Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Personal Sewing

 Every January I like to try to make something just for me. So I started this little project. It will be a zippered bag when it grows up.

Side one of my January bag project

The hexagons were a gift from a friend from several years ago. She went to the big quilt show in Tokyo, in 2019 I think. She purchased these pre-made 1/2" hexagons and few small pieces of Japanese fabrics and gave them to me. I have 100 of these little hexagons and I'm finally using them! This is side one of the bag. I'm not sure what the other side will look like just yet, but I'm working on it.

I pieced the hexagons together, pulled out the papers then appliqued it to a piece of linen. There is a piece of fusible fleece on the backside of the linen. I quilted through the two layers and added some embroidery too. The colored embroidery thread was also part of the gift she brought me from Japan.

I'm just playing with no real plan, just doing what feels right in the moment.

1 comment:

Denise in PA said...

Lynn, this is going to be beautiful! I am looking forward to seeing it come together. Happy New Year!