Showing posts with label Flynn. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Flynn. Show all posts

April 10, 2024

Wishful Wednesday

Yesterday, Flynn and I went to the dentist. No cavities, by the way! I saw this little peek of yellow in the parking lot and knew I had to take a picture. If you have read here for a while, you know why. If not, let me explain with pictures.

Years ago, when Flynn was little, she noticed all the beautiful specks of yellow popping up in our yard and ran outside to admire them. While many see these annual visitors as a nuisance, Flynn sees them as a bright and cheery part of nature. We began to wait each year for her dandelions and captured her happiness with a few pictures, showing her joy. Well, years passed, as they seem to do, and although we no longer document these little signs of spring, we still notice and remember the days of Flynn's dandelions. I am thankful to her, for in that initial moment of childhood innocence, she instilled in me something I always remember. We can see certain things in life as weeds needing harsh removal or as flowers that, for a brief time, offer us an opportunity to pause and admire them before they blow away as wishes in the wind.

I wish a dandelion-filled Wednesday for you, my friends.
Have a cozy day!

Billie Jo

November 20, 2023

Monday Morning Coffee

Good Monday morning! I hope your weekend was a happy, healthy one. We celebrated a birthday here this weekend, and even though I cannot believe it to be true, my baby is fourteen. Yes, this little lady who brings joy to all our lives is now fourteen.

Flynn is a gift to our family. She is so many things; I could never list them all, but I will share some things about her so I can look back and remember one day. Flynn Grace...

Makes our family complete.

Is the most relaxed, easygoing young person ever.

Has a unique relationship with every member of our family.

Is the least judgemental person I know.

Loves music, art, and space.

Is an amazing artist.

Loves movies.

Dislikes tomatoes, pasta, citrus fruits, and fish.

Loves cinnamon rolls and milk.

Embraces the joys of childhood as she navigates the teenage years.

Loves dogs. All dogs.

Has a classy style with a bit of an edge to it.

Has friends of all ages.

Is living proof of God's love.

Happy and blessed 14th birthday, my Flynn Grace!

(Shoutout to Madison, Nicolas, Peyton, Chris, Rhett, and Kyrstin for helping us celebrate Flynn on her special day. Madison and Nicolas watched the pups while we went to lunch and a movie, Peyton made the delicious cake, Rhett secured the tickets to the movie, and Christopher and Kyrstin added so much joy and love to Flynn's day.)

Oh, and one more special friend arrived just in time for Flynn's birthday!

Zip continues to bring joy into our home at Christmas. His magic is appreciated differently now but still enjoyed. I hope my children always remember that we are never too old for the magic. 

Have a wonderful Monday of Thanksgiving week, my friends!


September 6, 2023

June 9, 2023

Some Joys Of June


Hello! Happy Friday, my friends! This is the face of a girl who just completed Seventh Grade! We had a successful, fun, and productive year. Eighth Grade next?!?! In addition to the end of our homeschool year, a few other things signal the beginning of summer. 

First, local strawberries. My family waits all year for these few weeks when we can eat all things strawberry! 

And then there are the precious little fawns that arrive and follow their mommies around, learning the ropes. As nice as this photo appears, the reality is that here in Pennsylvania, we have had some very poor air quality from the wildfires in Canada. Wednesday was the worst, although not nearly as bad as some places. We stayed inside and kept busy, finishing school and making a few of our favorite meals.

Wednesday night, we had shrimp tacos. They are delicious and relatively easy...if you are lucky like me and have a sous chef named Madison doing all the chopping and arranging! I may have shared this recipe before, but if not, I will link it HERE.

Last night was cooler, so I tried a new recipe for Baked Chicken Parmigiana. It was amazing! If you want to try it, I will link it HERE.

I finished this book and give it a very positive review! It is very well-written and thoroughly researched. I appreciated the author writing an informative book that is not merely a compilation of tabloid gossip. This book isn't a Beach Read but a deeper look into the relationship between the Duke and Duchess and other royal family members. I recommend it, but Mocha found it a bit tiring. 

Have a nice weekend, my friends. 
Thanks for stopping in!

Billie Jo

March 13, 2023

Monday Morning Coffee Chat

Good Monday morning, my friends! How are we all doing with the time change? I remember when the kids were babies, and I had them on a schedule. I had the hardest time deciding when to put them down for their naps after changing the clocks. Steve would just shake his head! Those were the days!

I am sitting here with my coffee by the fire, staring out at the slowly falling snow. I have said my prayers, unloaded the dishwasher, and am just about to make breakfast. Later I will homeschool with Flynn, change my bedsheets, and do a grocery order. Dinner tonight is tacos! When one has thawed ground beef in the fridge to use, one makes tacos! You can't go wrong with that! Monday nights are for The Bachelor, so that is my plan after the dishes are done, the counters are wiped, and the little kitchen lamp is turned on. 

Here are just a few pictures to sum up our weekend...

Obligatory on the way to Mass selfie 

Flynn at dinner after

Peyton happy to finally have snow

And Madison happy at work in her very own Bridal shop

Oh! And the super pretty, super easy, and super delicious breakfast I made for Steve and me Saturday morning ~ an egg, Laughing Cow Cheese, and spinach roll-up on a low-carb tortilla!

Have a cozy Monday, my friends!

Billie Jo

November 21, 2022

Monday Morning Coffee Talk

Good Monday morning! I hope you had a lovely weekend and stayed cozy and healthy. We celebrated this past weekend. What, you ask? Well, we celebrated a very special birthday for a very special young lady. Our Flynn Grace turned 13!!! Yes, the little one that answered my prayers and completed our family is 13. I could lament how I cannot believe it is possible, and it would be true. But I remember clearly rocking that precious baby in the glider in my bedroom, thinking, "Live in this moment. Breathe in the joy of rocking this baby. Don't let this time pass without being fully present, and one day years from now, you will feel peace because you will know you savored every single moment of having this precious Flynn Grace in your life."

So we celebrated our teenager Saturday by going to mass, where Christopher played his violin so beautifully, and then came home to dinner with the people who make Flynn's life so special. Dinner was Steve's marinated chip steak, Madison's homemade macaroni and cheese...the best I have ever eaten and steamed green beans. Flynn's choice! Dessert was provided by Peyton, who made three of Flynn's very favorites: fudge, pumpkin bread, and an amazing chocolate chip skillet cookie that she baked here and served warm with ice cream and chocolate sauce. Everything was as delicious as it sounds, believe me!

Flynn opened presents, we played a trivia game and visited far into the night. She was blessed with wonderful gifts: a pair of Rudolph sweatpants from Rhett and Kyrstin that she immediately put on and a pair of red Converse hightops that made her very happy! She received texts, calls, and cards from friends and relatives throughout the day, making it the best birthday for our family blessing, Flynn Grace.

Pictures to remember the fun:
Mom and Dad

Madison and Nicolas
Madison, who turned 13 a week after Flynn was born and secretly planned a beautiful surprise baby shower with her friends and their mothers that I will remember forever...

Peyton and Chris
Peyton, who prayed and prayed for a baby and loved Flynn so much she became her second mother from the day she came home from the hospital and continues to text with her every single day...

Rhett and Kyrstin
Rhett, who was just seven when Flynn was born, wanted a little brother so badly but changed his mind the minute he laid eyes on her in the hospital and introduced her to his love of movies, music, and Taco Bell...

Margie and Chris
Aunt Margie and Uncle Chris, who love all my children as their own and spoil Flynn with love and presents and will always play games with her...

Aunt Marian
"Aunt" Marian, who is a constant in Flynn's life, always seems to know the trends before we do and makes Flynn so happy whenever she visits...

Aunt Sally
Aunt Sally, who showed her love of Flynn before she was born by cleaning my house and making me dinner every week while I was pregnant, and who makes Flynn feel so special always...

Happy Birthday to my Flynn. She is the most easy-going, laid-back, caring young person ever. She loves drawing, music, hoodies, Halloween, and family. She is never in a bad mood and never falls asleep during movies. She loves homeschooling and is devoted to her love of our Catholic faith. She has friends of all ages and is always smiling. She loves dark chocolate, tacos, and being home. And we love her!

Have a wonderful Monday, my friends!
And if you are cooking Thursday, don't forget to put your turkey in the fridge!

Billie Jo