I'm happy to be linking up again with Jess from The Newly! Here we goooooo.....
1 // Gestational diabetes. It's going well. But I do have a confession. Sometimes I eat more sweets than I know I should. Nighttime is a prime example. I'll eat dinner, wait an hour, and then test my blood sugar. My next time to test is not until the next morning. But sometimes if my last reading was totally normal, I will eat something really sugary after testing -- like a bowl of ice cream. I hate not following the meal plan to a tee, but it's also been really difficult to not give in to my pregnancy cravings. SEE ALSO: EASTER JELLYBEANS
2 // I absolutely detest getting medical bills in the mail. Of course it's painful to pay them, but so many times they are just plain wrong. Yesterday I spent two hours on the phone back and forth between the medical provider and last year's insurance carrier trying to get some outstanding bills clarified. When I see bills come in the mail, I just want to curl up in a ball. (For example, I'm currently being billed $217 by one doctor's office for a preventive check-up for Camille. My insurance company verified today that I should be billed $0 for that visit. Huge discrepancy. What is happening, people?!)
3 // I'm the queen of starting projects and then ditching them if something gets hard. The bow holder I blogged about Monday is currently in that state. I can't get the vinyl monogram to stick on my painted canvas. And I'm just feeling so over it.
4 // Last one and a biggie. Well, to me at least. I found out last week that the baby is currently breech (head up, bottom down). I've been pretty sad about that because I am a type-A planner and that's just not the way I wanted it to go. There is still time for the baby to turn, and I'm doing everything that I can to help that -- exercises, inversions, chiropractor visits. But it weighs heavily on my mind the majority of the day and I won't find out until next Wednesday if anything has changed. If not, then I may need to go to the hospital to have the midwives try to turn the baby, and that carries its own risks... including an emergency c-section right then and there. That really concerns me, and I'm scared.
Okay, these are sort of wahhhhh-wahhhhhhh Debbie Downer -- but they're my confessions of what's going on right now! Hit me up with your confessions or at least some encouragement that I'm not alone in mine. :)
1 // Gestational diabetes. It's going well. But I do have a confession. Sometimes I eat more sweets than I know I should. Nighttime is a prime example. I'll eat dinner, wait an hour, and then test my blood sugar. My next time to test is not until the next morning. But sometimes if my last reading was totally normal, I will eat something really sugary after testing -- like a bowl of ice cream. I hate not following the meal plan to a tee, but it's also been really difficult to not give in to my pregnancy cravings. SEE ALSO: EASTER JELLYBEANS
2 // I absolutely detest getting medical bills in the mail. Of course it's painful to pay them, but so many times they are just plain wrong. Yesterday I spent two hours on the phone back and forth between the medical provider and last year's insurance carrier trying to get some outstanding bills clarified. When I see bills come in the mail, I just want to curl up in a ball. (For example, I'm currently being billed $217 by one doctor's office for a preventive check-up for Camille. My insurance company verified today that I should be billed $0 for that visit. Huge discrepancy. What is happening, people?!)
3 // I'm the queen of starting projects and then ditching them if something gets hard. The bow holder I blogged about Monday is currently in that state. I can't get the vinyl monogram to stick on my painted canvas. And I'm just feeling so over it.
4 // Last one and a biggie. Well, to me at least. I found out last week that the baby is currently breech (head up, bottom down). I've been pretty sad about that because I am a type-A planner and that's just not the way I wanted it to go. There is still time for the baby to turn, and I'm doing everything that I can to help that -- exercises, inversions, chiropractor visits. But it weighs heavily on my mind the majority of the day and I won't find out until next Wednesday if anything has changed. If not, then I may need to go to the hospital to have the midwives try to turn the baby, and that carries its own risks... including an emergency c-section right then and there. That really concerns me, and I'm scared.
Okay, these are sort of wahhhhh-wahhhhhhh Debbie Downer -- but they're my confessions of what's going on right now! Hit me up with your confessions or at least some encouragement that I'm not alone in mine. :)