Showing posts with label Uguentine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Uguentine. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 03, 2014

What Now, Browne?

Wednesday Advertising Day.

The Uguentine As were always combined with Pepto-Bismal. Not really a natural mix, but I guess they were from the same maker. Two different artists as well, and in ost ads I have seen the Uguentine artist was Dik Browne. But not always. In fact, I have shown this one before in black and white, and it now is clear to me that this is not by Dik Browne. I suggest Bill Williams might have taken over some of his clients when Browne started doing Hi and Lois. If you follow the link, you'll see some other stuff Browne did as well, including a couple of pretty rare Bird's Eye ads.

And I just did a couple of new Hi and Lois scans, so I might just as well throw them in. So we have some Browne anyway.