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1] Laboratory studies reveal the sensitivity of measured geophysical properties to solid-fluid, fluid-fluid, and solid-solid interfaces in granular and fractured materials. In granular materials, electrical properties and nuclear magnetic... more
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      EngineeringEarth SciencesNuclear Magnetic ResonanceSoil Physics
Electrogustometry is a convenient method to examine taste acuity in clinical situations. Some basic properties of neural activity in the cerebral cortex in response to electrogustatory stimulation were revealed by measuring... more
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      NeurosciencePsychologyCognitive ScienceMusic
Shales display significant seismic anisotropy that is attributed in part to preferred orientation of constituent minerals. This orientation pattern has been difficult to quantify because of the poor crystallinity and small grain size of... more
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    • Geophysics
Within the context of seismic wave propagation, fractures can be described as thin layers or linear-slip interfaces. In this paper, numerical simulations of elastic wave propagation in a medium with a single fracture represented by these... more
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      GeophysicsElastic wavesNumerical SimulationFinite Difference
Recent studies on noninvasive recordings from human brain have shown the existence of tasteelicited activation areas in the cerebral cortex. While functional MRI (f-MRI) and positron CT (PET) are often used for these studies, the... more
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      Functional MRIMagnetic fieldCerebral CortexHuman Brain
A method for determining elastic properties of rock fragments is presented. The method consists in creating two component composite specimens of a continuous Wood's metal matrix embedded with rock fragment inclusions. Six different... more
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      Civil EngineeringRockElastic Properties
To examine the effects of multiple, aligned fractures in rock, we have developed a two-dimensional elastic finite difference code for fractured media. Fractures are incorporated into the model explicitly as displacement-discontinuity... more
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      Civil EngineeringSeismic AnisotropyFrequency Dependence
The contributions of frictional slip on the nonlinear, hysteretic deformation of sandstone in the reversible regime (i.e., prior to the onset of permanent deformation) for uniaxial strain compression are investigated through an analysis... more
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      Civil EngineeringLinear ElasticityPath DependenceStrain Measurement
Elastic wave conversions across a fracture in rock subjected to shear stress are observed during laboratory ultrasonic transmission tests. Compressional waves (P-waves) and shear waves (S-waves) normally incident on a sheared fracture are... more
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      Civil EngineeringSeismic WavesElastic wavesShear Stress
This study demonstrates that joint-parallel compressive stresses were integral to the development of joint sets on Vancouver Island, British Columbia. The mapped study area contains paleostress indicators in the form of calcareous... more
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      GeologyStructural GeologyStructuralNumerical Simulation
Poroelastic analysis has traditionally focused on the relationship between dry or drained constants which are assumed known and the saturated or undrained constants which are assumed unknown. However, there are many applications in this... more
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    • Multidisciplinary
Red berries of a tropical plant called miracle fruit, Richadella dulcifica, reduce the sour and aversive taste of acids and add sweet and palatable taste. To elucidate the brain mechanism of this unique action of miracle fruit, we... more
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      MagnetoencephalographyMagnetic fieldCerebral CortexNeuroimage
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      PsychologyCognitive SciencePhoneticsMagnetoencephalography
When two tones are presented in a short time interval, the response to the second tone is suppressed. This phenomenon is referred to as forward suppression. To address the effect of the masker laterality on forward suppression,... more
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      Auditory PerceptionPsychoacousticsMagnetoencephalographyMultidisciplinary
Many studies involving the application of geophysical methods in the field of gas hydrates have focused on determining rock physics relationships for hydrate-bearing sediments, with the goal being to delineate the boundaries of gas... more
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When two tones are presented in a short interval of time, the presentation of the preceding tone (masker) suppresses the response evoked by the subsequent tone (signal). To address the processing in forward suppression, we applied 2- and... more
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      PharmacologyBioinformaticsEvolutionary BiologyPathology
A two-dimensional elastic finite difference code was developed to examine the characteristic of seismic waves propagation in a fractured rock containing multiple, aligned fractures. The displacement-discontinuity boundary conditions were... more
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      Time DelaySeismic AnisotropyFrequency DependenceFinite Difference
This paper examines the characteristics of channel wave propagation in a waveguide formed by two parallel fractures using two-dimensional elastic finite difference simulation and mode analysis. Velocity dispersion of the fracture channel... more
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      High FrequencyRayleigh fading channelWave propagationFinite Difference