Papers by Indrayani Indrayani
![Research paper thumbnail of Challenges for midwives in remote areas: an ethnography study](
Background: In Indonesia, the placement of village midwives began in 1989. However, this program ... more Background: In Indonesia, the placement of village midwives began in 1989. However, this program was deemed not to be in line with the reduction in maternal and infant mortality rates. Aim: To explore the experience of midwives in remote areas and identify the factors inhibiting the success of this program. Methods: This study is a qualitative study with an ethnographic approach. Data collection used focus group discussions (FGDs), in-depth interviews, and observations. Seventy-seven midwives were involved in FGDs, sixtythree participants were interviewed, and three remote areas within the Indragiri Hilir regency were observed. A thematical analysis was used to analyze the gathered data. Results: This study's findings reveal that one village midwife is responsible for a large area. Geographical conditions, culture, transportation, and tidal river may delay the referral process. Also, the lack of villager awareness in regard to health, community culture, and low water quality contributed to the health community status in the remote areas. Furthermore, village infrastructures, potential hazards, and compensation elucidated village midwives' unwillingness to stay in remote areas. Conclusion: Many factors influence the ineffective village midwife program. Some corrective actions are needed to narrow the gap between the government's expectations and the problems faced by the village midwives.
![Research paper thumbnail of Visual blood loss estimation using artificial blood versus human blood](
Background. Visual blood loss estimation (BLE) is the most common method used globally. Aim: To e... more Background. Visual blood loss estimation (BLE) is the most common method used globally. Aim: To evaluate the accuracy of BLE using artificial blood and human blood as well as consider the correlations, if any, between midwife groups and years of clinical experiences. Methods. In this observational study, 27 scenarios using artificial blood and 21 scenarios using human blood have been addressed to answer the research question. The primary outcome assessed was the accuracy of visual BLE. The accuracy of which was then correlated to the midwife group and the duration of clinical experience using Cramer's V test. Results. A total of 232 participants estimated the blood loss volume, and a trend toward overestimation was found in the visual estimation with artificial blood (AB), but when the simulation used human blood (HB), it tended to be underestimated. There were significant correlations between the midwife groups and estimation accuracy with AB at all volumes, but the correlations were only found at volume 100 mL and 150 mL when the simulation was using HB. Conclusion. Visual BLE may produce overestimated or underestimated results. Midwives' skills in estimating blood loss in clinical scenarios using artificial blood cannot be representative of their skills in real labor. The duration of clinical experience does not correlate to the accuracy of BLE. We recommend further studies in order to identify another method that can be implemented in general practice.
Background: Postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) remains the primary cause of maternal mortality in develo... more Background: Postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) remains the primary cause of maternal mortality in developing countries, and blood loss assessment (BLA) is a crucial factor in PPH management. Aim: To describe how midwives undergo BLA during labor. Methods: A sequential exploratory mixed-method study was used to answer the research question.Twenty-three midwives were involved with in-depth interviews, and 167 maternity rooms were observed. Results: There were four methods of BLA theoretically known to midwives, but there was only one applicable method. The majority of midwives used delivery bed type A and an underpad as a delivery pad, but they did not know the brand of the underpads used. Also, the majority of them did not apply BLA during labor. Conclusion: The BLA was not undertaken in most labors. Physiological parameters were the most applicable method for the Indonesian midwives.
![Research paper thumbnail of What are Moslem women's activities during pregnancy?](
Background: Pregnancy is a natural process which is experienced by a mother-to-be. Changes during... more Background: Pregnancy is a natural process which is experienced by a mother-to-be. Changes during pregnancy may limit women's activities. Being non-active during pregnancy is an apprehensive condition since it may give negative effects both for the mother and her fetus. This study is meant to comprehend Moslem women's activities during pregnancy. Method: Qualitative study with phenomenological approach was used and data collecting was carried out in June 2016 in Bojong Kulur village. Sample selection was done using purposive sampling technique. Thorough interviews involved 32 Moslem women who had given birth. Data verification was done using triangulation method. Results: Findings of this study discussed women's activities during pregnancy, such as 1) jima' during pregnancy; 2) keeping personal hygiene; 3) taking a rest; 4) on time praying; 5) reading and listening to Al-Qur'an; 6) Dzikrullah; 7) praying more; 8) nutrition consumption; and 9) fasting. Pregnant Moslem women make use of the time during pregnancy for beneficial activities with the hope that they can introduce religious value to their babies since they are still in the intrauterine. Midwives need to comprehend and investigate the safe activities done by Moslem women during pregnancy and facilitate their patients' activities during pregnancy in accordance with Islamic Shari'ah.
![Research paper thumbnail of Who are midwives and traditional birth attendants according to the users in the rural area?](
Background: Skilled traditional birth attendants as non-health workers (paraji) were risk factors... more Background: Skilled traditional birth attendants as non-health workers (paraji) were risk factors for the incidence of maternal and perinatal mortality. Although the government has provided a birth insurance, rural communities still choose traditional birth attendant as their birth helper. The study aims at investigating women's perceptions and experiences of birth helped by midwife and traditional birth attendant. Method:The qualitative study with phenomenological approach were conducted through in-depth interviews using an interview guide. Data collection was conducted from June to July 2013 at Gajah Mekar Village, Kutawaringin District, Bandung Regency. Sampling was conductedusing purposive sampling technique. Total participants involved in this study were 12 women. Results:This study finds out that childbirth women distinguish maternity services provided by midwives and traditional birth attendants according to ages and appearances, beliefs/cultures, place of having birth, economic, delivery assistance, psychological and physical needs, post-natal care, and the danger/safety in childbirth. Conclusion:Strong culture in rural communities becomes an obstacle to equitable health care distribution. The government and related education institutions should collaborate in order to improve and enhance the quality of midwives and their services, so that birth assistances by traditional birth attendants can be suppressed.
![Research paper thumbnail of Factors affecting vasectomy contraception](
Background: The low participation of men in family planning is influenced by many factors, includ... more Background: The low participation of men in family planning is influenced by many factors, including demographic factors, social structure factors, family factors, and the availability of health resources. There are many other factors that influence the selection of contraceptive vasectomy is not yet known. Objective: To know factors affecting vasectomy contraception in Kiarapedes, Purwakarta regency. Method: The study design used was mixed methods approaches and strategies embedded concurrent. Quantitative data were collected by questionnaire. The gathering of qualitative in-depth interviews were conducted in the respondent, the respondent's wife and PLKB selected using an interview guide. The data has been collected and analyzed, for a quantitative method using descriptive analysis of the characteristics of respondents. For qualitative methods, information from research subjects are recorded in the form of transcripts, then given coding and grouped into categories and themes. Result: Based on data collected from 53 respondents found the majority of respondents were in the age group 41-50 years (39.6%), most of the respondents had a number of children >3 people (75.5%), the majority of respondents had elementary (90, 6%), all Muslim respondents (100%), most of the income ≥ minimum wage (75.5%) of all respondents have the support of his wife (100%), and most respondents receive information from field officers (73.6%). Response acceptors of stigma related to religious factors, sexual, and psychological medical treatment while the reasons respondents chose vasectomy because of factors such as family, economy and role model. Conclusion: Modeling is another factor that can influence a man's decision to undergo a vasectomy in the village Kiarapedes.
![Research paper thumbnail of Why Did Not Midwives Use Partograph Correctly?](
Background. WHO has developed the concept of partograph and recommended it as auxiliary tool to m... more Background. WHO has developed the concept of partograph and recommended it as auxiliary tool to monitor progress of first stage of labour, detect complicating factors, and help midwives in decision making. Though various studies have proven the beneficial use of partograph, application of birth progress monitoring is not done properly. Aim: To observe midwives' obedience in using partograph and explore the obstacles. Method. The study used mixed methods with sequential explanatory strategy. Quantitative study used cross-sectional design with observational method. Qualitative study used phenomenological approach through thorough interviews. Data collecting was done in November 2014 to March 2015 in health facilities in Bandung City, Bandung and Sukabumi Regency. 53 midwives were observed during childbirth processes and 27 involved in thorough interviews. Result. Observation showed 60.4% of midwives used partograph incompletely. Midwives had obstacles in using partograph properly. Knowledge was not main factor causing inobedience. Other contributing factors were skills, training, time with midwife-patient ratio, work burden, formality, supporting system, application of discipline/sanction, attitude. Conclusion. There are many obstacles faced by the midwives in applying partographs to monitor the birth progress and these conditions make its application to become unreasonable. Government needs to re-evaluate the policy of partograph usage.
![Research paper thumbnail of Expectations And Prospects Regarding The Midwife Services In Indonesia](
Background: Midwifery education plays a vital role in developing the midwives. The education has ... more Background: Midwifery education plays a vital role in developing the midwives. The education has so far created best qualified midwife graduates. The demand for enhanced education of midwives is convinced. Methods: From November 2013 until July 2014, a qualitative research utilizing in-depth interviews and focus group deliberations were conducted. In Indonesia, the compilation of data included 26 interviewers from 12 provinces. 367 participants were chosen for In-depth interviews concerning the stakeholders, midwives, and consumers of midwife service. The strategies for in-depth interviews involved the determination of midwife facilities, midwife competences, and expectancies towards midwifery education. Data validation and members check is conducted to corroborate the precision of the data in this research. Results: The assessment enclosed existing midwife facilities and midwife competences. The expectancies emphasize the input-process-output in midwifery concepts. This also included the human resources, midwifery education curriculum, assortment structure of student intake, facilities, and least average of midwifery education. The procedure should envelop teaching and practicum, learning development, assistance, investigation and evaluation. The incorporation of input and procedure must create midwifery capabilities, soft skills, and improved midwife services. Conclusion: The significance of the character of education in produce professional midwife graduates. Therefore, improvements quality of educational is needed to meet a demand of job market needs.
![Research paper thumbnail of Bagaimana perempuan muslim melalui masa persalinannya? [How do moslem women go through their childbirth?]](
Background. In performing their duties, midwives need to provide cares that could address the rel... more Background. In performing their duties, midwives need to provide cares that could address the religious values and beliefs of women birth. There have been few midwives applied the care since they did not know how to undertake it. This research aims to explore the moslem women' experience during labor. Research method. The study used qualitative method with phenomenological approach. The data collecting was done in June 2016 through in-depth interviews by using an interview guide in Bojong Kulur village, Bogor. The sample were women moslem who had birth and considered passing their labor according to Islamic shari'a. The samples were selected by purposive sampling. Total participant involved in this study were 13 women. Results. The finding of the study describes the women' response against pain labor, dzikir, read Qur'an, childbirth companion, meal and beverage, closing aurat, birth attendant, and management of placenta. Conclusion. Almost entirely women had undergone labor period based on Islamic shari'a. Midwives need to take a lesson from the research findings to apply womancentred care.
![Research paper thumbnail of Women experience of tubectomy in Kiarapedes Subdistrict](
Background: The use of contraception to control woman's fertile is beyond expectation. Tubectomy ... more Background: The use of contraception to control woman's fertile is beyond expectation. Tubectomy is considered the most effective method to stop having more babies, however the percentage is still low. There is controversy related to impact of tubectomy. The study aims to explore tubectomy acceptors' experience before and after tubectomy. Method: Qualitative study with oral thematic history method was used. Primary participants were women having tubectomy for one year at least. Sample selection was done using purposive sampling. Data collecting was done through thorough interviews in September 2013, in Kiarapedes Subdistrict. 32 participants were having thorough interviews; 18 acceptors, 1 midwife, 1 field officer of family planning, 12 husbands. Result: Interesting findings covered participants' experience during pre and post-tubectomy. Aspects of experience which were explored pre-tubectomy covered candidates' opinions, pre-counseling, reasons of choosing, psychology before action. Meanwhile, post-tubectomy covered psychology after action, complaints, health, sexual change, regret. Conclusion: Tubectomy has no negative impact to physical health, psychology, women's sexual function. Government needs right promotion media of tubectomy while training health personnels as candidates' counselors in desicion making related to their participation.
![Research paper thumbnail of Please, understand why midwife performance is not optimum!](
Background: Mother and baby's death is still a global isue. The presence of village midwife has b... more Background: Mother and baby's death is still a global isue. The presence of village midwife has been proved effective in decreasing pains and deaths. However, in the past few years, the contribution of village midwife in preventing deaths is questioned. The low performance of village midwife is regarded as the reason why the isue exists. Objective: To find out the reasons why village midwife performance is not optimum. Design. The study used mixed methods with sequencial exploratory strategy. The study was started by collecting qualitative data, which was then followed by collecting quantitative data. The collecting of qualitative data was done by having focus group discussion (FGD) and thorough interviews, while the collecting of quantitative data was conducted by fulfilling questionaires. Setting: These activities had been carried out from August to November 2016 in 27 subdistricts in Indragiri Hilir Regency. Participants: The data collecting was done by involving 5 facilitators, 2 interviewers, and 27 data collecting officers. There were 77 midwives who had been involved in FGDs, meanwhile 31 midwives were involved in thorough interviews and 439 midwives took part in fulfilling questionaires. Results: The obstacles which make the village midwife performance not optimum include health policies and regulations, competency, tools and infrastructure, demography, geography, security and safety, midwife intrinsic and family. Conclusions: Problems faced by village midwives are too complicated to overcome by midwives alone. The government should reexamine the policies and the regulations of village midwife, the standard of tools and infrastructure, incentives, sanctions and rewards.
![Research paper thumbnail of How Does Moslem Community Apply The Tahneek To The Babies?](
Background. Midwives as health practicioners are expected to give the best practices which are ba... more Background. Midwives as health practicioners are expected to give the best practices which are based on proves, such as initiation to pre breast feeding and exclusive breast milk. In the other hand, midvives are also expected to apply the cultural sensitivity care which is focused on the fact that women are the representation of midwives" care philosophy, where Moslem community choose to feed dates to their new born babies. Aim: To explore the description of tahneek application conducted by Moslem to their new born babies. Method. Qualitative research with phenomenologic approach was conducted in this study. The data collecting was done by conducting thorough interviews in June 2016 in Bojong Kulur sub district. The sample was done using purposive sampling technique. The thorough interviews involved 21 participants. The data verification was carried out using data triangulation. Result. Findings of this study described the time for conducting the tahneek, the person who conducted the tahneek, frequency of feeding, the substance used, preparation before conducting the tahneek, how to masticate or chew dates, amount of dates which should be prepared for the baby, the use of hands and fingers, how to conduct tahneek, and the breast feeding after conducting tahneek. Conclusion. There were still some differences in conducting the tahneek in Moslem society. The decision on what should be done while conducting the tahneek was based on the beliefs of the person who conducted the tahneek.
![Research paper thumbnail of The midwifery practice challenges in the rural populations of Indonesia](
<strong>Background</strong>. The increasing rate of infant and maternal mortality has... more <strong>Background</strong>. The increasing rate of infant and maternal mortality has required that the government put specific measures in place to decrease it. Placing midwives in villages with the aim of raising the quality of health care, distributing health services more effectively, and to attempt to reduce infant and maternal mortality rates. Many problems were faced by village midwives impact to the non-optimal performance of them. This study is aimed at identifying the obstacles faced by midwives in villages as practitioners and the basis in the revision of village midwives program, in the hopes that midwives in villages would be able to contribute more effectively to reducing maternal mortality rates in the future. <strong>Methods</strong>. Twenty-two individual in-depth interviews were conducted in villages across six provinces in Indonesia from November to December 2013. The study explored the obstacles faced by village midwives in midwifery practice. <strong>Results</strong>. There are many problems faced by village midwives inrural Indonesia, such as autonomous midwifery skills, age and appearance, language and communication, licensing practice management, understanding of promotion, authority, workload, facilities and infrastructure, geographical factors, compensation and reward, traditional birth attendant and social tradition. <strong>Conclusion</strong>.The village midwife program is an effective strategy in reducing infant and maternal mortality rate, but not the optimal role of educating and producing graduates and healthcare professionals. In making appropriate regulation, the government's placement and monitoring of the performances of village midwives has had an impact on a previously non optimal role of village midwifery.
![Research paper thumbnail of The quality of life for the elderly: meeting their needs in a nursing home](
Background: The quality of life described by happy feelings is an individual component that is di... more Background: The quality of life described by happy feelings is an individual component that is difficult to define. This study aims to explore the factors that influence the life quality of the elderly and identify which factors are more dominant. Methods: A mixed-methods research design with sequential exploratory strategy has been used to execute this study. Twenty-two older adults were involved in in-depth interviews. Next, a single group pre-post test design was used in the quantitative study. Forty-two eligible subjects have participated in the elderly class program. The data were then analyzed by the Wilcoxon test and Cramer's V test. Results: The qualitative study has identified five domains which influenced older adults' happiness. The significant increases were found in the five domain and overall scores of life quality between pre and post-intervention. Moreover, there was a significant and positive correlation between length of stay in a home and QoL overall. Conclusion: The most dominant factor affecting the life quality of the elderly was physical health, followed by finance and family in sequence. While other factors also influenced, although insignificant, was friend and environment and spiritual and mental health.
![Research paper thumbnail of Sexual function of depot medroxyprogesterone acetate users](
Background. Sexual satisfaction plays an important role in increasing woman health and quality of... more Background. Sexual satisfaction plays an important role in increasing woman health and quality of life. Sexual disfunction causes disharmony between couples resulting in doubts, loss of sexual desire and persistence of relationship. Hormonal contraceptive factors affect sexual disfunction. This study aims to determine the sexual function of depot medroxyprogesteron acetat (DMPA) and non-hormonal contraceptive users. Method. It is an analytical study using historical cohort design. Samples were divided into two groups, DMPA and non-hormonal contraceptive users using 47 respondents in each group. Data collecting was done from January to June 2016 in the area of Jalan Emas Primary Health Care. Samples were obtained using systematic random sampling technique. The instrument used was Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI). Statistical data was obtained using Mann Whitney and unpaired t-test. Result. Results of Mann Whitney statistical test showed no sexual function difference between DMPA a...
![Research paper thumbnail of How do Muslims consume dates?](
Background. It is recommended that Muslims consume dates. Many studies have proven the benefits o... more Background. It is recommended that Muslims consume dates. Many studies have proven the benefits of date consumption. However, many Muslims have not implemented these recommendations with many more consuming dates in a manner not in accordance with Islamic recommendation. Aim: To identify gaps between Muslims' habits and Islam's recommendation in the context of date consumption. Method. A mixed method study with sequential exploratory strategy has been used in this study. The qualitative design used a phenomenology approach while the quantitative design used a cross-sectional approach. Research subjects were Muslims who had consumed dates. The sampling technique was carried out by purposive sampling. A total of 42 Muslims were involved in in-depth interviews and 904 questionnaires were analyzed. Results. The finding in this study describes Muslims' experience in getting dates; reason and way in consuming dates; amount of time in consuming dates including the experience for the first time, the regularity of consumption and the time consuming habit; number of dates consumed by the subjects daily, obstacles faced by Muslims in obtaining dates; and the benefits of dates. Conclusion. There are gaps between Muslims' habits and Islam's recommendations in consuming dates. Reguler date consumption is not only able to fulfil the spiritual need but also nutritional needs of the human body.
![Research paper thumbnail of How is oxytocin cold chain in peripheral areas? And is it still effective uterotonic?](
Background. World Health Organization (WHO) has recommended oxytocin as an optional uterotonic me... more Background. World Health Organization (WHO) has recommended oxytocin as an optional uterotonic medicine to prevent and handle postpartum haemorrhage. However, there is much worry about the quality of oxytocin in developing countries. Aim: To describe the condition of oxytocin cold chain in the peripheral area, from the source until before being applied to the patients. Method. Mixed method with sequential exploratory strategy was used in this study. Qualitative design used phenomenological approach and quantitative method used cross-sectional approach. Data collecting was done through in-depth interviews using interview guidelines. Participants were oxytocin suppliers, persons in charge of drug warehouses in medical centres, and medical personnels helping childbirth. Samples were selected using purposive sampling. Data collecting was done from November 2017 to February 2018 in Indragiri Hilir Regency, the Province of Riau, Indonesia. There were 32 participants getting involved in in-depth interviews, 123 respondents filled in questionaires and all were verified using supporting data. Results. Findings of this study describe oxytocin cold chain including drugstores, delivery process, duration of delivery, oxytocin handling, oxytocin orders, kinds of medicine, medicine chests, and electricity in medicine supliers, drug warehouses and medical centres. Conclusion. Most of the cold chain of oxytocin is not maintained from drug suppliers, drug warehouses, health care providers to the patients. Deviation tolerance of oxytocin cold chain can not be used as a justification. There is a consequence of oxytocin potential decline for every deviation. The government should examine unregistered and below standard medicine manufacturers, and encourage law enforcement for every violation.
![Research paper thumbnail of Can date fruits and 7dates replace iron tablets in increasing hemoglobin levels?](
Background. Iron suplement programs, as an approach to overcoming anemia, indicate positive impac... more Background. Iron suplement programs, as an approach to overcoming anemia, indicate positive impact although many studies have also noted varying levels of success or even a failure. The known and commonly acknowledged side effect of iron supplements, such as constipation, causes a tendency for patients to stop consuming these supplements. Aim: To examine hemoglobin level and bowel movement differences resulting from an iron suplement program of the government program as well as consumption of the date fruits, and two common products freely available to the Indonesian consumers. Method. This study is a pilot randomized controlled trial with four groups consist of three treatment groups and one control group. Respondents were anemia adolescent girls with inclusive but not exclusive criteria. 40 respondents were selected using random permutated blocks. Intervention was done for 30 days with weekly assessments. Data analysis used Friedman Test, Wilcoxon Signed Rank and Multiple Linear Regression test. Results. There is a significant hemoglobin difference before and after intervention on the four groups. The differences seen in week 1, 2, 3, then tends to decline. Strong, significant correlation is found in treatment with hemoglobin and defecation duration (week 4) and bowel problems (week 2, 3, 4); feeding frequency and menstruation with hemoglobin (week 1); feeding frequency and defecation duration (week 2); water intake and defecation duration (week 4). Multiple linear regression analysis results in regression equation and participants' prediction towards dependent variables. There is a positive, significant relationship between treatment (week 2, 3) and bowel problems, water intake (week 4) and defecation duration. Conclusion. Dates can be used instead of iron tablets and 7dates can be used as a companion iron tablets.
![Research paper thumbnail of Please, understand why village midwife performance is not optimum!](
Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science, 2017
Background : Mother and babyÂ’s death is still a global isue. The presence of village midwife has ... more Background : Mother and babyÂ’s death is still a global isue. The presence of village midwife has been proved effective in decreasing pains and deaths. However, in the past few years, the contribution of village midwife in preventing deaths is questioned. The low performance of village midwife is regarded as the reason why the isue exists. Objective : To find out the reasons why village midwife performance is not optimum. Design . The study used mixed methods with sequencial exploratory strategy. The study was started by collecting qualitative data, which was then followed by collecting quantitative data. The collecting of qualitative data was done by having focus group discussion (FGD) and thorough interviews, while the collecting of quantitative data was conducted by fulfilling questionaires. Setting : These activities had been carried out from August to November 2016 in 27 subdistricts in Indragiri Hilir Regency. Participants : The data collecting was done by involving 5 facilitat...
![Research paper thumbnail of Comparison of quality of life between tubectomised and non-tubectomised in district of Kiarapedes Purwakarta Regency](
Tubectomy has been known as the most appropriate method for women who had decided to stop conceiv... more Tubectomy has been known as the most appropriate method for women who had decided to stop conceiving. Some argue that it may improve their quality of life; on the other hand some say it may cause physical, psychological and mental problems due to increased incidence of dysmenorrhea or other post-tubectomy syndrome. This study aimed to compare the physical health, mental health and sexual function between tubectomy acceptors with non-tubectomy. A cross-sectional study was conducted of 198 people, distributed equally between tubectomy and non-tubectomy groups who met the inclusion criteria. The research was conducted in the Kiarapedes District Purwakarta in February 2013. The Short Form 36 (SF-36) questionnaire was used to measure the dimensions of physical and mental health, while the Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI) was used to measure sexual function dimensions. In physical health dimensions the scores obtained from the tubectomy group had a median score 80(28-88) compared to 78...
Papers by Indrayani Indrayani