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In an integrated method of education, medical students are introduced to radiology in their preclinical years. However, no study has been conducted in Pakistan to demonstrate an academic framework of medical radiology education at an... more
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    • Curriculum and Pedagogy
Background We aimed to evaluate and improve the accuracy of the ultrasound scan in estimating gestational age in late pregnancy (ie, after 24 weeks' gestation) in low-income and middle-income countries (LMICs), where access to ultrasound... more
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To assess accurate skeletal age (SA) in clinical and medico-legal decisions using the Greulich-Pyle (GP) atlas and to see its applicability across diverse populations in Karachi. Hand-Wrist radiographs obtained at our institution from... more
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      PakistanTropical MedicineAdolescentMedicine
An 11-month-old infant presented with acute urinary retention. He had presented 3 months earlier with complaints of an enlarging abdominal mass that was initially diagnosed as a mesenteric cyst on ultrasonography. Voiding cystourethrogram... more
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To assess communication and interpersonal skills (CIS) of radiology residents through faculty and standardised patients (SP). In this day-long objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) in January 2009, 42 radiology residents took... more
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      CommunicationInterpersonal CommunicationEmotional intelligenceEducational Measurement
Utilization of radiology as an educational resource carries great potential. Accreditation bodies, physicians and medical students deem it important for a well rounded medical curriculum. Unfortunately this resource is yet to be developed... more
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      RadiologyMedical EducationPakistanTropical Medicine
Gaucher's disease is an inherited lysosomal storage disorder with a deficiency of the enzyme glucocerbrosidase that manifests with clinical features of anemia, hepato-splenomegaly, skeletal destruction and organ dysfunction due to the... more
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      PediatricsTreatment OutcomeMedicineDisease
Purpose To assess the utility of trauma series radiographs in the management of alert pediatric patients with traumatic injury and to ascertain whether it is necessary to acquire the entire trauma series in these children. Methods A total... more
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      AdolescentMedicineChildGlasgow Coma Scale
To evaluate the focused abdominal CT scan [FACT] in clinically equivocal cases of acute appendicitis in paediatric population. A cross-sectional study was conducted at the Radiology Department of Aga Khan Hospital, from August 2007 to... more
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A middle-aged lady presented with pain, tenderness and swelling in the left hypochondrium since one month. She had a history of contact with dogs and grazing animals. Sonography and computed tomography showed the pathognomonic signs of... more
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      RadiologySurgeryComputed TomographyPakistan
To determine the role of emergency ultrasound examination in the diagnosis and management of ectopic pregnancy. A descriptive study done at the Radiology Department, Aga Khan University Hospital, Karachi from January 1999 to December 2000... more
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Vascular Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (VEDS), previously called Ehlers-Danlos syndrome type-IV, is a heterogeneous group of heritable connective tissue disorders characterized by thin, translucent skin, easy bruising, arterial, intestinal,... more
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We evaluated the impact of the new pneumococcal Haemophilus influenzae protein D conjugate vaccine (PHiD-CV10, GSK Vaccines) on tympanostomy tube placements (TTP). Finnish Invasive Pneumococcal (FinIP) disease vaccine trial was a... more
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      PediatricsClinical TrialMedicineBiological Sciences
Trauma remains one of the most frequent presentations in emergency departments. Imaging has established role in setting of acute trauma with ability to identify potentially fatal conditions. Adequate knowledge of health professionals... more
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      RadiologyMedical ImagingEducational MeasurementMedical Education
Omental infarction is a rare cause of acute abdomen in children. Typical findings on imaging establish the diagnosis. We present case of a 7 years old boy who presented with acute right iliac fossa pain with diagnosis of omental... more
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      RadiologyComputed TomographyMedicineTuberculosis
The objective of the Alliance for Maternal and Newborn Health Improvement (AMANHI) gestational age study is to develop and validate a programmatically feasible and simple approach to accurately assess gestational age of babies after they... more
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      AlgorithmsObstetricsGlobal HealthAnthropometry
Background: Rib fractures are a major source of morbidity in patients with chest trauma. Computed tomography (CT) scout film is a low-dose image that is obtained prior to a complete chest CT study for all patients undergoing a CT scan. In... more
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      RadiologyComputed TomographyMedicineTrauma
To investigate which bone age assessment techniques are utilized by radiologists in Pakistan to determine skeletal age in three defined age groups: less than one year, one to three years and three to 18 years. We also assessed the... more
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      MedicineX RaysAnkleAge Groups
Background: The use of cardiac computed tomography angiography (CCTA) as a complementary diagnostic modality to echocardiography in patients with congenital heart diseases (CHDs) is expanding in low-and middle-income countries. The... more
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Sir, Dedicated radiology teaching is an integral part of both undergraduate and postgraduate medical training. Early exposure of good quality radiology instruction in medical school pays positively to the profession of radiology.1 There... more
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