluster method can be a solution to
meet the needs of the processing industry in raw materials. Convenience of climatic conditions gives
a great advantage in this direction.
The development of walnut production, which is in great demand in Uzbekistan, will allow
some con... more The development of walnut production, which is in great demand in Uzbekistan, will allow
some consumers to buy walnuts at relatively low prices, saving on transportation costs. In general, the organization of walnut cultivation in our country using the cluster method can be a solution to meet the needs of the processing industry in raw materials. The convenience of climatic conditions gives a great advantage in this direction.
O'zbekiston qishloq xo'jaligi. (Agriculture of Uzbekistan) ISSN 2181-502X, 2012
(Factors of efficient land use in agriculture). The importance of agriculture as a source of food... more (Factors of efficient land use in agriculture). The importance of agriculture as a source of food for the population, raw materials for industrial enterprises and a source of increasing the country's foreign exchange earnings, as a potential market for other sectors of the economy is immeasurable. One of the most urgent tasks in the agricultural sector of the country is to increase economic efficiency in the process of its processing, and the successful solution of this goal is directly related to reducing the cost of production on the basis of efficient use of land.
Proceeding of conference "Xizmat ko'rsatish sohasi: rivojlanish tendensiyasi va istiqbollari" (Service sector: development trends and prospects) in Samarkand economics and service institute, Uzbekistan , 2016
(Improving the organizational and economic relations of farms with market infrastructure). Today ... more (Improving the organizational and economic relations of farms with market infrastructure). Today farms are leading property form of agricultural production in Uzbekistan. All of the types of services from infrastructure plays an important role in developing farm production
O'zbekiston iqtisodiy axborotnomasi. ISSN: 0868-6645, 2002
(Formation and development of the agricultural market). Agrarian markets are so complicated struc... more (Formation and development of the agricultural market). Agrarian markets are so complicated structure and involves agricultural products market, land market, means of production, financial markets, market infrastructure and management system.
O'zbekistin iqtisodiy axborotnomasi. ISSN: 0868-6645, 2001
(The economic significance of the emergence of farms) The experience of developed countries show ... more (The economic significance of the emergence of farms) The experience of developed countries show that share of employees in agriculture has to up to 3-5% of economically active people.
JournalNX - A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal, Volume 6, Issue 5, ISSN : 2581-4230, 2020
Despite the favorable climatic conditions for the cultivation of walnuts, Uzbekistan is not one o... more Despite the favorable climatic conditions for the cultivation of walnuts, Uzbekistan is not one of the main exporters of this product. Organization of walnut cultivation in Uzbekistan using the cluster method can be a solution to meet the needs of the processing industry in raw materials. Convenience of climatic conditions gives a great advantage in this direction. Large industrial walnut orchards in Uzbekistan can be created on a cooperative basis. An example of this approach is the experience of entrepreneurs who combine efforts to grow and use walnuts, acquiring 2 hectares of land for agricultural entrepreneurship. Procurement points will be able to form bulk batches of nuts, sell them on the domestic market or export them, acting in the form of service cooperatives.
Аграрная наука и образование на современном этапе развития: опыт, проблемы и пути их решения: материалы Международной научно-практической конференции. 26-28 мая 2009 года.-Ульяновск: УГСХА, 2009.-Том VII: Стабилизация и экономический рост аграрного сектора экономики., 2009
Реформирование в аграрном секторе страны проведено как по форме так и по содержанию. В настоящее ... more Реформирование в аграрном секторе страны проведено как по форме так и по содержанию. В настоящее время сложились две формы производителей сельскохозяйственной продукции. При всем многообразии условий, в которых функционирует сельскохозяйственное производство, в качестве общественной цели в земледелии и в растениеводстве следует считать: получение экономически обоснованного урожая, при расширенном воспроизводстве плодородия почв и удовлетворением требований по охране окружающей среды.[1] Практика сельскохозяйственного использования земель показывает, что цель не всегда достигается. Данные об урожае в различных хозяйствах одного и того же района свидетельствуют, что урожайность варьируетя в очень широких границах независимо от того, что применяются относительно одинаковые технологии его получения. Это можно объяснить большим разнообразием природных условий (климата, рельефа, высоты над уровнем моря, почвы), научно не обоснованным планированием, неоправданным расходом ресурсов и др. Кроме того, почвы Узбекистана обладают неоднородными водно-физическими, химическими и агрохимическими свойствами. Технологические решения обычно не в состоянии учесть конкретные характеристики поля, культуры, производственных условий и дают лишь наиболее общие направления. С другой стороны, существующие методические карты и рекомендации хотя и содержат большинство необходимых сведений, мало используются фермерами.
ИННОВАЦИОННОЕ РАЗВИТИЕ РОССИЙСКОЙ ЭКОНОМИКИ Материалы X Международной научно-практической конференции 25-27 октября 2017 г. ISBN: 9785730712898, 2017
Формирование социальной рыночной экономики основанной на конкурентных началах, с сочетанием и вза... more Формирование социальной рыночной экономики основанной на конкурентных началах, с сочетанием и взаимодействием различных форм собственности связана с кардинальным изменением теоретико-методологических подходов в изучении экономических методов инновационной деятельности. Особую актуальность приобретает поиск путей реализации практических, задач по совершенствованию экономического механизма инновационной деятельности в условиях широкого развития многообразных форм хозяйствования и методов регулирования всей совокупности отношений, возникающих по мере становления и развития рынка в научно-технической сфере.
В современном этапе развития национальной экономики Узбекистана стимулирование инновационной деят... more В современном этапе развития национальной экономики Узбекистана стимулирование инновационной деятельности является одним из основных направлений. Экономический механизм инновационной деятельности должен способствовать, с одной стороны, повышению восприимчивости реального сектора к научно-технического прогресса и, с другой стороны, инициировать повышения деловой активности в сфере научно-технической деятельности.
State and problems in the management and development of agriculture. Conference proceedings of D.A.Tsenov Academy of Economics in Svishtov, Bulgaria, 2019
Saturation of the domestic food market, achievement of production self-sufficiency in domestic ma... more Saturation of the domestic food market, achievement of production self-sufficiency in domestic market and food security are priority directions of development of agricultural sector, which is an important sector of Uzbekistan’s economy. Effective implementation of these tasks will allow solving such pressing social issues as employment of population, their well-being, urban and rural development.
Papers by Bahodirjon Nosirov
some consumers to buy walnuts at relatively low prices, saving on transportation costs. In general,
the organization of walnut cultivation in our country using the cluster method can be a solution to
meet the needs of the processing industry in raw materials. Convenience of climatic conditions gives
a great advantage in this direction.
some consumers to buy walnuts at relatively low prices, saving on transportation costs. In general, the organization of walnut cultivation in our country using the cluster method can be a solution to meet the needs of the processing industry in raw materials. The convenience of climatic conditions gives a great advantage in this direction.
some consumers to buy walnuts at relatively low prices, saving on transportation costs. In general,
the organization of walnut cultivation in our country using the cluster method can be a solution to
meet the needs of the processing industry in raw materials. Convenience of climatic conditions gives
a great advantage in this direction.
some consumers to buy walnuts at relatively low prices, saving on transportation costs. In general, the organization of walnut cultivation in our country using the cluster method can be a solution to meet the needs of the processing industry in raw materials. The convenience of climatic conditions gives a great advantage in this direction.