Conferences by Sanjin Mihelić
EAA Session Kiel 2021, 2020
Archaeological routes and paths, information boards and monument interpretation tools are conside... more Archaeological routes and paths, information boards and monument interpretation tools are considered a great way to present and promote the archaeological heritage. They encourage individual visitors or groups to explore the landscapes and experience the original sites of discovery of the objects displayed in the vitrines of museums. The approaches and challenges may differ widely, depending on the type of heritage, accessibility, possibilities for presentation, touristic potential of regions and so on. Many of these challenges were discussed in the Session “Routed Archaeology – Archaeological Routes and Their Impact on Perception of Archaeological Heritage in the Landscape” at the annual EAA meeting in the year 2020.
The year 2020 and COVID-19 pandemic have created new challenges, but also new opportunities for the archaeological routes. On the one hand, it is becoming increasingly difficult to transmit information on heritage to visitors in a direct manner, but on the other hand the promotion for regional/local/national tourism has raised the interest in the European archaeological heritage.
In the recent years new technologies are steadily gaining in importance as indispensable tools in the visualisation and interpretation of archaeological heritage. Digital guides, augmented reality, digital visualisations of monuments are becoming major tools for reaching new younger audiences. They offer new ways to transmit information to the outdoor visitors of archaeological sites. The session is associated with the EU-project Danube´s Archaeological eLandscapes.
Papers by Sanjin Mihelić
Cambridge University Press eBooks, Dec 28, 2017
Rad donosi rezultate arheoloskih istraživanja na cetiri lokaliteta na podrucju Limskog kanala pro... more Rad donosi rezultate arheoloskih istraživanja na cetiri lokaliteta na podrucju Limskog kanala provedenih tijekom 2016. godine. Terenska istraživanja dio su projekta „Arheoloska istraživanja kasnog pleistocena i ranog holocena na prostoru Limskog kanala (ARCHAEOLIM)“ financiranog od Hrvatske zaklade za znanost i provedena su na cetiri lokaliteta: Romualdovoj pecini, Abri Kontija 002, Pecini kod Rovinjskog Sela i Lim 001.
Kniga donosi pregled suvremenih znanstvenih spoznaja o neandertalcima, njihovoj evoluciji, kultur... more Kniga donosi pregled suvremenih znanstvenih spoznaja o neandertalcima, njihovoj evoluciji, kulturi i nacinu života. Nadalje, posebna pažnja posvecena je hrvatskim nalazistima neandertalaca i ukljucivanju istih u turisticku ponudu.
The archaeological heritage of the Lovas Municipality, located in eastern Croatia (western Syrmia... more The archaeological heritage of the Lovas Municipality, located in eastern Croatia (western Syrmia), has been known to the wider archaeological public since the middle of the 20 th century, when a Middle Bronze Age (MBA) hoard of gold and bronze finds was discovered. However, apart from the importance of the hoard for the definition of the MBA in Croatia, any detailed systematic research in the area was not attempted until 2011, when the Archaeological Museum in Zagreb conducted its initial research season in the Lovas Municipality. The project was restarted in 2017, in cooperation with the Lovas Municipality and the Institute of Classical Archaeology of Charles University in Prague, and has been continuously running ever since. In the last five years, research in the Lovas Municipality included a systematic field survey, targeted trial excavations, geophysical surveys, as well as a re-evaluation of the data collected through previous research and in 2011. Moreover, the project included the re-study of the MBA Lovas and Vukovar hoards. This paper presents preliminary results of the 2011, 2017, and 2018 seasons, focusing primarily on the current insight into the archaeological topography of the Lovas Municipality. Additionally, the paper brings the preliminary results of scientific analyses of the Lovas and Vukovar hoards that were conducted in 2020.
Notwithstanding the theoretical advances in public archaeology, the behaviour of many, if not mos... more Notwithstanding the theoretical advances in public archaeology, the behaviour of many, if not most practitioners of the discipline all too rarely offers exceptions to the line of thinking maintaining that verdicts over past, present and future of archaeological heritage belong only to the initiated, read professional archaeologists, leaving the doors closed to other legitimate stakeholders. When exploration, study, preservation, presentation and utilisation of monuments and sites of archaeological significance are concerned, such a self-sufficient attitude of the professional class, neglectful of the many different and frequently conflicting interests converging on that heritage, too often leads to exclusion and estrangement of potential partners in the comprehensive system of cultural resource management, divesting it of conceivable synergistic opportunities. This paper focusses on endeavours that, without moving an inch toward compromising the ethics of stewardship of archaeological heritage, take a step further by making use of that heritage as both the core and the binding material in a much broader enterprise serving and integrating needs, wishes, resources, knowledge and interests of a number of stakeholders, with special emphasis on local communities.
SpringerBriefs in archaeology, Nov 21, 2017
The paper explores the dynamics of the relationship between cultural and archaeological heritage ... more The paper explores the dynamics of the relationship between cultural and archaeological heritage on the one hand and children and young people on the other, looking into educational aspects from the point of view of the national curriculum and school-based extracurricular activities, as well as from public-oriented activities of heritage institutions. Focusing on projected benefits for society, a line is drawn between a “passive” model of education contrasting the communicator and the recipient and an “active” or “interactive” model that fosters participatory activities through which children and young people become partners in heritage projects, taking on a much more active role in the integrated management of heritage resources than is generally reserved for them. Methodological as well as practical issues pertaining to the latter model are addressed based on a case study of the Neanderthal Trail Project.
Arheološka istraživanja u Gornjoj Baraćevoj špilji u Novoj Kršlji izvedeni su od 17. do 30. svibn... more Arheološka istraživanja u Gornjoj Baraćevoj špilji u Novoj Kršlji izvedeni su od 17. do 30. svibnja 2004. godine. Radove je vodio Arheološki muzej Zagreb (Jacqueline Balen, Sanjin Mihelić i Ivan Radman-Livaja), a financirala je općina Rakovica. Obuhvaćeno područje bilo je veličine oko 280 m2 (sondiranje i prikupljanje površinskog materijala), ili bolje reći 500 m2 ako dodamo opsežan pregled špiljske površine. Raniji nalazi iz ove špilje trebali bi se dodati rezultatima dobivenim istraživanjem 2004. godine. Na primjer, u fundusa zagrebačkog Muzeja arheologije nalazi se brončana narukvica iz Gornje Baraćeve špilje koju je pronašao dr. Anton Culek 1912. godine. Sve tipološke karakteristike pokazuju da ta narukvica datira iz željeznog doba, najvjerojatnije u 7. ili 8. stoljeće p.n.e. Nalazi iz površinske zbirke uključuju i dio željezne strelice koja se čuva u muzeju u Karlovcu. Strelica je datirana u kasnije doba od prethodno spomenute narukvice, to jest u srednji vijek. Ova su istraživ...
Arheološki lokaliteti na području Općine Lovas već su od ranije poznati široj arheološkoj javnost... more Arheološki lokaliteti na području Općine Lovas već su od ranije poznati široj arheološkoj javnosti, prije svega zbog otkrića ostave zlatnih i brončanih nalaza još sredinom 20. stoljeća. Spomenuta ostava danas se čuva u stalnom postavu Arheološkog muzeja u Zagrebu. Muzej je u tri navrata, 2011., 2017. i 2018. godine, provodio arheološka istraživanja na području Općine Lovas. Tijekom istraživačkih sezona provođen je sustavni arheološki terenski pregled te su otvorene probne sonde na različitim položajima, s ciljem da se utvrdi stanje očuvanosti zatečenih arheoloških slojeva. U ovom je radu predstavljena trenutna spoznaja o arheološkoj topografiji Općine Lovas koja je znatno unaprijeđena istraživanjima 2011., 2017. i 2018. godine.The archaeological sites in the Lovas municipality have been known to the wider archaeological public for quite some time, especially due to the discovery of a hoard, in the middle of the 20th century, that contained gold and bronze finds. Today, the said hoar...
Rad donosi rezultate arheoloških istraživanja provedenih tijekom 2014. i 2015. godine na četiri l... more Rad donosi rezultate arheoloških istraživanja provedenih tijekom 2014. i 2015. godine na četiri lokaliteta na području Limskog kanala u Istri. Istraživanja su dio projekta Hrvatske zaklade za znanost “Arheološka istraživanja kasnog pleistocena i ranog holocena na prostoru Limskog kanala” (ARCHAEOLIM). Terenski rad proveden je na četiri lokaliteta: Romualdovoj pećini, Abri Kontija 002, Pećini kod Rovinjskog Sela i Lim 001. Nadalje, tijekom 2015. godine proveden je i podvodni terenski pregled dijela Limskog kanala te geoarheološka uzorkovanja i geofizička mjerenja.This paper presents the results of archaeological investigation conducted in the course of 2014 and 2015 at four sites in the Lim Channel area in Istria County. The investigation is part of the Croatian Science Foundation’s Archaeological Investigations into the Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene of the Lim Channel project (ARCHAEOLIM). The fieldwork was conducted at four locations: Romuald’s Cave, Abri Kontija 002, Pećina ...
U radu se predstavlja devet predmeta koji se ve} gotovo~itavo stolje}e~uvaju u Pretpovijesnoj zbi... more U radu se predstavlja devet predmeta koji se ve} gotovo~itavo stolje}e~uvaju u Pretpovijesnoj zbirci Arheolo{kog muzeja u Zagrebu, za~ije je mjesto podrijetla navedeno podunavsko mjesto Aljma{. Predmeti su ste~eni otkupom od Josipa Schmiederera, muzejskog povjerenika u Dalju, a pru`aju uvid u naseljenost aljma{kog podru~ja tijekom pretpovijesti s obzirom na to da pokrivaju vremenski raspon od mla|ega kamenog doba do starijega`eljeznog doba,~ime se ujedno i dobro uklapaju u razvojnu sliku pretpovijesti na prostoru Aljma{a. Za jedan predmet, bron~ane konjske`vale, dovodi se u pitanje svrsishodnost atribucije ekonimu Aljma{ s obzirom na uo~ljivu povezanost ovog predmeta s od ranije poznatim nalazima iz obli`njeg Dalja. U radu se tako|er raspravlja o Schmiedererovoj ulozi muzejskog povjerenika u kontekstu poznatog daljskog zlatnog nalaza iz berlinskog Muzeja, koji je nestao u vihoru Drugog svjetskog rata. 1
Prilozi arheološkog instituta, 2021
The paper explores the dynamics of the relationship between cultural and archaeological heritage ... more The paper explores the dynamics of the relationship between cultural and archaeological heritage on the one hand and children and young people on the other, looking into educational aspects from the point of view of the national curriculum and school-based extracurricular activities, as well as from public-oriented activities of heritage institutions. Focusing on projected benefits for society, a line is drawn between a “passive” model of education contrasting the communicator and the recipient and an “active” or “interactive” model that fosters participatory activities through which children and young people become partners in heritage projects, taking on a much more active role in the integrated management of heritage resources than is generally reserved for them. Methodological as well as practical issues pertaining to the latter model are addressed based on a case study of the Neanderthal Trail Project.
Vorganjska peć važno je prapovijesno pećinsko nalazište smješteno na padini brda Organ iznad Bato... more Vorganjska peć važno je prapovijesno pećinsko nalazište smješteno na padini brda Organ iznad Batomlja kraj Baške na otoku Krku. Sredinom 20. stoljeća ovo, kao i druga pećinska nalazišta na kvarnerskim otocima, počinje istraživati Vladimir Mirosavljević. Zahvaljujući rezultatima njegovih istraživanja Vorganjska peć, zajedno s Jami na Sredi na otoku Cresu te Velom špiljom na otoku Lošinju, postaje značajan izvor podataka o neolitiku Kvarnera i time neizostavni dio rasprava o tome razdoblju na istočnojadranskoj obali. Kako istraživanja nikad nisu u cijelosti objavljena, revizijsko arheološko iskopavanje provedeno je kao provjera davno prikupljenih podataka o načinima korištenja špilje tijekom prapovijesti. Rezultati istraživanja dali su uvid u stratigrafski slijed intaktnih prapovijesnih arheoloških depozita s nalazima koji pripadaju razdoblju ranoga i srednjega neolitika. Analiza stratifikacije i prikupljenih pokretnih arheoloških nalaza doprinosi širenju uvida u kompleksne mehanizme ...
Conferences by Sanjin Mihelić
The year 2020 and COVID-19 pandemic have created new challenges, but also new opportunities for the archaeological routes. On the one hand, it is becoming increasingly difficult to transmit information on heritage to visitors in a direct manner, but on the other hand the promotion for regional/local/national tourism has raised the interest in the European archaeological heritage.
In the recent years new technologies are steadily gaining in importance as indispensable tools in the visualisation and interpretation of archaeological heritage. Digital guides, augmented reality, digital visualisations of monuments are becoming major tools for reaching new younger audiences. They offer new ways to transmit information to the outdoor visitors of archaeological sites. The session is associated with the EU-project Danube´s Archaeological eLandscapes.
Papers by Sanjin Mihelić
The year 2020 and COVID-19 pandemic have created new challenges, but also new opportunities for the archaeological routes. On the one hand, it is becoming increasingly difficult to transmit information on heritage to visitors in a direct manner, but on the other hand the promotion for regional/local/national tourism has raised the interest in the European archaeological heritage.
In the recent years new technologies are steadily gaining in importance as indispensable tools in the visualisation and interpretation of archaeological heritage. Digital guides, augmented reality, digital visualisations of monuments are becoming major tools for reaching new younger audiences. They offer new ways to transmit information to the outdoor visitors of archaeological sites. The session is associated with the EU-project Danube´s Archaeological eLandscapes.