Abstrak Meskipun selama beberapa dekade terakhir terjadi peningkatan teknologi dan penelitian eks... more Abstrak Meskipun selama beberapa dekade terakhir terjadi peningkatan teknologi dan penelitian ekstensif yang signifikan dalam dunia medis dan kesehatan secara keseluruhan, Penyakit Tidak Menular (PTM) atau penyakit degeneratif atau dalam istilah lain yaitu Man-made Disease menjadi seperti enigma yang tidak kunjung dapat diatasi. Program Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat pada artikel ini adalah mengacu pada skrining dan penanganan 4 Hypers dengan cara pemberian edukasi melalui konsultasi pola hidup dan pemberian obat pada warga Masyarakat Kelurahan Makawidey, Aertembaga, Bitung. Penanganan 4 Hypers terus perlu digalakkan untuk mencegah peningkatan kasusnya pada waktu ke depan. Para dokter, perawat, tenaga kesehatan serta pemerintah harus terus berkolaborasi untuk mengadakan skrining, edukasi, pencegahan serta pengobatan penyakit tidak menular. Kegiatan seperti ini perlu diadakan oleh sivitas akademika fakultas keperawatan, fakultas ilmu kesehatan atau sekolah tinggi ilmu kesehatan yang la...
Occupational safety and health or K3 in Bahasa Indonesia is a program initiated by employers and ... more Occupational safety and health or K3 in Bahasa Indonesia is a program initiated by employers and workers as an effort to prevent work-related accidents and diseases by identifying things that have the potential to cause work-related accidents and diseases as well as anticipatory actions in the event of work-related accidents and diseases. The purpose of the K3 program is to reduce company costs in the event of work-related accidents and illnesses. The research objective was to determine the relationship between occupational safety and health and employee productivity. The method used in this research is descriptive correlation method with simple random sampling technique in sampling. The results in this study found that there was a statistically significant relationship or correlation with a positive direction and a strong closeness between work safety, occupational health and employee productivity with the Spearmen's rho correlation value, namely r = 0.723 and r = 0.637 respect...
The high unemployment rate in Indonesia, especially for bachelor and diploma graduates in product... more The high unemployment rate in Indonesia, especially for bachelor and diploma graduates in productive age level is a challenge for educational institutions to educate entrepreneurship students thus as graduates they can create jobs and not job seekers. The study aimed to investigate the entrepreneurial intentions of students in the nursing professional program at Klabat University with descriptive research design and convenience sampling and 102 participants enrolled. Furthermore, researchers adopted a valid questionnaire. The results of this study found that the entrepreneurship intention of students in the nursing professional program at Klabat University was moderate or tended to be high (M=4,45; SD=0,97), indicating that students proportionally chose to be employees and entrepreneurship and even tended to be entrepreneurs. In frequency, the majority of the students are in the category of "moderate" in their entrepreneurial intention (n=60; 58,82%). It is recommended for educational institutions to provide entrepreneurial training or apprenticeships for students so that the desire for entrepreneurship can be increased and for future researchers to compare the entrepreneurial intentions of two students from different faculties also to explore the factors influencing entrepreneurial intentions in nursing professional students.
Ketoasidosis diabetikum (KAD) merupakan keadaan yang gawat sehingga memerlukan perawatan intensif... more Ketoasidosis diabetikum (KAD) merupakan keadaan yang gawat sehingga memerlukan perawatan intensif. Tujuan studi ini adalah untuk menganalisa penentuan diagnosa keperawatan terhadap pasien dengan KAD berdasarkan praktik klinis dan perbandingan teori terkait serta mengangkat pembelajaran peran khas perawat dari pengalaman merawat pasien KAD di ruang intensif. Metode yang digunakan ialah metode deskriptif analitik dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah convenience sampling. Penentuan prioritas masalah keperawatan menggunakan initial assessment dan diagnosa keperawatan North American Nursing Diagnosis Association, terdapat kesenjangan antara teori dan keadaan aktual dimana prioritas di teori tidak selalu yang dimanifestasikan ketika kasus nyata terjadi. Lalu, pembelajaran yang didapat dari pengalaman merawat adalah bahwa aktivitas monitoring dan technological competence merupakan khas perawat ICU (Intensive Care Unit) yang berbeda dari perawat di ruang rawat lain. Rekomendasi bagi perawat untuk melakukan pengkajian dan pemantauan status hemodinamik pasien secara menyeluruh dan berkala sehingga kebutuhan pasien terpenuhi sesuai prioritas aktual dan tidak hanya berdasarkan teori saja. Berpikir kritis juga harus selalu dikembangkan baik oleh perawat melalui self-study, ataupun oleh manajemen institusi kesehatan dengan memfasilitasi perawat dalam mengikuti pelatihan atau workshop sehingga lebih terlatih dalam memberikan asuhan keperawatan yang tepat bagi pasien dan juga meningkat dalam technological competence.
Grit or persistence is an individual effort exerted to achieve a long-term effort with a sustaina... more Grit or persistence is an individual effort exerted to achieve a long-term effort with a sustainable spirit and to develop this grittiness, a growth mindset is needed by that individual in order to believe or appreciate these abilities. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between grit and mindset among nursing students at Universitas Klabat, using a correlative method and consecutive sampling technique, consented by 226 students. Data analysis employing percentage, frequency, mean, standard deviation, and Spearman's Correlation test. It is found that the grit of the participants averaged in 3.43 (SD= 0.531) signifying that the students were "quite gritty". While for mindset the students were at the "intermediate mindset" level (M= 2.460; SD=0.676). Moreover, Spearman's correlation revealed p=0.002 (<0.01) and r=-0.201 indicating a negative weak correlation between grit and mindset, signifying that the more gritty the student, the more fixed their mindset. It is recommended to conduct similar research to other students or study program and that the information about grit and mindset could be passed along throughout Universitas Klabat or other schools, and that also experimental study is suggested in the area of grit and mindset. For the institution, it is recommended that grit and mindset seminars, training, or workshops could be conducted for the students that they may aware of their situation and improve to be better and eventually achieve a successful learning experience.
Welcome to digital era. Nursing has significantly impacted by the advancing technology as it put ... more Welcome to digital era. Nursing has significantly impacted by the advancing technology as it put a firm stronghold of most inhabitants of earth. The study is a literature review with narrative review method through thematic analysis on the digital trends and its challenges for nurses followed by recommendations to tackle the challenges. 15 articles were found from Google Scholar using the keywords of "trends in digital nursing era" and furthermore the trends, challenges and recommendations were drawn to provide nurses the ideas of how to tackle the challenges were discussed. It was found that there are three themes regarding the trends and challenges which were increasing educated or hoax-loaded client; increasing demand of technologically savvy nurses and rise of health informatics; and nursing online education increment. For the recommendations it was suggested that in order that nurses may react properly in this technology advancement era where more educated clients are increasingly found, nurses should keep on being updated with current practices and should know what the best and current implementation and proper care to the clients is. Nurses also should do fact checking and make sure that the interventions are evidence-based practice and not to believe all informations provided by online websites by continue to research and prove and reprove, then they may properly educate the clients, especially those who are hoax-loaded mind. Furthermore, nurses should be more prepared by polishing their technology skills, paying attention to health informatics field, and considering further education to be pursued. In terms of online nursing education, the risk-benefit ratio as well as the pros and cons should be carefully considered before pursuing the course to increase the competency and knowledge in this millenial era effectively and efficiently.
Nurses will always be needed 24/7/365 and well-documented studies around the globe had found simi... more Nurses will always be needed 24/7/365 and well-documented studies around the globe had found similar thing: nurses are sleep deprived. Despite this well-known fact that sleep have injurious effects on both the health and performance of nurses, that sleep disorders may diminish the efficiency and productivity of a nurse, thus eventually jeopardize the patient's safety, the urgency in making sleep as a priority for nurse individually, and to urge the policymakers to include this in written policy has not been considered. This study aimed to review latest literature (2011-2020) with narrative literature review method through thematic analysis from contents regarding sleep issues in nursing and the recommendation to tackle the issue. Twelve related literatures found, and three themes of practical recommendations were presented. Recommendations are addressed first to the nurses individually to "practice what is preached" added with some interventions that might be done as individual efforts, then proceeded to the higher levels, particularly in hospitals or other healthcare institutions that policy on working schedules as well as napping should be well written for the sake of the nurses and patient safety. On institutional effort, nursing educators in nursing academic level may also contribute by educating the students as to prepare them to real working conditions, and this also achieved by being example for them, since action always speaks louder than words. Lastly, the government in Indonesia has also tried their best to make the nurses as a part of the healthy lifestyle educators by sharing GERMAS pamphlets, and thus, the nurses are encouraged by their own teaching..
Ideas : Jurnal Pendidikan, Sosial dan Budaya, Aug 30, 2022
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui gambaran persepsi orang tua tentang dampak pen... more Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui gambaran persepsi orang tua tentang dampak penggunaan media sosial pada remaja dengan jumlah sampel 35 dari teknik purposive sampling dan metode penelitian deskriptif analitik. Alat ukur yang digunakan adalah kuesioner persepsi orang tua mengenai media sosial. Hasil penelitian menyatakan bahwa mayoritas partisipan memiliki akses internet, namun tidak semua terdaftar di jaringan media sosial. Didapati juga bahwa semua anak partisipan terdaftar di salah satu jaringan media sosial dan mayoritas orang tua mendukung anak terdaftar di salah satu media sosial. Mayoritas partisipan mengatakan bisa menghentikan anak mereka menggunakan media social dan seluruh partisipan sadar adanya ancaman di media sosial. Menyadari hal ini, mayoritas orang tua mendiskusikan ancaman media sosial dengan anak-anak mereka dan tindakan keamanan yang paling banyak dipilih oleh mayoritas partisipan adalah dengan tindakan pemantauan orang tua. Menurut partisipan, yang paling bertanggung jawab untuk melindungi anak-anak adalah orang tua, namun sisanya juga berpendapat bahwa guru, sekolah, penyedia jasa internet dan media massa punya tanggung jawab. Bagi orang tua diharapkan agar selalu memantau anak-anak dalam penggunaan media sosial karena dari hasil ditemukan bahwa orang tua sebenarnya memiliki otoritas dalam mengatur penggunaan media sosial anak-anak. Kata Kunci Dampak media sosial, persepsi orang tua, penggunaan sosial media remaja
Berkurangnya waktu tidur dari remaja dapat disebabkan karena penggunaan berlebihan dari smartphon... more Berkurangnya waktu tidur dari remaja dapat disebabkan karena penggunaan berlebihan dari smartphone. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui hubungan penggunaan smartphone dan kualitas tidur remaja. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan studi korelasi, dengan analisa data menggunakan uji Spearman correlation. Data dikumpulkan menggunakan kuesioner kualitas tidur dan penggunaan smartphone yang valid dan reliable pada partisipan yang bersedia mengisi kuesioner online. Hasil: Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa mayoritas (88,6%) dari partisipan menggunakan smartphone dalam kategori intensitas rendah, sedangkan untuk kualitas tidur 65,7% partisipan memiliki kualitas tidur dalam kategori tinggi. Hasil korelasi Spearman menunjukkan angka signifikan p=.041 (<.05) dan nilai r=-.347. Diskusi: Penelitian ini mengindikasikan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang signifikan secara statistik antara penggunaan smartphone dan kualitas tidur remaja dengan keeratan lemah dan arah negative. Semakin rendah intensitas penggunaan smartphone maka semakin tinggi kualitas tidur.
The "new normal" conditions due to the COVID-19 pandemic have forced all to work from home and ma... more The "new normal" conditions due to the COVID-19 pandemic have forced all to work from home and many people are just lacking of the knowledge to organize an ergonomic workplace thus, opening the potential to produce new problems, one of which is repetitive strain injury. This study aims to investigate the description of computer ergonomics behavior and repetitive strain injury figures in employees of a university, Indonesia. With a descriptive method and a cross-sectional approach, a consecutive sampling technique, this study was attended by a total of 78 people but only 65 participants filled in the data completely. RULA score and Nordic Body Pain are used as research instruments. The results showed that risky computer ergonomics behavior of the majority of employees (n=64; 98.5%) universities resulting in repetitive strain injury in the majority (n=70; 89.7%) of participants, with complaints of neck pain (n=54; 69.23%), right shoulder pain (n=33; 42.3%) and left shoulder pain (n=24; 30.7%) as the three most painful sites. Recommendations for university administrators to hold computer ergonomics training to their employees, and for subsequent research to continue research with an experimental approach to the handling of emerging RSI.
Jurnal Keperawatan Muhammadiyah Bengkulu, Oct 4, 2022
Banyak masalah seperti keputihan, kanker serviks, iritasi kulit, genital, alergi, peradangan atau... more Banyak masalah seperti keputihan, kanker serviks, iritasi kulit, genital, alergi, peradangan atau infeksi saluran kemih yang dapat timbul jika tidak menjaga kebersihan organ reproduksi. Untuk itu, hal yang harus dimiliki adalah pengetahuan dan sikap yang baik mengenai perineal hygiene guna mencapai kesehatan alat reproduksi bagi remaja. Penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan pengetahuan dan sikap perineal hygiene, dan kejadian keputihan remaja putri dan apakah ada hubungan antara pengetahuan dan sikap perineal hygiene remaja putri terhadap terjadinya keputihan di SMA U di Airmadidi. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian korelasi dengan teknik consecutive sampling. Hasil analisa menunjukkan bahwa dari 57 partisipan didapati 87,7% pernah mendapatkan informasi tentang perineal hygiene dan 50,9% mendapatkan informasi dari internet. Didapati juga 71,9% siswi berada pada tingkat pengetahuan rendah namun 82.5% memiliki sikap baik, sedangkan kejadian keputihan didapati pada 96,5%. Uji spearman didapati ada hubungan pengetahuan perineal hygiene dengan kejadian keputihan dengan p=0,039<.05 dengan nilai r=0.274 (kekuatan positif lemah), dan tidak ada hubungan sikap perineal hygiene dengan kejadian keputihan dimana p = 0,142 > 0,05. Rekomendasi untuk peneliti selanjutnya agar dapat melakukan penelitian dengan menambahkan variabel lain. Untuk pihak sekolah agar dapat memfasilitasi informasi agar dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan siswi tentang perineal hygiene serta bahayanya keputihan jika tidak ditangani dengan benar.
Emotional intelligence is crucial in life; thus, proper stimulations, including music, were neces... more Emotional intelligence is crucial in life; thus, proper stimulations, including music, were necessary. The study aimed to identify the relationship between music preference and emotional intelligence and also to find if there is any significant difference in emotional intelligence among music preference groups. Descriptive correlational method with cross-sectional approach and purposive sampling technique were employed. Most of the students prefer unpretentious music genres and having "moderate" emotional intelligence (M=121.85, SD=11.3). No significant difference in emotional intelligence between music preference groups from Kruskal-Wallis analysis; however, Spearman's analysis shown that "sophisticated" music genre was positively weak correlated with emotional intelligence (p=.028<.05; r=.218). Furthermore, the music type of Gospel, New Age, Pop, Religious and Soundtracks type of music were positively weak correlated with emotional intelligence, while Punk was negatively weak correlated. It is recommended that profesi ners students be wise in music selection since music may have a significant impact on emotional intelligence, and for further studies should ensure that the participants are familiar with the STOMP that they may understand the genre. Furthermore, future studies also may use direct observatory analysis for emotional intelligence by giving situational experiment to the participant rather than just using a selfrated questionnaire.
Jurnal Keperawatan Muhammadiyah Bengkulu, Oct 4, 2022
Pandemi COVID-19 di era globlisasi telah membawa serta infodemik yang merupakan hasil mudahnya me... more Pandemi COVID-19 di era globlisasi telah membawa serta infodemik yang merupakan hasil mudahnya mengakses informasi dalam berbagai platform media sosial diikuti dengan munculnya beragam respon di masyarakat mengenai pandemi ini. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengeksplorasi perspektif masyarakat dewasa di Airmadidi Bawah mengenai COVID-19. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan rancangan kualitatif fenomenologi deskriptif berdasarkan filosofi Husserlian dan metode analisis Colaizzi. Pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik simple random sampling yang mencapai saturasi data pada lima orang partisipan. Hasil penelitian ini, didapati secara analisis tematik, terdapat dua tema yaitu perspektif kognitif dan perspektif emosi. Secara keseluruhan, ada beberapa perspektif kognitif yang kurang tepat yang ditangkap masyarakat. Kemudian dari perspektif emosi, ada dua subtema yaitu emosi positif dan negatif, namun yang negatif lebih mendominasi. Disarankan agar ada edukasi menyeluruh dan detail dari pemerintah setempat dan dinas terkait bagi masyarakat lokal terkait COVID-19 untuk mengurangi persepsi yang kurang tepat dari masyarakat lokal sehingga dapat mengurangi ketakutan yang tidak perlu pada masyarakat.
Jurnal Kreativitas Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PKM)
ABSTRAK Kecelakaan ataupun bencana merupakan fenomena yang dapat terjadi tanpa dikehendaki oleh s... more ABSTRAK Kecelakaan ataupun bencana merupakan fenomena yang dapat terjadi tanpa dikehendaki oleh setiap orang. Tanpa penanganan awal yang tepat, suatu kecelakaan dapat membuat seseorang kehilangan nyawanya. Pertolongan pertama penting untuk dilakukan pada korban kecelakaan agar terhindar dari kematian atau kecacatan. Oleh karena itu, pengetahuan mengenai Bantuan Hidup Dasar (BHD) sangat diperlukan untuk menangani kasus-kasus tersebut. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan melakukan Bantuan Hidup Dasar (BHD) bagi Kader Kesehatan di kelurahan Makawidey. Metode yang digunakan adalah sosialisasi dan workshop kepada kader kesehatan kelurahan Makawidey. Evaluasi pengetahuan dan praktik dilakukan pada awal dan akhir kegiatan dengan menjalankan angket evaluasi. Terdapat peningkatan pengetahuan peserta tentang BHD setelah dilakukan kegiatan pelatihan, dimana terjadi peningkatan dari segi nilai pengetahuan sebesar 20.43%. Selain itu dari segi nilai ujian praktik...
Current and predicted economic perplexities and high unemployment rate should open the eyes of nu... more Current and predicted economic perplexities and high unemployment rate should open the eyes of nursing students not to sojourn in the stereotype nurses' mindset as employees of health care institutions only, but also to look at the option of entreprenursing. This study aims to investigate how nursing students see entreprenursing concept and give meaning to it. The research design used was hermeneutic phenomenology with Heidegger's philosophical underpinning, Van Manen's thematic analysis technique and the trustworthiness of the data ascertained. The results of the thematic analysis of hermeneutics witness the results of data saturation on the response of 9 participants. Two meanings of entreprenursing emerged from nursing students' perspective. Independent entreprenurses are "nurses who work privately (separated from conventional health institutions) in business relation as a supporting agency to meet the health needs in the community." Secondly, the sideline entreprenurses are "nurses who work as employees of health care institutions but also having sideline jobs that support the fulfillment of the health needs in the community. However, in addition to this, there are also those who stated of not knowing anything regarding this entreprenurse concept. Then, participants also mentioned entreprenurse activities such as providing complementary therapies (juices, healthy foods and massages), opening clinics, homecare, medical device stores and training. It seems that the participants have only understood the entreprenursing concept on what the practitioners are doing and have not yet on the overall concept. Recommendations to nursing teachers to provide entreprenursing experience through on-the-job-training and also the introduction of general business terminology related to entrepreneurship.
Ketoasidosis diabetikum (KAD) merupakan keadaan yang gawat sehingga memerlukan perawatan intensif... more Ketoasidosis diabetikum (KAD) merupakan keadaan yang gawat sehingga memerlukan perawatan intensif. Tujuan studi ini adalah untuk menganalisa penentuan diagnosa keperawatan terhadap pasien dengan KAD berdasarkan praktik klinis dan perbandingan teori terkait serta mengangkat pembelajaran peran khas perawat dari pengalaman merawat pasien KAD di ruang intensif. Metode yang digunakan ialah metode deskriptif analitik dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah convenience sampling. Penentuan prioritas masalah keperawatan menggunakan initial assessment dan diagnosa keperawatan North American Nursing Diagnosis Association, terdapat kesenjangan antara teori dan keadaan aktual dimana prioritas di teori tidak selalu yang dimanifestasikan ketika kasus nyata terjadi. Lalu, pembelajaran yang didapat dari pengalaman merawat adalah bahwa aktivitas monitoring dan technological competence merupakan khas perawat ICU (Intensive Care Unit) yang berbeda dari perawat di ruang rawa...
The high unemployment rate in Indonesia, especially for bachelor and diploma graduates in product... more The high unemployment rate in Indonesia, especially for bachelor and diploma graduates in productive age level is a challenge for educational institutions to educate entrepreneurship students thus as graduates they can create jobs and not job seekers. The study aimed to investigate the entrepreneurial intentions of students in the nursing professional program at Klabat University with descriptive research design and convenience sampling and 102 participants enrolled. Furthermore, researchers adopted a valid questionnaire. The results of this study found that the entrepreneurship intention of students in the nursing professional program at Klabat University was moderate or tended to be high (M=4,45; SD=0,97), indicating that students proportionally chose to be employees and entrepreneurship and even tended to be entrepreneurs. In frequency, the majority of the students are in the category of “moderate” in their entrepreneurial intention (n=60; 58,82%). It is recommended for educatio...
Abstrak Meskipun selama beberapa dekade terakhir terjadi peningkatan teknologi dan penelitian eks... more Abstrak Meskipun selama beberapa dekade terakhir terjadi peningkatan teknologi dan penelitian ekstensif yang signifikan dalam dunia medis dan kesehatan secara keseluruhan, Penyakit Tidak Menular (PTM) atau penyakit degeneratif atau dalam istilah lain yaitu Man-made Disease menjadi seperti enigma yang tidak kunjung dapat diatasi. Program Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat pada artikel ini adalah mengacu pada skrining dan penanganan 4 Hypers dengan cara pemberian edukasi melalui konsultasi pola hidup dan pemberian obat pada warga Masyarakat Kelurahan Makawidey, Aertembaga, Bitung. Penanganan 4 Hypers terus perlu digalakkan untuk mencegah peningkatan kasusnya pada waktu ke depan. Para dokter, perawat, tenaga kesehatan serta pemerintah harus terus berkolaborasi untuk mengadakan skrining, edukasi, pencegahan serta pengobatan penyakit tidak menular. Kegiatan seperti ini perlu diadakan oleh sivitas akademika fakultas keperawatan, fakultas ilmu kesehatan atau sekolah tinggi ilmu kesehatan yang la...
Occupational safety and health or K3 in Bahasa Indonesia is a program initiated by employers and ... more Occupational safety and health or K3 in Bahasa Indonesia is a program initiated by employers and workers as an effort to prevent work-related accidents and diseases by identifying things that have the potential to cause work-related accidents and diseases as well as anticipatory actions in the event of work-related accidents and diseases. The purpose of the K3 program is to reduce company costs in the event of work-related accidents and illnesses. The research objective was to determine the relationship between occupational safety and health and employee productivity. The method used in this research is descriptive correlation method with simple random sampling technique in sampling. The results in this study found that there was a statistically significant relationship or correlation with a positive direction and a strong closeness between work safety, occupational health and employee productivity with the Spearmen's rho correlation value, namely r = 0.723 and r = 0.637 respect...
The high unemployment rate in Indonesia, especially for bachelor and diploma graduates in product... more The high unemployment rate in Indonesia, especially for bachelor and diploma graduates in productive age level is a challenge for educational institutions to educate entrepreneurship students thus as graduates they can create jobs and not job seekers. The study aimed to investigate the entrepreneurial intentions of students in the nursing professional program at Klabat University with descriptive research design and convenience sampling and 102 participants enrolled. Furthermore, researchers adopted a valid questionnaire. The results of this study found that the entrepreneurship intention of students in the nursing professional program at Klabat University was moderate or tended to be high (M=4,45; SD=0,97), indicating that students proportionally chose to be employees and entrepreneurship and even tended to be entrepreneurs. In frequency, the majority of the students are in the category of "moderate" in their entrepreneurial intention (n=60; 58,82%). It is recommended for educational institutions to provide entrepreneurial training or apprenticeships for students so that the desire for entrepreneurship can be increased and for future researchers to compare the entrepreneurial intentions of two students from different faculties also to explore the factors influencing entrepreneurial intentions in nursing professional students.
Ketoasidosis diabetikum (KAD) merupakan keadaan yang gawat sehingga memerlukan perawatan intensif... more Ketoasidosis diabetikum (KAD) merupakan keadaan yang gawat sehingga memerlukan perawatan intensif. Tujuan studi ini adalah untuk menganalisa penentuan diagnosa keperawatan terhadap pasien dengan KAD berdasarkan praktik klinis dan perbandingan teori terkait serta mengangkat pembelajaran peran khas perawat dari pengalaman merawat pasien KAD di ruang intensif. Metode yang digunakan ialah metode deskriptif analitik dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah convenience sampling. Penentuan prioritas masalah keperawatan menggunakan initial assessment dan diagnosa keperawatan North American Nursing Diagnosis Association, terdapat kesenjangan antara teori dan keadaan aktual dimana prioritas di teori tidak selalu yang dimanifestasikan ketika kasus nyata terjadi. Lalu, pembelajaran yang didapat dari pengalaman merawat adalah bahwa aktivitas monitoring dan technological competence merupakan khas perawat ICU (Intensive Care Unit) yang berbeda dari perawat di ruang rawat lain. Rekomendasi bagi perawat untuk melakukan pengkajian dan pemantauan status hemodinamik pasien secara menyeluruh dan berkala sehingga kebutuhan pasien terpenuhi sesuai prioritas aktual dan tidak hanya berdasarkan teori saja. Berpikir kritis juga harus selalu dikembangkan baik oleh perawat melalui self-study, ataupun oleh manajemen institusi kesehatan dengan memfasilitasi perawat dalam mengikuti pelatihan atau workshop sehingga lebih terlatih dalam memberikan asuhan keperawatan yang tepat bagi pasien dan juga meningkat dalam technological competence.
Grit or persistence is an individual effort exerted to achieve a long-term effort with a sustaina... more Grit or persistence is an individual effort exerted to achieve a long-term effort with a sustainable spirit and to develop this grittiness, a growth mindset is needed by that individual in order to believe or appreciate these abilities. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between grit and mindset among nursing students at Universitas Klabat, using a correlative method and consecutive sampling technique, consented by 226 students. Data analysis employing percentage, frequency, mean, standard deviation, and Spearman's Correlation test. It is found that the grit of the participants averaged in 3.43 (SD= 0.531) signifying that the students were "quite gritty". While for mindset the students were at the "intermediate mindset" level (M= 2.460; SD=0.676). Moreover, Spearman's correlation revealed p=0.002 (<0.01) and r=-0.201 indicating a negative weak correlation between grit and mindset, signifying that the more gritty the student, the more fixed their mindset. It is recommended to conduct similar research to other students or study program and that the information about grit and mindset could be passed along throughout Universitas Klabat or other schools, and that also experimental study is suggested in the area of grit and mindset. For the institution, it is recommended that grit and mindset seminars, training, or workshops could be conducted for the students that they may aware of their situation and improve to be better and eventually achieve a successful learning experience.
Welcome to digital era. Nursing has significantly impacted by the advancing technology as it put ... more Welcome to digital era. Nursing has significantly impacted by the advancing technology as it put a firm stronghold of most inhabitants of earth. The study is a literature review with narrative review method through thematic analysis on the digital trends and its challenges for nurses followed by recommendations to tackle the challenges. 15 articles were found from Google Scholar using the keywords of "trends in digital nursing era" and furthermore the trends, challenges and recommendations were drawn to provide nurses the ideas of how to tackle the challenges were discussed. It was found that there are three themes regarding the trends and challenges which were increasing educated or hoax-loaded client; increasing demand of technologically savvy nurses and rise of health informatics; and nursing online education increment. For the recommendations it was suggested that in order that nurses may react properly in this technology advancement era where more educated clients are increasingly found, nurses should keep on being updated with current practices and should know what the best and current implementation and proper care to the clients is. Nurses also should do fact checking and make sure that the interventions are evidence-based practice and not to believe all informations provided by online websites by continue to research and prove and reprove, then they may properly educate the clients, especially those who are hoax-loaded mind. Furthermore, nurses should be more prepared by polishing their technology skills, paying attention to health informatics field, and considering further education to be pursued. In terms of online nursing education, the risk-benefit ratio as well as the pros and cons should be carefully considered before pursuing the course to increase the competency and knowledge in this millenial era effectively and efficiently.
Nurses will always be needed 24/7/365 and well-documented studies around the globe had found simi... more Nurses will always be needed 24/7/365 and well-documented studies around the globe had found similar thing: nurses are sleep deprived. Despite this well-known fact that sleep have injurious effects on both the health and performance of nurses, that sleep disorders may diminish the efficiency and productivity of a nurse, thus eventually jeopardize the patient's safety, the urgency in making sleep as a priority for nurse individually, and to urge the policymakers to include this in written policy has not been considered. This study aimed to review latest literature (2011-2020) with narrative literature review method through thematic analysis from contents regarding sleep issues in nursing and the recommendation to tackle the issue. Twelve related literatures found, and three themes of practical recommendations were presented. Recommendations are addressed first to the nurses individually to "practice what is preached" added with some interventions that might be done as individual efforts, then proceeded to the higher levels, particularly in hospitals or other healthcare institutions that policy on working schedules as well as napping should be well written for the sake of the nurses and patient safety. On institutional effort, nursing educators in nursing academic level may also contribute by educating the students as to prepare them to real working conditions, and this also achieved by being example for them, since action always speaks louder than words. Lastly, the government in Indonesia has also tried their best to make the nurses as a part of the healthy lifestyle educators by sharing GERMAS pamphlets, and thus, the nurses are encouraged by their own teaching..
Ideas : Jurnal Pendidikan, Sosial dan Budaya, Aug 30, 2022
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui gambaran persepsi orang tua tentang dampak pen... more Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui gambaran persepsi orang tua tentang dampak penggunaan media sosial pada remaja dengan jumlah sampel 35 dari teknik purposive sampling dan metode penelitian deskriptif analitik. Alat ukur yang digunakan adalah kuesioner persepsi orang tua mengenai media sosial. Hasil penelitian menyatakan bahwa mayoritas partisipan memiliki akses internet, namun tidak semua terdaftar di jaringan media sosial. Didapati juga bahwa semua anak partisipan terdaftar di salah satu jaringan media sosial dan mayoritas orang tua mendukung anak terdaftar di salah satu media sosial. Mayoritas partisipan mengatakan bisa menghentikan anak mereka menggunakan media social dan seluruh partisipan sadar adanya ancaman di media sosial. Menyadari hal ini, mayoritas orang tua mendiskusikan ancaman media sosial dengan anak-anak mereka dan tindakan keamanan yang paling banyak dipilih oleh mayoritas partisipan adalah dengan tindakan pemantauan orang tua. Menurut partisipan, yang paling bertanggung jawab untuk melindungi anak-anak adalah orang tua, namun sisanya juga berpendapat bahwa guru, sekolah, penyedia jasa internet dan media massa punya tanggung jawab. Bagi orang tua diharapkan agar selalu memantau anak-anak dalam penggunaan media sosial karena dari hasil ditemukan bahwa orang tua sebenarnya memiliki otoritas dalam mengatur penggunaan media sosial anak-anak. Kata Kunci Dampak media sosial, persepsi orang tua, penggunaan sosial media remaja
Berkurangnya waktu tidur dari remaja dapat disebabkan karena penggunaan berlebihan dari smartphon... more Berkurangnya waktu tidur dari remaja dapat disebabkan karena penggunaan berlebihan dari smartphone. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui hubungan penggunaan smartphone dan kualitas tidur remaja. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan studi korelasi, dengan analisa data menggunakan uji Spearman correlation. Data dikumpulkan menggunakan kuesioner kualitas tidur dan penggunaan smartphone yang valid dan reliable pada partisipan yang bersedia mengisi kuesioner online. Hasil: Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa mayoritas (88,6%) dari partisipan menggunakan smartphone dalam kategori intensitas rendah, sedangkan untuk kualitas tidur 65,7% partisipan memiliki kualitas tidur dalam kategori tinggi. Hasil korelasi Spearman menunjukkan angka signifikan p=.041 (<.05) dan nilai r=-.347. Diskusi: Penelitian ini mengindikasikan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang signifikan secara statistik antara penggunaan smartphone dan kualitas tidur remaja dengan keeratan lemah dan arah negative. Semakin rendah intensitas penggunaan smartphone maka semakin tinggi kualitas tidur.
The "new normal" conditions due to the COVID-19 pandemic have forced all to work from home and ma... more The "new normal" conditions due to the COVID-19 pandemic have forced all to work from home and many people are just lacking of the knowledge to organize an ergonomic workplace thus, opening the potential to produce new problems, one of which is repetitive strain injury. This study aims to investigate the description of computer ergonomics behavior and repetitive strain injury figures in employees of a university, Indonesia. With a descriptive method and a cross-sectional approach, a consecutive sampling technique, this study was attended by a total of 78 people but only 65 participants filled in the data completely. RULA score and Nordic Body Pain are used as research instruments. The results showed that risky computer ergonomics behavior of the majority of employees (n=64; 98.5%) universities resulting in repetitive strain injury in the majority (n=70; 89.7%) of participants, with complaints of neck pain (n=54; 69.23%), right shoulder pain (n=33; 42.3%) and left shoulder pain (n=24; 30.7%) as the three most painful sites. Recommendations for university administrators to hold computer ergonomics training to their employees, and for subsequent research to continue research with an experimental approach to the handling of emerging RSI.
Jurnal Keperawatan Muhammadiyah Bengkulu, Oct 4, 2022
Banyak masalah seperti keputihan, kanker serviks, iritasi kulit, genital, alergi, peradangan atau... more Banyak masalah seperti keputihan, kanker serviks, iritasi kulit, genital, alergi, peradangan atau infeksi saluran kemih yang dapat timbul jika tidak menjaga kebersihan organ reproduksi. Untuk itu, hal yang harus dimiliki adalah pengetahuan dan sikap yang baik mengenai perineal hygiene guna mencapai kesehatan alat reproduksi bagi remaja. Penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan pengetahuan dan sikap perineal hygiene, dan kejadian keputihan remaja putri dan apakah ada hubungan antara pengetahuan dan sikap perineal hygiene remaja putri terhadap terjadinya keputihan di SMA U di Airmadidi. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian korelasi dengan teknik consecutive sampling. Hasil analisa menunjukkan bahwa dari 57 partisipan didapati 87,7% pernah mendapatkan informasi tentang perineal hygiene dan 50,9% mendapatkan informasi dari internet. Didapati juga 71,9% siswi berada pada tingkat pengetahuan rendah namun 82.5% memiliki sikap baik, sedangkan kejadian keputihan didapati pada 96,5%. Uji spearman didapati ada hubungan pengetahuan perineal hygiene dengan kejadian keputihan dengan p=0,039<.05 dengan nilai r=0.274 (kekuatan positif lemah), dan tidak ada hubungan sikap perineal hygiene dengan kejadian keputihan dimana p = 0,142 > 0,05. Rekomendasi untuk peneliti selanjutnya agar dapat melakukan penelitian dengan menambahkan variabel lain. Untuk pihak sekolah agar dapat memfasilitasi informasi agar dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan siswi tentang perineal hygiene serta bahayanya keputihan jika tidak ditangani dengan benar.
Emotional intelligence is crucial in life; thus, proper stimulations, including music, were neces... more Emotional intelligence is crucial in life; thus, proper stimulations, including music, were necessary. The study aimed to identify the relationship between music preference and emotional intelligence and also to find if there is any significant difference in emotional intelligence among music preference groups. Descriptive correlational method with cross-sectional approach and purposive sampling technique were employed. Most of the students prefer unpretentious music genres and having "moderate" emotional intelligence (M=121.85, SD=11.3). No significant difference in emotional intelligence between music preference groups from Kruskal-Wallis analysis; however, Spearman's analysis shown that "sophisticated" music genre was positively weak correlated with emotional intelligence (p=.028<.05; r=.218). Furthermore, the music type of Gospel, New Age, Pop, Religious and Soundtracks type of music were positively weak correlated with emotional intelligence, while Punk was negatively weak correlated. It is recommended that profesi ners students be wise in music selection since music may have a significant impact on emotional intelligence, and for further studies should ensure that the participants are familiar with the STOMP that they may understand the genre. Furthermore, future studies also may use direct observatory analysis for emotional intelligence by giving situational experiment to the participant rather than just using a selfrated questionnaire.
Jurnal Keperawatan Muhammadiyah Bengkulu, Oct 4, 2022
Pandemi COVID-19 di era globlisasi telah membawa serta infodemik yang merupakan hasil mudahnya me... more Pandemi COVID-19 di era globlisasi telah membawa serta infodemik yang merupakan hasil mudahnya mengakses informasi dalam berbagai platform media sosial diikuti dengan munculnya beragam respon di masyarakat mengenai pandemi ini. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengeksplorasi perspektif masyarakat dewasa di Airmadidi Bawah mengenai COVID-19. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan rancangan kualitatif fenomenologi deskriptif berdasarkan filosofi Husserlian dan metode analisis Colaizzi. Pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik simple random sampling yang mencapai saturasi data pada lima orang partisipan. Hasil penelitian ini, didapati secara analisis tematik, terdapat dua tema yaitu perspektif kognitif dan perspektif emosi. Secara keseluruhan, ada beberapa perspektif kognitif yang kurang tepat yang ditangkap masyarakat. Kemudian dari perspektif emosi, ada dua subtema yaitu emosi positif dan negatif, namun yang negatif lebih mendominasi. Disarankan agar ada edukasi menyeluruh dan detail dari pemerintah setempat dan dinas terkait bagi masyarakat lokal terkait COVID-19 untuk mengurangi persepsi yang kurang tepat dari masyarakat lokal sehingga dapat mengurangi ketakutan yang tidak perlu pada masyarakat.
Jurnal Kreativitas Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PKM)
ABSTRAK Kecelakaan ataupun bencana merupakan fenomena yang dapat terjadi tanpa dikehendaki oleh s... more ABSTRAK Kecelakaan ataupun bencana merupakan fenomena yang dapat terjadi tanpa dikehendaki oleh setiap orang. Tanpa penanganan awal yang tepat, suatu kecelakaan dapat membuat seseorang kehilangan nyawanya. Pertolongan pertama penting untuk dilakukan pada korban kecelakaan agar terhindar dari kematian atau kecacatan. Oleh karena itu, pengetahuan mengenai Bantuan Hidup Dasar (BHD) sangat diperlukan untuk menangani kasus-kasus tersebut. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan melakukan Bantuan Hidup Dasar (BHD) bagi Kader Kesehatan di kelurahan Makawidey. Metode yang digunakan adalah sosialisasi dan workshop kepada kader kesehatan kelurahan Makawidey. Evaluasi pengetahuan dan praktik dilakukan pada awal dan akhir kegiatan dengan menjalankan angket evaluasi. Terdapat peningkatan pengetahuan peserta tentang BHD setelah dilakukan kegiatan pelatihan, dimana terjadi peningkatan dari segi nilai pengetahuan sebesar 20.43%. Selain itu dari segi nilai ujian praktik...
Current and predicted economic perplexities and high unemployment rate should open the eyes of nu... more Current and predicted economic perplexities and high unemployment rate should open the eyes of nursing students not to sojourn in the stereotype nurses' mindset as employees of health care institutions only, but also to look at the option of entreprenursing. This study aims to investigate how nursing students see entreprenursing concept and give meaning to it. The research design used was hermeneutic phenomenology with Heidegger's philosophical underpinning, Van Manen's thematic analysis technique and the trustworthiness of the data ascertained. The results of the thematic analysis of hermeneutics witness the results of data saturation on the response of 9 participants. Two meanings of entreprenursing emerged from nursing students' perspective. Independent entreprenurses are "nurses who work privately (separated from conventional health institutions) in business relation as a supporting agency to meet the health needs in the community." Secondly, the sideline entreprenurses are "nurses who work as employees of health care institutions but also having sideline jobs that support the fulfillment of the health needs in the community. However, in addition to this, there are also those who stated of not knowing anything regarding this entreprenurse concept. Then, participants also mentioned entreprenurse activities such as providing complementary therapies (juices, healthy foods and massages), opening clinics, homecare, medical device stores and training. It seems that the participants have only understood the entreprenursing concept on what the practitioners are doing and have not yet on the overall concept. Recommendations to nursing teachers to provide entreprenursing experience through on-the-job-training and also the introduction of general business terminology related to entrepreneurship.
Ketoasidosis diabetikum (KAD) merupakan keadaan yang gawat sehingga memerlukan perawatan intensif... more Ketoasidosis diabetikum (KAD) merupakan keadaan yang gawat sehingga memerlukan perawatan intensif. Tujuan studi ini adalah untuk menganalisa penentuan diagnosa keperawatan terhadap pasien dengan KAD berdasarkan praktik klinis dan perbandingan teori terkait serta mengangkat pembelajaran peran khas perawat dari pengalaman merawat pasien KAD di ruang intensif. Metode yang digunakan ialah metode deskriptif analitik dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah convenience sampling. Penentuan prioritas masalah keperawatan menggunakan initial assessment dan diagnosa keperawatan North American Nursing Diagnosis Association, terdapat kesenjangan antara teori dan keadaan aktual dimana prioritas di teori tidak selalu yang dimanifestasikan ketika kasus nyata terjadi. Lalu, pembelajaran yang didapat dari pengalaman merawat adalah bahwa aktivitas monitoring dan technological competence merupakan khas perawat ICU (Intensive Care Unit) yang berbeda dari perawat di ruang rawa...
The high unemployment rate in Indonesia, especially for bachelor and diploma graduates in product... more The high unemployment rate in Indonesia, especially for bachelor and diploma graduates in productive age level is a challenge for educational institutions to educate entrepreneurship students thus as graduates they can create jobs and not job seekers. The study aimed to investigate the entrepreneurial intentions of students in the nursing professional program at Klabat University with descriptive research design and convenience sampling and 102 participants enrolled. Furthermore, researchers adopted a valid questionnaire. The results of this study found that the entrepreneurship intention of students in the nursing professional program at Klabat University was moderate or tended to be high (M=4,45; SD=0,97), indicating that students proportionally chose to be employees and entrepreneurship and even tended to be entrepreneurs. In frequency, the majority of the students are in the category of “moderate” in their entrepreneurial intention (n=60; 58,82%). It is recommended for educatio...
Papers by Grace Kaparang