Hi. I'm Amanda...a happy wife and mom to three awesome guys. We've lived here in Fort Collins for more than 20 years and are proud to call it home. Before moving to CO, I worked at a city attorney's office, making use of my law and Master's degrees from Duke. After settling in Fort Collins, I homeschooled my three (now teenage and older) sons and was delighted to experience music classes, soccer, karate, swim team, archery, Science Olympiad, First Lego League, parkour, and climbing (not all at the same time!). From 2005-10, I was also a contributing editor for a national scrapbooking magazine, authoring a book and a couple of monthly columns. From 2009-10, I founded and ran the Good Grief Blog. I enjoy learning new things, spending time with my family, volunteering with The Matthews House, traveling and indoor rock climbing.

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Entries from January 1, 2013 - January 31, 2013


A progression...

So. January's been pretty dang full of thinking. I know I've not said much here, but it's been a lot of thinking through what we're doing with this whole homeschooling thing. ;) In particular, it's been a lot of figuring out what to do regarding the fact that *gasp* we have a middle schooler, who could potentially be dealing with high school issues in a year or two! Because it's confusing (and has been, lol), I'm going to attempt now to list out how our thinking progressed (for my own record and because I know I love reading other people's stories)...

1. It started with the whole LEAP dealio (more here). In the end, we're opting to finish out the year at LEAP...because they already got funding for the boys so we may as well use it and because the boys want to. But. I made the decision to stop expending any more emotional energy on them. It was personal, and I realized that my time would be better spent on other things than trying to change something that was/is highly unlikely to change anyhow. (Yeah, long story.) Plus, in stepping back and really evaluating how we're spending our time in the first place, we're no longer convinced that LEAP is as beneficial for us. (Another long story mostly involving how much/little the boys were being challenged and inspired, lol.)

2. So. With that decision made, we started thinking about what we wanted to do with that "extra" day for next year. We started tossing around the idea of switching to Fort Collin's program or taking more field trips or just schooling more or planning more play dates. (Noah informs me, though, that these are no longer called play dates when you're *twelve*...lol.) (For the record, we're leaning toward the Fort Collins program for the younger two and more schooling time for Noah.)

3. Then, my pal Deanna started freaking out about the fact that high school's just around the corner. And she was contagious. ;) This led us to freak out a bit and start looking into all sorts of options for Noah. (Yes, Deanna, I'm blaming you, lol! Thanks!)

4. So, we started talking through the different options and started realizing that, um, public schools start everything (like registration and information nights and lotteries) in January for the upcoming fall. Yikes. Fortunately, Noah's only 6th grade this year. But if you start looking at calendars, that doesn't leave a full two and a half years before we have to figure out high school. Oy. (Plus, see #7 below.)

5. We briefly looked at our local public high schools. Whilst we think well of the school district and all, we quickly realized that a public high school experience still isn't the right fit for Noah. ;)

6. As luck would have it, we got a postcard that very week about an upcoming information night. We took it as a sign and checked out the local school district's online/hybrid school option (PSD Global Academy). Their information night was good and their staff was inspiring. They made us feel confident and hopeful and a little bit excited by the plan of starting Noah heading in his own direction and starting to separate him a bit from his younger brothers. I thought maybe it would be a good thing for him to have someone other than just me to answer to and to get him used to a more rigorous schedule.

Then, I started asking around about the program and the curriculum they use. And I came to the conclusion that I just wasn't willing to give up that much control over his education quite yet. (Specifically, I worried over being able to be in one level/grade for math and science while in another for language arts. I also worried about busy work and the amount of time it was asking families to log for the sake of logging time.)

7. After that, we went to an information meeting for a local charter high school where kids can take college level classes while in high school and earn both high school and college credit for them. I think we have a winner, folks. ;) Nathan and I are pretty stoked by what we heard and excited for the possibilities. We've talked with Noah about it and he's on board. We'll continue to gather information and look at other choices (because I like to make lists and am indecisive like that, lol), but this is our plan of the moment. 

Note, we have more details to iron out and questions to ask, but what we understand is that he could even potentially apply/enroll next January to test into certain classes as an 8th grader (which he'd be that following fall). We'd be looking to do that on a part time basis, which is, we're told, doable...it would be a more gentle introduction and would play to his strengths.

8. This means that Noah and I sat down yesterday and really looked at his course load so far and started talking about what "normal" high school course loads look like...and whether he wanted to shoot to start any of that sooner...and how we're going to get from here to there...and what colleges might be looking for. It was awesome. Seriously. I'm thrilled and just ordered a new math curriculum to get us to algebra sooner/stronger than our current curriculum would. And he *gets* why and understands that it'll be more work! Hallelujah! (I'll probably do an update on our curriculum choices before too long, as I'm in the process now of switching some stuff out.)

So. That's what's been going on inside my head for the past month. ;)

Mostly, I'm just so grateful for the time to think this stuff through and for the fact that Nathan and I (and Noah) are on the same page. And, I'm truly excited to have a better idea of our upcoming direction for at least one boy. Direction + a longer term plan = good. ;)

(Incidentally, we want to make sure the boys know that we're looking at each of them individually and that what's right for one might not necessarily be right for another...that we're really trying to plan according to the boy and who he is, not some elusive ideal. (And, yes, this means we'll go through this all over again in not too long for Asher, lol.))

Whew. Now that I'm starting to see what's to come, I can look back and be thankful for the whole LEAP dealio...for the wake up call to stop and evaluate rather than just continuing with what we knew. Thanks, too, to Deanna for freaking out...we needed that nudge and are so glad that we'll get to survive high schoolers together!


Ten on Tuesday

Just some little things that make me happy...

1. Last Friday, Nathan and I went for a morning run/cross training circuit together. It was a first for us and turned out pretty well. Along the way, we found a big ol' flock of geese and snuck up on them from opposite directions and scattered them to the winds. It was awesome! Wish I'd taken a picture or video. ;)

2. Over the weekend, we all headed up to The Cupboard here in Fort Collins (fabulous culinary supply type store with lots of goodies), just for kicks. We all wandered around happily for more than an hour. Micah was absolutely delighted to find this cookbook. The boys (all four of them) have been watching pretty much every episode of Good Eats on YouTube for the past few months and love it. Micah has an ongoing list of kitchen supplies he feels we/he need(s). At the moment, the list includes a stand mixer, a good disher, a board scraper, multiple waffle irons (for the record, we have one but apparently he thinks it inadequate) and an offset spatula, among other things. Yes, these are the sorts of things he's thinking about asking for for his birthday half a year from now, lol. (Micah also says that The Cupboard makes good coffee...samples of which he happened to help himself to...a couple times, lol.)

3. After that, we grabbed an early dinner at Beau Jo's. Haven't been there in ages. Beau Taco pizza = awesomeness. ;)

4. I think I may need a pair of nude pumps. The Pioneer Woman told me so. ;)

5. Either that or these boots. (Aren't they beautiful?!)

6. I think, too, that I need to implement this as a standing house rule. Definitely.

7. Once again, I neglected my camera duties...just wanted to say that I appreciate the fun art on the utilities boxes along the path that I was running on yesterday morning. Maybe I'll actually stop and snap a picture one of these days. :)

8. This just makes me smile. I love Iron Man. 

9. I love that the younger two have been on a musicals/classics kick lately. In the past week or so, we've watched "The Sound of Music," "E.T.," "Annie," and "The Wizard of Oz." The singing is driving Noah crazy...particularly when Micah mixes the lyrics and tunes, lol. "Mary Poppins" is next on the list. ;) (I think that may drive Noah over the edge, though. Should be entertaining!)

10. I finally feel like I have a grasp on the swirling thoughts that have been circling in my head all month...more on that in an upcoming post. ;)


Monday musings...

...Wouldn't it be fabulous if every time Noah needed a bigger pant size I needed a smaller one? ;) (Yes, I noticed recently that both Noah and Asher need longer pants...again. It wouldn't be so bad, I suppose, if it just weren't so darn boring, lol. Noah gets exactly the same thing as before, just in a bigger size. (He's always been like this...he had the exact same model soccer cleats for four years and has been in basically the same sneaker for even longer.) Asher would be totally fine with different pants but suffers the fate of a second born and ends up with Noah's hand-me-downs for the most part.)

...Noah and Micah had another JOAD tournament yesterday. Both did well in keeping their cool...not horrible performances by any means, but not the scores they were hoping for, so we had some moments of overcoming frustration. Noah managed, though, to post his second and third highest scores for a round and has pretty tough competition (a field of more than a dozen 12-14 year old boys). Micah took second (out of two) but managed to be happy about it and to congratulate his teammate on his first ever first place. Due to the size of the tournament (164 shooters altogether, split over three sessions), I ended up running the yeomen shooters (under 9) during Micah's session. It was actually pretty fun...I love that there are fewer yeomen so we get to know them even when they're on different teams. Here they are at the line:

(Yes, Micah's mohawk is getting a bit long, lol.) On this particular shot, all three hit the bullseye. It was a really close afternoon...as these three ended up scoring only eight points different over 60 shots (a possible 600 points). It's so cool to see the strength of the younger shooters and look forward to watching them over the coming years!

...At Micah's request, we watched "The Sound of Music" last night. His music class at LEAP is apparently singing songs from the movie for their spring program so Micah wanted to watch it. Surprisingly, the other two boys sat and watched the whole thing, too. Noah has now declared that he knows he dislikes musicals, lol. (Micah enjoyed it, for the record. And is now singing to annoy Noah.) ;)

...Finally, just wanted to share some blog posts I've read lately:

14 wonderful words with no English equivalent (love these, especially those first two, lol!)

Just another manic Monday (perfect explanation)

Please don't help my kids (I find this so true...working in particular this year at building the boys' self-sufficiency and remembering that help can take the form of letting them fail...course, remember my ziggurat story? Darned if that teacher didn't give the boy a perfect score on that late paper. Bleh.)

Anyhow. Hope your week is off to a sunny start! 


Thoughts from my morning run...

...trying to run 8 miles when you kinda took December off completely from any form of exercise (beyond stirring cookie batter), is not the most fun thing...

...big dogs left in the bed of your pickup truck make me a little nervous...excuse me while I cross the street and give you a wide berth...

...while I totally get that you might not shovel your snow immediately, it's been 1-2 weeks, folks...what gives? and, yes, the city ordinance requiring you to shovel your snow includes your driveway where it's part of the sidewalk...

...love the sunshine, not so crazy about the glare coming off the ice...

...we should take our outside Christmas lights down (lol...in all fairness, it's been pretty darn cold the last few weekends)...

...wonder if I should get one of those obnoxiously bright running jackets so I'm more visible?...

...I recently read about this lady who finds all sorts of treasure on her runs...I obviously live in the wrong place for that, as this morning all I found was a full size tube of toothpaste (???)...

...though at least I didn't find a dead mouse or a live snake, both of which I've come across during runs before...

And then I was home. ;) So...what's your rule of thumb on the bright running gear and what's the most interesting thing you've found while out on a run (or walk)? Just curious. ;)


Four on Friday

1. Remember how Micah thought he was a koala? :) For Christmas, then, I got him a stuffed koala. He promptly named him "Koalie" and has been loving on him ever since. I wasn't sure how he'd go over since stuffed animals have never been really big hits in our house. But Micah's been crazy attached...asking me to watch Koalie while he does schoolwork or goes to the bathroom...telling folks Koalie's life story (he was orphaned and Micah adopted him and now Noah and Asher are uncles and Nathan is the grandpa/eucalyptus tree...yes, sometimes Koalie snacks off of his grandpa, lol)...styling the mohawks on Koalie's ears...and finding Koalie friends/cousins. Thus, please also meet Bachelor (who's been living on a shelf in my office for decades, having been a college graduation gift) and Gift (a Christmas present from my mom to all three boys, though Asher's become his daddy).

It's so sweet!

2. I think I mentioned that I ordered another word of the year ring for 2013. Well, it came in the mail this week:

I've been wearing them stacked (last year's and this year's rings). Yay! :)

3. Got new running shoes! Though I still have some life left in my Newton's that I bought to start off 2012, I went ahead and used some of my Christmas money on a new pair for 2013:

I LOVE the new color scheme! (I also love that they included the green laces along with the blue ones that came standard!) I'm stoked to wear them as I start my new training plan...gonna run the Colorado half marathon again this May. Wish me luck!

4. Earlier this week, I also got a haircut:

This isn't the best shot, but you get the idea...shorter still, which makes it pretty easy. I'm still getting used to it. What do you think? :)

Well, that's my four for today. Just random little bits to share. How's your 2013 going?