Academy of Performing Arts in Prague
Theory and Criticism
The author analyses multiple and sometimes contradictory hierarchical structures in the collaborative project Together produced by Eastern and Western companies during the Cold War in 1983. It was premiered as a part of the international... more
Almost every generation brings a " new theatre " , but few want to reform theatre as radically as Lucia Repašská and her actors at the D'EPOG Theatre of Brno. The young Slovak director aspires to a third reform of the theatre. While the... more
Study on performing political corectness regarding race and gender in Nicholas Hytner´s Othello at the National Theatre in London.
Studie zkoumá koncept lidovosti v myšlení divadelního režiséra a teoretika Jindřicha Honzla (1894-1953). Prostřednictvím analýzy jeho studií a článků autorka pojmenovává proměny pojetí lidovosti v Honzlově uvažování během jeho divadelní... more
You have been leading a team within the research project Affective Societies, which represents a unique structure of collaboration of scholars from ten disciplines in the humanities and social sciences, developed at the Freie Universität... more
The chapter reveals the influence of the Prague Linguistic Circle's structuralist theories on the debate concerning Czech theatre's new social function in the early 1990s. Drawing on an analysis of writings on the post-1989... more
Bachelor Thesis - only in czech Bakalářská práce The thesis aims to name the constitutive features of larps (live action role- playing games) and it is based on theatre theory and theory of games. The first chapter focuses on larp... more
Text in czech with english abstract. The essay examines different forms of attention paid to immersive theatre by its audience. Specific features of immersive form are addressed first, with particular emphasis on environment to equalize... more