Papers by Abdallah M Albeltagy

Pheromone technology applications in the cotton fields in Egypt, with special references, 2021
Only 20 years altered the discovery and identification of the first insect pheromone, Bombykol, t... more Only 20 years altered the discovery and identification of the first insect pheromone, Bombykol, the silk worm Bombyx mori sex pheromone by Adolf Friedrich Johann Butenandt in 1959 (The Noble Prize in Chemistry 1939, discovery of human female sexhormones, estrone and other primary female sex hormones, received in 1949) after the discovery of the insecticidal efficacy of DDT , the first chemical insecticide in 1939 by Paul Hermann Muller in 1939 (Noble Prize in medicine 1948). Pheromone technology could be used in many different tactics throughout the integrated pest management (IPM) strategy for the monitoring and control actions of the insect pest complex in the cotton fields. This article emphasizes on the pheromone technology tactics, applications, advantages and benefits in the modern cotton industry.

Pheromone traps for the assessment of insecticides efficiency and monitoring insecticides resistance in insect field strains, 2021
Up to date insecticides are the backbone of agricultural industry (Agricultural Mass Production) ... more Up to date insecticides are the backbone of agricultural industry (Agricultural Mass Production) and for public health protection purposes. Annually, trillions of US $ are lost as a result of insect infestations and damages in different agric. Crops around the world , even under the heavy use of insecticidal applications because of the control failure of many inefficient insecticides , that is happen because many insect field strains have developed resistance against these compounds. For the purposes of assaying insecticides efficiency and resistance in insect field strains, it's required to apply huge amounts of insecticides in many sequential treatments, investigate huge amounts of agric. crop fields, collect huge amounts of crop samples (Vegetation and / or fruit parts), rather than environmental pollution, human health hazards, using application equipments which require a lot amounts of effort, time and money. It's recommended here to use pheromone traps technique for the assessment of insecticides efficiency, monitoring insecticides resistance in insect field strains instead of the insecticides conventional applications to overcome all the above mentioned problems and to apply an advanced insecticides resistance management throughout an integrated pest management (IPM) with a very simple, easy, quick, and efficient technique.

A new formula for evaluating the effectiveness of insecticides against cotton bollworm under Egyptian conditions, instead of the Henderson and Tilton (1955) formula
Bollworms , pink bollworm Pectinophora gossypiella (
Saud.) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) and spiny... more Bollworms , pink bollworm Pectinophora gossypiella (
Saud.) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) and spiny bollworm Earis
insulana ( Boisd) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), are the main cotton
insect pests in Egypt. Too many insecticides from different
insecticide groups are applied against it. The protocol of estimating
insecticide efficacy against it and many other insect pests depends
on the formula of Henderson and Tilton ( 1955 ), which needs to
have a control area (Untreated area) equals to the area of one
insecticide treatment , which is four cotton feddans (Acres), to
calculate the reduction percentages in bollworms infestation percent
after applying each insecticide treatment. Because of this condition
is impossible and is not applicable (Because the financial costs of the
losses of these untreated areas are about 40 thousand Egyptian
bounds), it's recommended to apply the present formula, which
derived from experimental data and it does not depend on the
presence of untreated area, but it depends on the initial bollworms
infestation percentages before applying for the insecticide treated
program, to calculate the reduction percentages in bollworms
infestation percent. The application of this formula solves a lot of
insecticide application problems in the estimating insecticide
efficacy protocol and gives acceptable and logical data which could
be beneficial when its results are applied in the cotton fields.
and the release rate of controlled-release Methomyl formulations. Alex. Sci. Exch., 7 (1): 49-59.... more and the release rate of controlled-release Methomyl formulations. Alex. Sci. Exch., 7 (1): 49-59. 3. Al-Beltagy, A.M. (1990). Integrated pest management against bollworms, as a means for insecticide rational and increase cotton production (in Arabic). Proc. of the Symposium of Integrated
Papers by Abdallah M Albeltagy
Saud.) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) and spiny bollworm Earis
insulana ( Boisd) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), are the main cotton
insect pests in Egypt. Too many insecticides from different
insecticide groups are applied against it. The protocol of estimating
insecticide efficacy against it and many other insect pests depends
on the formula of Henderson and Tilton ( 1955 ), which needs to
have a control area (Untreated area) equals to the area of one
insecticide treatment , which is four cotton feddans (Acres), to
calculate the reduction percentages in bollworms infestation percent
after applying each insecticide treatment. Because of this condition
is impossible and is not applicable (Because the financial costs of the
losses of these untreated areas are about 40 thousand Egyptian
bounds), it's recommended to apply the present formula, which
derived from experimental data and it does not depend on the
presence of untreated area, but it depends on the initial bollworms
infestation percentages before applying for the insecticide treated
program, to calculate the reduction percentages in bollworms
infestation percent. The application of this formula solves a lot of
insecticide application problems in the estimating insecticide
efficacy protocol and gives acceptable and logical data which could
be beneficial when its results are applied in the cotton fields.
Saud.) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) and spiny bollworm Earis
insulana ( Boisd) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), are the main cotton
insect pests in Egypt. Too many insecticides from different
insecticide groups are applied against it. The protocol of estimating
insecticide efficacy against it and many other insect pests depends
on the formula of Henderson and Tilton ( 1955 ), which needs to
have a control area (Untreated area) equals to the area of one
insecticide treatment , which is four cotton feddans (Acres), to
calculate the reduction percentages in bollworms infestation percent
after applying each insecticide treatment. Because of this condition
is impossible and is not applicable (Because the financial costs of the
losses of these untreated areas are about 40 thousand Egyptian
bounds), it's recommended to apply the present formula, which
derived from experimental data and it does not depend on the
presence of untreated area, but it depends on the initial bollworms
infestation percentages before applying for the insecticide treated
program, to calculate the reduction percentages in bollworms
infestation percent. The application of this formula solves a lot of
insecticide application problems in the estimating insecticide
efficacy protocol and gives acceptable and logical data which could
be beneficial when its results are applied in the cotton fields.