Well, im thinking of doing a lasik treatment...Tahap kerabunan mata ni takde la teruk sgt..Dlm 200 camtu jer power nye, but when i forced my eyes nk focus on something, lama2 sure i got migraine...Sgt mengganggu ok bila kena migraine ni...There were times that i can see things or read very cleraly, and ada jugak kadang2 vision jd blurrr jerr...Went to see the opthamologist at KPJ Selangor Specialist last year, but the doc told me nothings wrong with my eyes...I guess during that time my eyes tgh ok, tak rabun...Back to the lasik thingy, i've heard that the procedure is short and painless...I dont want to wear contact lens and tkmo pakai spectacles jugak...Its not cheap tau nk buat spec..Nk pilih frame apa smua plus power mau jugak smpai Rm1k plus...Haihhh...Si kecik tuh pulak mmg favourite dia lah amik specs and kepak2 kan specs...Dh berapa byk kali dah specs grandma dia rosak...I've called Vista Vision Specialist and PPUM yeaterday, tp PPUM tak buat lasik treatment pulak...Mcm tk logic jer, tkkn la dia org tak buat lasik kan??...Nnti nk try call lagi sekali tnya btol2...Hahahah...Td dah call Tun Hussien Onn National Eye Hospital, insyallah appointment tuk screening lg 2 minggu...Tkmo buat kat private hospitals sebab cost dia sgt mahal smpai 8-10k plus..NO NO NO!!!...
LASIK is short for ‘LASer In-situ Keratomeleusis’, which in layman’s terms means computer-controlled laser correction on the cornea. Refractive indicates the alternation of the angle at which light focuses in the eye, while surgery refers to the lamellar surgical incision, which is made in the cornea. The procedure is performed under local anaesthetic (analgesic eye drops) without the need of injections. Both eyes are treated at the same time on an outpatient basis. The laser is calibrated for your specific procedure by entering your spectacle prescription into the computer connected to the laser. The surgery is performed under magnification with operating microscope. Patients remain awake and comfortable and experience no discomfort during the procedure.
- LASIK does not weaken the cornea the way a surgical procedure performed with a blade does (RK)
- LASIK eliminates or drastically reduces the dependence on spectacles and contact lenses.
- With LASIK you are treated as an outpatient, which reduces the cost of the surgical procedure dramatically.
- The entire LASIK procedure takes about 30 minutes and is painless.
- There is no need for general anaesthesia; only local anaesthetic eye drops are used.
- In approximately three days after LASIK surgery you will be able to carry on with your life as usual. So far no patient has ever experienced any loss of vision as a result of LASIK, and postoperative infection is about 1 in 5,000 cases world –wide. In extensive clinical trials to date no long term side effects are apparent.
Before the procedure, a 2-3 hours thorough pre-operative screening tests as follow are performed to ensure you are a good candidate for the procedure:
- Visual Acuity, VA
- Centration in Ladar Wave
- Orbscan (Corneal Topography)
- Autorefraction
- Manifest Refraction
- Dilation
- Wavefront Analysis
- Pachymetry
- Calculation of Ablation depth
- Surgeon Consultation
- Surgery Planning
How the procedure is performed???
On the day of your surgery:
- An eye drop anaesthetic is used to numb your eye to ensure a painless procedure. A small eyelid holder will be placed between your eyelids to keep you from blinking during the procedure.
- During LASIK surgery, a thin slice of corneal tissue (160 microns) is cut partially off the surface of the cornea with an automated microkeratome. The laser will sculpture the area underneath the flap. Replacing this flap allows for rapid visual recovery and reduces discomfort after surgery.
- After the flap has been lifted, the computer controlled Excimer laser treatment is done directly on the underlying deeper layer of the cornea. The laser corrects the shape of the cornea by means of a procedure that gently vaporises minute amounts of tissue from the surface of the eye. Excimer laser pulses, i.e. specific wavelengths of ultraviolet light, remove thin layers of tissue from the cornea.
- After the treatment, the corneal flap is replaced. No sutures are used to fixate the flap, but natural atmospheric pressures, suction, and healing power of the cornea keeps the flap in position and prevents it from moving. The actual laser working time will vary between 30 seconds to 2 minutes, depending on the amount of diopters of your spectacle correction. The entire procedure takes less than 30 min for both eyes.
- After the laser operations, the eyes are covered with plastic shields to prevent any rubbing or pressing on the eyes. Analgesics are supplied to see you through the first night. The next morning the shields are removed and at the first visit the majority of patients have vision good enough to qualify for driving a car. The eyes can be scratchy and tearing for prevention of any infection or discomfort.
After the procedure:
- Most people are able to return to work within 2-4 days. It has a quick healing process with minimal discomfort for 1-2 days after the surgery. You will normally get 70-80% of your vision by the next day without your glasses.
- During the first week the vision recovers rapidly and after four weeks the eyes are very near to optimal visual activity. It can take up to 3 months for a person’s vision to stabilize completely.
- No swimming for 4 weeks.
- No diving or water skiing for 8 weeks.
- No mascara or eyeliner for 2 weeks. Eye shadow can be worn within 1 week postoperatively.
- Take extra care when bathing and washing your hair to avoid getting soap and water in the eye for 2 weeks.
- You may drive, as soon you feel comfortable to do so. Care should be taken with night driving since halo and starburst effects of lights may occur. Due to these effects comfortable driving in the dark may take longer than driving in daytime.
- Do not use any eye drops or eyewashes other than those prescribed to you by the doctor.